The latest tid bits on Star Trek Into Darkness, with Paramount's BadRobot Director J.J. Abrams bubbling with enthusiasm. In this video interview he speaks on Empire about Star Trek Into Darkness new movie characters.
The plot and the villain are still a mystery but judging from the latest news, a trully fascinating storyline is emerging. Apparently movie fans don't have to watch Star Trek's classic series to understand Star Trek Into Darkness which is my take on what Abram's has said so far.
J.J.Abrams: The goal for this movie was to up the ante as much as we could. There were a lot of characters people were anticipating seeing, Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. I am more excited than I can tell you.The action and scale of this movie is lightyears beyond what we did in the first movie
Zachary Quinto: It was Pretty magical to see what they were able to create this time. I think its stunningly beautiful.
Chris Pine: The word people keep coming back to is relentless. Theres one thing after another after another.
Zoe Saldana: This is the kind of film that 3D is made for.
J.J.Abrams: Without question Imax and the 3D of it I think, will give viewers another level of execitement. This movie was the most fun and challenging experience that I've had. This is my everything I've ever done wrapped up in one movie.
What can we expect from Star Trek Into Darkness?
1. Klingon ships chasing Earth's Federation ships equipped for glorious battle action in space. Red Alert!
2. The movies antagonist, Khan and the captain of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701, James Kirk engaged in battle
3. Scotty hanging on yelling, beam me up Keenser!
4. John Harrison beating the spuds out of someone aboard a spacehip.
5. Hand to hand scrapping between Harrison and Kirk.
6. Cumberbatch is the threat leading them into a trap to 'a war zone world.
7.terrific conflicts and ripping explosions aboard starships claiming lives during the line of duty.
8. A storyline with action and a villain, bigger than the last movie.
9. Unstoppable terror detonating the fleetleaving Earth and her citizens in ruins, running and ducking for cover.
10. What do you think of the blue alien lifeform?
Aren't you excited?
Trek Long Into Darkness, Trekkies and Trekkers.