Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kirk's Klingon Encounters

Kirk has always been deeply suspicious of Klingons. In 2267 aboard the K7 Deep Space Station, Korax the klingon called Kirk "an overbearing Tin Plated Dictator with delusions of Godhood and a Denibian Slime Devil." (Tribble Trouble) The klingon slagged off the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 which Mr Scott found unforgivable! (Scotty's Deep Space K-7 Shoreleave.) Chekov was outraged but Mr Scott ordered him to hold his ground, explaining that "everyones entitled to an opinion" so Chekov grudgingly sat down. The Klingon was undetered. "I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage; I meant to say that it should be hauled away *as* garbage." All hell breaks loose aboard K7 with Scotty throwing the first punch.

In 2267 the planet Organia becomes a Klingon military occupation. Kirk and Spock are trapped on the planet. They go undercover. The military Klingon Commander Korr and self declared Governor of Organia does not take prisioners but instead has many of the troublemakers snuffed out as a warning.

Image Copyright Belongs to Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Khan Noonien Singh was a human augment from the throwbacks of earth's eugenics wars. He was the ruling prince on earth worshipped by a quarter of the population between 1992 and 1996. Now defeated and exhiled the ex-prince of millions retreated with his 84 loyal subjects aboard the safety of the U.S.S. Botany Bay to escape earths orbit and recover from his war wounds. Kirk's Enterprise had the misfortune of coming to Khan's salvation. The discovery of the Botany Bay was picked up by the U.S.S. Enterprises sensors who beamed aboard to investigate this ancient sleeper ship. Year later, Khan still regarded Kirk as "his old friend" even though his cold calculating assassination attempt failed in his plot to take over the Enterprise.

"KIRK! Kirk you're still alive, my old friend..." affection is heard in the Princes voice.
"Still OLD FRIEND! You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target." responded a badly shaken Kirk, clearly enraged.

Image Copyrights Belong To Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

In 2285 Captain James Tiberius Kirk prepared for fierce combat with the Klingon Commander Kruge superbly played by Christopher Llyod on the planet Genesis. (Commander Kruge Is a Dynamic, Powerthirsty, Merciless Klingon Warrior)Kruge did'nt care how he got his weapon of ultimate power. Killing Kirks son David and fighting Kirk was just bad timing.

This Klingon Kruge guy just happens to be a hot tempered, merciless klingon not to be trifled with. Except Kirk's done just that by blowing Kruge's USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A Invasion-force to bits, a class act as Kirk's crew beamed off the ship. Captain Kirk's experiences with brutal savage Klingons stretch far beyond Organia and the Genesis Planet.

General Chang, a likeable, sneaky Klingon brilliantly played by Christopher Plummer tried to blow Kirk and the Enterprise NCC 1701-A's crew to smithereens using a cloaked bird of prey.
"O come now Kirk, you do prefer it this way. In space all warriors are cold warriors." At least General Chang had a sense of humor.

Last but not least, our own special little Klingon Geiger Counters were hard at work in the Trouble with Tribbles Star Trek episode. The chance to observe these special furry little critters emitting purring sounds had a strangly relaxing effect on me and the tribbles kept the Klingons from turning wicked evil on K7. Here is some of the best home viewing with Kirk's encounters with Klingons.

Trouble With Tribbles (TOS)
Errand of Mercy. (TOS)
The Wrath of Khan. (TOS)
The Search for Spock (TOS)
The Undiscovered Country. (TOS)

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers. Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 Laughs

Seven of Nine always has a flair for the dramatic. In this Star Trek Parody written for laughs by Betty Ragan, Voyagers crew are acting very strangely.

Janeway won't make that one little sacrifice to get her crew home. Hand over her coffee to some alien guys, even with her senior staff begging her! Lets make a note of this in our Star Trekking Logs and isn't Seven a sweet little ripper in this photo!

