Sunday, March 11, 2018

Anton Yelchin - Happy Birthday

Hello world and Friends, trekkers and trekkies. Its been two years since Anton Yelchin died on Sunday 19t June 2016. You'll remember he played Pavel Chekov, the USS Enterprise's navigator.

 "I can do zat" he yells while rushing down to the USS Enterprise's transporter to perform his miracle beam up trick (STID.) What a fun moment, I laughed because I have to admit, he was such a champion with that Russian voice and a hard act to follow.

Heres a happy snapshot of friends Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Karl Urban and Anton Yelchin with Zachary Quinto looking on I believe. I can't see Chris Pine. Anyway, here they are captured in a happy moment with Anton as Star Trek's cast hanging out together.


Zoe Saldana sums this moment up best.

Happy birthday Anton- in our hearts forever.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan who's 50th today! Born 22nd February 1968, here she is reaching out to our Star Trek hive minds, reading our thoughts. Can't you feel her presence? So wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

 I set out and discovered Husband Chef Christophe Eme  and Jeri on the web,  don't they look happy together?

Live Long and Prosper.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Star Trek Pals Leonard and William

Here's a cool interview with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. So Enjoy the laughs! Heck even John Wayne, the "Duke" gets a mention. Weren't these sci-fi maestro's just the best?



 The reason Star Trek has endured is because Leonard has this thing... (chuckle) 1.55 Its the stories (talk about me) the characters, the uniqueness of Mr Spock. Its the relationship of Mr Spock (hes finally got it right) and Kirk. The relationship that the three of us had the compadres, the family, the levels of meaning of the show, the uniqueness of Science Fiction at that time. It was all that and many other things but the curious thing is no-one really knows, so anything you say is as valid as anything we could say because if we knew what it was? we'd do it again! and again!

Friendship is a precious thing until...(record scratch) Why these good friends stopped trekking out is anybody's guess....

Live Long and Prosper

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...