Star Trek Into Darkness is boldly going
where no movie has gone before.
Last Tuesday, STID online tickets sales soared in the United Kingdom. Paramount Pictures UK and Odeon both tweeted
concerns about the British Film Institute experiencing
online difficulty due to overwhelming demand. Trekmovie reported "demand for Into Darkness" crashing the UK ticketing website. Apparently hardcore trek fans were all trying to book at exactly the same time. Now the initial excitement has passed it time to grab your seat for an early screening in the UK. Tickets are now available in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D.
Do you like the STID UK banner?
Wheres Scotty, Chekov, Sulu "Bones" and Keenser?
P.S. Keenser was spotted recently hanging out with J.J. Abrams. What do you make of our furry friend in his brand new Starfleet grey?
L is for Lazy Day. Heres a classic Nimoy for you to enjoy. If you love Star Trek then feast your eyes on this fun parody, It made perfect sense today as I crawled out of bed to write the twelfth letter for the A to z challenge. I actually found myself smiling and humming the tune, LOL. 'Today, I don't feel like doing anything.' sung by Bruno Mars.
How are you coping with the A to Z blogfest?
Are you still speeding ahead, phasers blazing or have the engines stalled to sublight speed?
K is for K'Ehleyr's Klingons! Picard's USS Enterprise-D gets a cryptic message telling them to divert and intercept, top priority. Its a top secret interstellar matter for special envoy K'Ehleyr to fill our Enterprise buddies in on, Great, isn't this exciting? It gets better when she arrives in a class eight probe travelling at warp 9! K'Ehleyr, the special envoy from the Klingon Empire is blunt and straight to the point. A Klingon ship, the T’Ong, is about to awaken from a deep cryosleep after 75 years.
When the T'Ong's diehard crew wake up from hibernation, these Klingons will not surrender believing the Empire and the Federation are still at war... Forget about "sleeping on the job" for a whopping 75 years!
K'EHLEYR The point is that this is beside the point. These are Klingons... at war with us. Whatever their mission was -- once they see a Federation target, they'll attack.
PICARD Could the T'Ong be disabled rather than destroyed?
GEORDI We could probably knock out their warp engines without damaging the rest of their ship...
K'EHLEYR (shaking her head) That would gain you nothing. Disable the ship, and K'Temoc will destroy it himself.
WORF Klingons do not surrender.
K'EHLEYR Face it -- if we don't reach the T'Ong before its crew wakes up, you have no alternatives.
The question I've got is this: How is it possible for a Klingon ship from a much earlier era with defective cloaking coils etc to cross the borders of the United Federation of Planets for 75 YEARS and only be discovered now? At least this plot hole gives the Enterprise the perfect excuse to warp to the rescue, hehe. The performance given by Suzie Plakson playing K'Ehleyr in this Star Trek TNG episode of "The Emissary" is a thrill because she doesn't pull any punches. Definitely one to watch if you love Klingons!
Whats the name of the Captain of the T'Ong?
How does K'Ehleyr relieve her Klingon frustrations?