Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Starfleet Uniforms

U is for Star Trek uniform. Is yours ready for trekking into darkness?

In Star Trek's classic series, uniforms consisted of black pants, boots, and tunics in gold, red, and blue. In our new age of technology Starfleet uniforms can now be complete, all the way down to your feet! Gold is for command personnel, blue for science, red for security and engineering.

Trek fans have the option of wearing pants or dresses similar to those seen in any of Star Trek's series, so get kitted out to your socks!

What Starfleet colors will you be sporting at the movies premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness on May 17th?

 All uniform's have the Enterprises arrowhead insignia sewn above the left breast. Gold braid on the sleeve denotes rank depending on how many rows or broken rows there are. Just don't forget your communicator.

Two to beam in, Scotty!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Trekkie Trexels

When I discovered this poster on Alex J.Cavanaugh blog and my eyes nearly melted onto my computer screen.

The trekkie characters in John Martz "Trexels" creation nearly caused a sensory overload in my positronic matrix. Martz's poster has 235 Star Trek characters crying out to be identified. So why not feed your inner trekkie and take a stab at naming the characters, its fun!

Trexel long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers

Monday, April 22, 2013

Forbidden Planet

Whats the name of the Robot voiced by Marvin Miller in the 1956 movie Forbidden Planet?
Which science fiction movie franchise is heavily influenced by FP?

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...