Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Teleportation Records dating to 1593

Teleportation events date back in time to the year 1593, October 24th. The phenomenon itself fascinated earthers of the time. It was Charles Fort who coined the phrase "teleportation." which described the transportation of a person or object from one place to another.

So what actually happened on that October day in 1593?

One particular noteworthy case occurred involving witnesses and a uniformed imperial guard appearing in Plaza Mayor in Mexico City. It was all very mysterious indeed.

The person was recognised as a palace guard for the Governor in the Philippines capital, Manila, whom people recall looked dazed and confused. He materialized out of no-where in the bright light of day like something in Star Trek. When the villagers asked him who he was, he identified himself as Gil Perez. However he explained, he didn't understand how he ended up where he was. All was not what it seemed. Well well, rumours spread fast, "have we got a deserter, here?"

Gil Perez recounted his teleportation experience which began when the Governor, Gomez Perez Demarinas gave the order to have his head taken off! Why? cried the villagers in disbelief. "I spoke ill words of the Governor, I'm was so sorry. There can be no forgiveness, he said!" it was game over!. The villagers gasped.


The blood from previous executions stained the wooden deck upon which numerous headless bodies and split craniums fell, gushed before cheering spectators visiting the castle by invitation of the Governor. Perez felt weak at his knees and rubbed his neck before being forced to place his head on the block.

 "No, way never, how can this be happening to be?" cried Perez. The block smelt awful. As a final insult to the condemned, the governor ordered the hooded executioner (who was drunk) to use a blunt blade on Perez which added to the immense pain and suffering inflicted on victims. Perez screwed his eyes shut and hoped the axeman wouldn't botch the job as the blade cut through the air....

Later the Governor himself suffered an ill fate. Suffice to say no-one believed Gil Perez's story when he re-energized like Captain Kirk beaming down from the starship USS Enterprise NCC 1701 several days later in Plaza Mayor in Mexico City. No instead Perez was arrested and chucked in jail as a deserter abandoning his duty.

However upon close scrutiny his story actually held up. Records dating back to 1698 documenting this highly unlikely case were written by a religious historian. More witnesses testified that yes, Gil Perez was seen on duty as a palace guard the day before his mysterious appearance in Mexico. Why Governor Demarinas took a dislike to his guard, who knows? Gil Perez was sent back to Manila to retake his position as a palace guard and lived a seemingly uneventful life ever after. Believe it or not actually. These are actual real life events!

Maybe somebody is having a laugh but one thing is clear. The records while contentious are indisputable. I have tried to give an accurate account of teleportation in 1593 which transpired in Mexico City.

Would you have believed Gil Perez "Beam me down,Scotty story?"

Live Long and Prosper Trekkies, Niners and Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Amazing Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda is the largest galaxy neighbouring our Milky Way System. The Milky Way which encompasses our solar system made up of stars, space dust, gases and all that other wonderful stuff, is where our harmless little world is. The width of the Milky Way disk is 100,000 light years accross.

When I started out reading about the universe, the word disk, sort of stuck out. Disk includes everything in a galaxies system, right down to the space dust. Some Stars also have disks with floating debris and space dust orbiting around them, which were once planets.

The Andromeda disk is 260,000 lightyears accross, which means that not only would it take 260,000 earth years for a light beam to travel from one end to another, but it is about three times bigger than our own milky way galaxy. Theres very definitely intelligent life out there! Imagine what they could be getting up to. For the full article click on the link below.

"Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech"

Amazing Andromeda Galaxy

Live Long and Prosper!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Starship Navigation In Space

Ensign bring us about Bearing 330 mark 15 engage. We've heard Captain Picard giving these orders on the bridge of the Enterprise, but what does it mean? The term "Bearing" is a mathematical expression which Picard gives as part of an instruction to the helm. This alerts the ensign or navigational officer of his intent to change the direction of the Enterprise from its previous heading and redirect the flightpath of the Enterprise towards the direction of the other spaceship, which is most likely visible on the viewscreen.

A bearing measures the angular difference between the current forward direction of the spacecraft (Enterprise in diagram) and the direction being described. (Khan's Botany Bay ship) The first number in a bearing of 000 mark 0 describes the direction, directly ahead of the vessel. The second number in a bearing of 330 mark 15 describes the direction to the port side ( look right) of the larger ship (Enterprise) which is the elevation value of the Enterprise towards Khans Botany Bay vessel, right above the centerline of the ship.

When the mathematical expression "Heading" is given this describes the direction of the Enterprise not in relation to any other ship or object, but to a region of space. A Heading is composed of two numbers representing an azimuth value and an elevation value in degrees. The numbers 000, mark 0 describe the ships direction towards the Geometric Center of the Galaxy. The ships degrees are from 0 to 360 in a clockwise motion and encircle the vessel.

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Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Stars and planets are also used as a reference guide by starships to identify a location in space or set a new ships flightpath. Federation starship computers can immediately set a ship's course direction in space, based on previously explored and mapped positions of interstellar "space bodies" otherwise known as planets, stars and even asteroid belts.

Verbal navigational mathematical instructions given by Captain Picard to the conn, have advantageously altered the U.S.S. Enterprises NCC 1701-D bearing and elevation in times crisis with enemy ships, thus averting disaster for the entire Enterprise crew.

Starship Navigation In Space

The center of the Galaxy 000, mark 0 is also used as a reference point when calculating the direction of the ships Direction of Flight towards another region of space. In the diagram with the U.S.S Enterprise NCC 1701-D and the U.S.S Yamato NCC 71807 both have an azimuth heading of 030.

Live Long and Prosper!

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