Sunday, June 17, 2007

Star Trek TNG Passion Quiz

The Enterprise NCC 1701-D crew have thrilled sci fi fans with their romantic encounters over the years. Unless you've a memory like Mr Spock, even trekkie earthlings aren't going to recall who did what..... And just who rated the highest in the making out department anyway?...... What are the dreamy statistics? These are the continuing liaisons aboard the starship Enterprise. Well here's an ultimate TNG Trek passion quiz for you. Have fun trying to answer!

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

1) How many women kissed Picard?

2) How many women had intimate interludes with Commander Riker?

3) How many women fall for Data?

4) How many women make a pass at Beverly Crusher?

5) How many men make a pass at Councellor Deanna Troi?

6) How many women give Geordi La Forge the Brush off?

7) How many women snarl at Worf?

8) How many girlfriends does Wesley get?

9) How many fantasy women are there in the TNG series?

10) How many fantasy men are there in TNG series?

If you know the answers like this sci fi trekkie addict, then prove it! lets see your trekkie credentials! I'll reward you with all the answers and an even better Star Trek quiz! Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reasons why Kirk is better than Picard.

Here are reasons why Kirk is better than Picard. However before you take my word for it, Trekkie citizens of the Federation, warp over to who believe Picard is better than Kirk!

You tell me, is James Tiberius Kirk or Jean Luc Picard the superior commander!! Remember Kirk has saved Earth from total extermination! but don't be swayed, Here are my reasons why Kirk is better than Picard:

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk faces his enemies in a final showdown, face to face and does'nt fear beaming down to planets.

Kirk knows how to defeat hostile aliens with Federation firepower and is'nt bothered about blowing them to smithereens either.

Not so on Picard's Enterprise. Jean Luc first finds out what Deanna Troi is feeling, next Picard asks for suggestions and then orders Yar to hail the enemy ship!!!

Kirk meanwhile has already given the word. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!!!

Kirk would personally throw Wesley out the airlock!

But Picard has given Wesley Crusher countless second chances despite the crew of the Federation's flagship USS Enterprise being placed in mortal danger by the nerdlings experiments.

Kirk does'nt believe in double talk, but Picard likes informing and squealing his way out of trouble.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Picard doesn't like to get his hands dirty, fighting mere mortals or punching. He leaves that to Worf, Riker or Data, while he waits on the bridge.(I have never seen Picard kill Klingons in hand to hand combat. Thats a joke.)

Kirk fights bad dudes all over the galaxy. Kruge was one and he snuffed out Kirk's only son David. Klingon Kruge was shoved over a cliff edge to his firey death for his trouble.

Kirk earned himself a reputation at Starfleet Academy as the only cadet to have beaten the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario.

Kirk has more awards and commendations than Picard.

Kirk is prepared for hand to hand fisticuffs, but Picard prefers to converse in conversation.

Kirk seduces women but Picard shouts at them. Remember Lilly?

Kirk has a real warm human heart but Picard has a cold heart of steel.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk exposes plots, foils Klingons, fights baddies, blows up ships and has saved Earth.

Picard is the good captain guy who maintains the peace through peaceful negotiations aboard the Federation's mighty flagship Enterprise.

Kirk saved Earth by repopulating the whale species with George and Gracie and introduced them to 23rd century Earth.

Kirk's the young guy with hair. Picard is the old bald guy. (Remember I'm still skylarking.)

Kirk calls the shots on his ship with his second in command never telling him what to do. Science Officer Spock was Kirk's second in command and respected the chain of command.

Picard got himself kidnapped ten times!

Picard is French and has worn tights. Kirk never wears tights!

Kirk drinks Romulan Ale and Saurian Brandy. Captain Picard favourite drink is Earl Grey Tea!

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk saves his crew members (Spock's Brain) (Search For Spock) but Picard is ruthless with his. Remember Ensign Lynch who got assimulated by the Borg? Picard yanked out Lynch's neuroprocessor in front of Lilly Sloan, whose shocked response is "Tough Luck eh?"

In one alternate future, Picard captains a more agressive Starfleet vessel during prolonged unrest with the Klingons. Kirk had to do battle with Klingons all the time during the 23rd century.

Kirk knew Tribbles made good detectives and were good at rooting out Klingon spies. These warm furry creatures with no teeth invaded Kirk's Enterprise and K7 but the price was well worth it. believe Tribbles would'nt stand a chance against Picard. Everyone at least deserves one chance?

