Monday, January 14, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness Condition Green

J.J. Abrams said recently Star Trek Into Darkness begins with a group of people [USS Enterprise crew] being tested in a way they have never been tested before.

 Away missions are risky business. Vulcan's are experts in logic, well equipped to purge themselves of all human emotions or so you would think. These guys are the smart ones. Humans on the other hand are prone to emotional impulses which is why we screw up so much. But how logical is it to descend into a scalding hot volcano in a bionic suit? Remember, Mr Spock in particular followed the teachings and philosophies of Surak:

Logic and Emotional Control. His cunning ancestors were an extremely violent race of people who waged almost constant warfare against each other. Technological leaps in Vulcanian society pushed the species to near extinction which now ironically, thanks to J.J. Abrams new movie timeline, is now scattered across the galaxy. Now, I'm not getting all logical on you but shouldn't Dr McCoy be cutting in, complaining right about now?

'Wheres the D*M logic in lowering yourself into a violently active volcano, Spock? Good God man, have you lost your vulcan mind?'

Star Trek Into Darkness will likely appeal to naughty young minds exploring new frontiers, so its neat Uhura(played by Zoe Saldana) and Spock are all wrapped up in each other. Uhura pecks her vulchie and Spock's all set for his volcano gig. Freeze the volcano and rescue the Nibiru creature inside without being detected or blowing the prime directive. Sounds simple doesn't it?

All helmsman Sulu had to do was flick a few switches controlling the shuttlecrafts descent and altitude above the lava flow. Spock's dangling off a cable and then Sulu (played by John Cho) goofs up big style by losing his nerve. Can you believe it? Spock should have fallen to his death, leaving behind a fazed Sulu aboard the shuttle trying to figure out what went wrong. Heck yeah, it had to be the intense heat blitzing the shuttles impulse engines didn't it? We knew that!!! 

Maybe this is where Pavel Chekov should chime in with, 'I can do zat!'

 Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers, Niners and Trekkies!

Monday, January 07, 2013

Bruno Mars The Lazy Song

Heres a classic Nimoy for you to enjoy. If you love Star Trek then feast your eyes on this epic parody, It made perfect sense as I crawled out of bed today to go to work. I actually found myself smiling and humming the tune, LOL. 'Today, I don't feel like doing anything.' sung by Bruno Mars.

Any ideas on how to resist lazy yearnings?

or is it better to joint long and prosper?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Star Trek Goof Ups

Its always fun meeting and geeking out with strange new lifeforms at sci-fi conventions. Now lets warp back in time. Heres 'Telstars' masterful spin on Star Trek in January 1975. Its such a classic goof up, its why I want to thank Fred over at MyStartrekScrapbook whos on sabbatical  Give Fred a shout out when you get a chance!

The National Star, Telstar published a story about 'Star Trek Monsters' invading the city! which is pretty cool in my book, except these monsters look a little bit suspect!

Its 1975 remember, drug crazed 'Kiss' fans boldly trekked out to New York's Americana Hotel with no worries about making spectacular sensations of themselves. Ask yourself, who in their right mind does this stuff? The 'Kiss' fan on the right is decorated with a glittery tinsel garland!

Admittedly these guys do look perfect for Halloween or even the circus. I mean, just look at how they're dressed. When I first clapped eyes on these strange sensations I nearly burst myself laughing.

Some of the girls outfits were so skimpy cameramen were tripping over their wires.

Read Fred's news clipping below.

The real kicker comes when 'Telstar' MISTAKES our glittery 'Kiss' friends invading the city....... (drum roll) for actual Star Trek Fans!!!

What are your favorite science fiction goof ups?

Is Telstar's slipshod reporting a case of mistaken identities or do real Star Trek 'Monsters' exist in our universe, maybe right next door to you?

Friend long and Prosper, Trekkers and Trekkies!

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