Voyager Parody

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers. Enjoy the Intergalactic Star Trekking Blog!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blake 7 and his "Liberator" Crew

Blake 7 isn't your ordinary sci-fi show. Sure, its a low budget BBC production but it has its fun moments intertwined with some very unique characters. The oppressive Earth Federation in Blake 7 aren't peaceful like Star Trek's United Federation of Planets but instead their tyrannical government specialise in mass brainwashing, torture techniques with a lust for crushing the Freedom Fighter rebellion. Blake is the brainwashed guy whose Freedom movement challenges the Federation and incurs their wrath. To begin with, Blakes ill equipped supporters are no match for the Federation and face mortal danger. The Federation is powerful and snuffs out Blake's family along with the first freedom movement he joined.

Bad news this Earth Federation. Worse again, good guy Blake becomes an outlaw after escaping the evil clutches of the Earth Federation which brainwashed him in an effort to control him. Along with prisoner champions of his own stripe, Blake gets lucky a second time round as a freedom fighter, star trekking the galaxy with his super cool alien ship.

With the help of an alien ship "Liberator" and Blake as the Leader, his merry band of intergalactic "bandits" have one primary goal. Bring the mighty Federation to its knees. However, Blake's crew of crooks, killers and smugglers suffer casualties along the way and remain high priorities on the Federation's extermination list.

Families go through pain over the loss of their loved ones, but Blake's crew are expendable losses sacrificed for the good of the cause... His crackerjack outlaws knew what they were getting into. This was going to be a dirty fight but at least now they could fight back! Blake himself is a worthy leader, dedicated to the cause with burning hatred towards his former captors which becomes his obsession. Snuffing out lives is a mere inconvenience for Blake who creates a major disruption for the Earth's oppressive Federation of Planets.

But what does this make Blake? Intergalactic Terror or Good Guy bandit...? You can judge for yourselves. The shows atmosphere is a tad dark however which makes it interesting. It doesn't show an entirely hopeful future. Lets hear it Trekkers, Aawwww..... Instead you've got sinister states, spooky guards and the heroes fighting amongst themselves in the name of freedom and personal wealth.

Blake7 Interstellar Trek

Can you really blame them? How would you feel if you were wanted on the Federation's top 50 list? And you can't seek asylum within the protection of their Earth Federation either because they'll torture you for information.

Poor devils. The show has its flaws and so do the characters, thats what makes it interesting. It even has a meek apologetic computer with a severe inferiority complex called Slave but that's another post!

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Keep on Star Trekking.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Star Trek Picard Personality Results

You are Jean-Luc Picard

A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others.

Captain Picard has given Spacerguy and his Star Trekking Blog his 100% approval Rating! Even with a daft jig on his head Picard can keep a straight face!

Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise E leaving orbit.

Image Copyrights Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Here are Spacerguys results.

You are Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Will Riker
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Mr. Scott
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Sulu
Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi

Click Here To Take The Star Trek Personality Test

Go on, you know you want too, hehe. Its fun!

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy your Star Trekking Test!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Star Trek XI Movie Newsflash

William Shatner aka Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise 1701 has revealed to Sci Fi Wire news about the 11th Star Trek movie. J.J. Abrams creator of lost and movie director of the next Trek Feature Film has met with W. Shatner.

It has emerged that rumours about the early years of captain James T. Kirk and Spock are confirmed. Spock's and Kirks academy years will be explored by J.J. Abrams. The Enterprises 1701(Constitution Class) Legendary Captain is quoted as saying to Sci Fi Wire " Yes, we know the story is based on young Kirk"

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures
or CBS Paramount Television

"and they told me they would like me to be part of their film, but they have yet to write the role"
So the wheels are in motion and J.J. Abrams being a Star Trek fan himself, will doubtless waste no time in finding out, where to place William Shatner's role in the movie along with Spock who incidentally is still alive on Vulcan. So no problem there.

"Its a very complex, technical problem of how to write the character in, and I'm not sure how they will solve it" admits W. Shatner to Sci Fi Wire.

Speaking as a Star Trek fan myself, I have every confidence they will.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

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