Without air, trapped starfleet crew members will suffer from boiling blood, radiation poisoning, loss of consciousness and asphyxiation. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Well, try imaging what it was like for Decker being gobbled up by the "Doomsday Machine." So its a good idea The Transporter Chief, is on the ball when energizing.
Here are some top tips from Scotty!
1. Target Scan and Co-ordinate lock. Necessary to avoid beaming the Enterprise crew into solid rock formations or inhospitable environments.
2. Energize and De-materializing is a little tricky sometimes but transporting really is the safest way to travel. The trick is keeping the subjects molecular pattern image intact while the transporter "coils" convert "you," hehe. Fingers crossed.
3. Its reassuring to know there are several safety error checking systems to ensure you get from A to B. For instance each transporter has four molecular imaging scanners which act independently of each other. The next time you're on the Enterprise take it easy and relax with a romulan ale: This might be your big chance to get away from it all!
The burning question has to be did Captain James T. Kirk ever say "Beam me up, Scotty," on Star Trek the original series? He did say, "Two to beam up," and other variations but the best remembered bit of trek dialogue is boldly energizing the hearts of fans everywhere.
Beam Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.