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Robotic Heroes

What makes a robot tick? or even an android. Commander Data of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D for instance is immortal, so he has nothing to fear you might think. He has the strength of 10 men, doesn't rust, has an exhaustive computer memory and until 2371 was completely emotionless, when Dr Noonien Soong's (Data's human father) emotion chip was finally installed. Beforehand Data was completely fail safe and ruthless with his opponents. He had the equivalent fighting android capabilities for taking on the T800 Hk Terminator.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television

The Enterprise android is not without his flaws. The installation of Dr Soong's emotion chip initially made Data a weak, emotional android unable to master a flood of human emotionalism. Data's other Achilles heel was his master switch, known only to his Enterprise friends. It effectively put the chief of Operations in sleep mode or deactivated him. Lore has used his brothers vulnerabilities to control him for his own ghastly schemes. Let it be said, Commander Data's noted capabilities far outweigh his faults.

In Star Trek's TNG "The Measure of a Man" Data's rights to choose are challenged. A hearing is assembled on the starbase. Data's future and all future androids in the galaxy rest solely on the successful outcome of Captain Picard's Defense of Data. Fortunately Mr Data is not deemed the property of Starfleet Command but a sentient lifeform with entitlements on equal footing to his flawed earthling friends. WhooHoo!!

The question is who would win hand to hand combat to the death? Commander Data or the T800 Hunter Killer?

The fact is no-one knows what makes our favourite artificial friend tick. Even cyberneticist Commander Bruce Maddox who determined the androids suitability to enrol Starfleet Academy was flummoxed by the complexity of Data's Positronic Brain. The Enterprise's artificial whizz is just too complex to fathom. Gene Roddenberry's android Trek Star has become a really famous and cherished figure worldwide, played by Brent Spiner who has a huge fan base.

Part of the android Data magic can be credited to his mystical "positronic brain" imagined and written by Isaac Asimov in his first robot stories from 1939 on. Asimov's delightful sci-fi words (positronic) have sharpened star trek lingo and have contributed to the global success it is today. It is because of Data's special features and achievements that our artificial friend has been added to a list of four robotic creations to join Carnegie Mellon University's Hall of Fame.

Scan the Galactic memory banks at Star Trek Space. Engage!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird

This intimidating warbird was first seen in Star Trek The Next Generation. It happened in 2364 when Captain Picard's Enterprise was called to investigate disturbances along the neutral zone. It was 53 years, seven months and eighteen days since last contact, in 2311 ( after the Tomed incident- Captain Kirk) was made with the pointy eared Vulcan offshoots.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Meanwhile Dr Crusher is busy thawing out frozen humans who had snuffed it in the late 21st century, which Data thoughtfully salvaged earlier. When the sneaky Romulans do show up, they finally agree with Picard to work together and figure out whos been destroying their Outposts. "The Neutral Zone" is a good episode with some very funny lines. It also laid the groundwork necessary for many other story lines.

"Data why did you bring them back to the ship?" - Capt Picard

"It was either that or leave them there, sir." replies Data

"But Data they were already dead."- Capt Picard

"Yes sir, I see your point sir ." answers Data

"Well they're alive now. We're going to have to treat them as real living human beings!" - Picard

Patrick Steward did a great job here playing the unimpressed commander and the scene between himself and Brent Spiner is priceless. It makes me laugh every time. The captain gave no thanks to Data for saving three people from oblivion!

The Imperial Romulan Warbird, D'deridex class or type B is equipped with covert cloaking technology. Its almost twice the size of Captain Picard's Galaxy Class Federation Flagship Enterprise NCC 1701-D and is a formidable adversary in combat, developed approx 2345.

Its dangerous and virtually undetectable cloaking device is even more effective by cutting power and staying motionless in space. The Treaty of Algeron has kept the peace between the Federations (U.F.P) and Romulans for over 50 years. It forbids Starfleet from developing cloaking technology.

It is disputed that the D'deridex class warbird is more powerful than a klingon bird of prey. In the late 23rd century, during the Romulan/Klingon Alliance Romulans traded their precious cloaking technology for Klingon D-6 Raxor and D-7 Klolode battle cruisers. . The latest Romulan cloaking technology is superior however, to Klingon cloaks. Romulan cloaking technology remains undetectable to Klingon sensors, not surprising really considering Romulan Scientists created the Cloaking Device.

The Romulan ship has powerful firepower with aft and forward disruptor cannons, however these may not be fired when cloaked. Like the USS Enterprise NCC 1701, Romulans use photon torpedoes, but they prefer disruptors over phasers. All warbird shield protection is non functional when the ship is cloaked.

