Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is this really Patrick Stewart?

Patrick Stewart, Simon Pegg and Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) roam the streets of london and meet gold medalist Ryan Lochte. What a coinincidence! Stewart is in cunning disguise as a light fingered ticket touter but is it really him? Hes funny to watch. Simon Pegg arrives on the scene dully unimpressed by the captain's shenanigans but hey, its the London Olympics! Who cares so long as you get a front row seat.

Stewart cocks it up perfectly and says,

Strike me! Mr Pegg can I just say, I think you were fukin' marvelous in Star Wars! MARVELOUS!

Heres a tale in the ancient art of ticket scalping. I suspect Ryan Lochte might just be a little sore when he wakes up.

Race Long and Prosper, trekinators!

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