The power source of the warbird is a forced artificial quantum singularity, similar to a miniature black hole, unlike federation starships which rely on matter anti/matter cores for energy and warp propulsion.The menacing bird of war is fitted with a tractor beam and is always in a state of alert, ready for battle with charged disruptors.

The ship does not have separation capability or landing struts, nor is it highly manoeuvrable due to its bulk which measures 1200 meters in length. The warbird is warp capable with a top speed of just less than the federation's flagship. Lets hear it now, Aaaahhh, What a shame. All that spiffy technology. Captain Picard's Enterprise NCC 1701-D can out manoeuvre pointy eared space satans in their spooky green ships easily. So who's the best? Who's the best? Why the good guy is!! The Romulan crew quarters are located in the forward section of the Warbird as is the ship's Bridge, which has navigation, scanning and engineering stations. The nucleus of all the Romulan D'deridex Class activities.

Make It So With The Galactic Archives of the Star Trekking Blog! Happy Hunting.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nyota Uhura

In 1966 Nichelle Nichols played Lieutenant Nyota Uhura for three seasons going boldly where no woman has gone before. In 2266 Uhura took to the stars aboard the original USS Enterprise NCC 1701 in her most famous role as Communications Officer entertaining viewers with her "Hailing frequencies open, Captain." Her character is eventually promoted in Starfleet to the rank of Commander. Indeed Uhura reached deep into the hearts and minds of trek fans right accross the space time continuum and proved to be a valuable technician manning the USS Enterprise 1701. Under the command of Captain Kirk, Uhura is responsible for all incoming and outgoing starship communications. Her bridge responsibilities require establishing first contact with alien worlds, bypassing and repairing communication starship systems, detecting and isolating communication signals, responding to distress calls, warning the Captain and raising Starfleet Command.

Uhura can always be relied upon to cheer up the USS Enterprise by singing and seranading to her fellow crew mates in song. In fact her most shocking interstellar experience occured on stardate 3541.9 when the Enterprise was taken over by the space probe Nomad. The probe misunderstood Uhura's singing of 'Beyond Antares,'which she was fond of and assimulated all her memories in an effort to correct a malfunctioning biological unit. Captain Kirk was naturally displeased with Nomad but fortunately Dr Mc Coy's skilled medical techniques restored Uhura's memory to within fully operational starship parameters.

On stardate 5784.2, Uhura performed the first groundbreaking kiss between an Africian-American and a Caucasian, controlled by alien empaths, she was forced to kiss her commanding officer, Captain James T. Kirk in Platos Stepchildren. It was too bad for Trekkies in Europe because it was over 25 years before British television allowed it to be broadcast. Thats how delayed Europe is to the Americas. The history of Star Trek from the 1960s to 2007, depicts conflicts leading to the eventual rise and rapid emancipation of women on tv, films, the internet and societies accross theglobe. Nichelle Nichols, Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan in Star Treks TNG TenForward, JoanCollins as Edith Keeler in Star Trek's 'The City on the Edge of Forever', Mary Mc Alese as President of Ireland, Governor Sarah Palin and Sonia O'Sullivan have succeeded and become major forces to be reckoned with.

In 1968 Star Trek took the first step with Nichelle Nichols and it was a very neat one indeed despite NBC insisting that Kirk and Uhura's lips not be captured on camera. Even so, Nichols states in her book, 'Saturn's Child,' that the kiss was real. Because she is both female and black, Lieutenant Uhura represents two disparate communities united in the shape of one actress. Its interesting to note how far society as a whole has come all because of Star Trek and Nichelle's chance encounter with Martin Luther King. He urged her to remain on as Communications Officer because her character served as a role model not only for blacks but for everyone. Luther's words had such an effect on Nichol's that she later revealed in a "20/20" interview, "I knew that now black children must look at me on that ship even if I was pushing some buttons and know that 'this is a person that I can identify with, that I can emulate.'" One of those kids was Whoopi Goldberg, who told Starlog magazine, "I've been a Trekkie from way back. The only time you ever saw black people in the future was on Star Trek." In 1987 the Enterprise Starship Legacy lived on in the crew of the USS Enterprrise NCC 1701-D. Nichelle and Whoopi may not be in the captain's chair yet but Guinan is on the Flagship of the Federation and Lieutenant Uhura is on the Bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.

Kiss long and Prosper, Trekkies!

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...