Thursday, April 04, 2013

D is for Dax

D is for Dax but who is she? Dax is the mysterious Star Trek symbiont who joins with the lovely Deep-space Nine Jadzia, who's a Starfleet lieutenant. Theres no easy way to explain this so I'll blurt it out. We're discussing two separate species here. One is a beautiful 28 year old female humaniod with a series of intricate, freckle-like markings from her temples to her shoulders and the other is a large fat slimey worm aka as Dax the warrior.

The good news is the creature shares with the "Trill" (which is really a humanoid shell), a wealth of life experiences and knowledge. The bad news is "Dax" the symbiote is over 300 years old and has made a number of Klingon friends. When Kang, Koloth and Kor come looking for their ol' pal Curzon-Dax, (previous host and creature) they simply couldn't believe their eyes. I guess you might say Jadzia is the ideal fix for a new life in the "witness protection program." Apparently Jadzia studied all her life to become a brilliant scientist and have a slug stuck inside her. Its the greatest honor a trill can give.

Trill long and Prosper, trekinators.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Star Trek V The Final Frontier

Lights, Camera, Action!  C is for close call.

Some say Star Trek V directed by William Shatner nearly killed off the movie franchise, lucky for us trek survived. Granted "The Final Frontier" has continuity errors, Kirk spinning around on wires in his scraps with Sybok and 78 decks in the Enterprise-A instead of 23, which is totally illogical! Searching the universe for God wasn't the cleverest idea either. The bearded guy got very angry when Kirk tried to check out his credentials. It would appear even God has to pass a vetting test before commanding the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A. Despite awful reviews, this movie isn't a complete flop considering it bagged $52 million bucks in 1989 clearing a $22 million profit.

The good news is William Shatner got his big moment in the Director's chair so five films in, how could it get any worse?

C is also for Connerys Crusades who you might say had a lucky escape. Uh ohh.... Apparently Sean Connery was filming Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade at the time saving him from having to play the pointy eared Sybok, Mr Spock's brother in Star Trek V.

I bet Connery got down on his bended knees and thanked his lucky stars. Wasn't it lucky he was behind the camera? You decide. Who's the antagonist in Star Trek V 'The Final Frontier.' Is it the renegade Vulcan Sybok? Or the Klingon Korrd or the God entity?

Crusade long and Prosper, Trekinators.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Beam Me Up, Scotty.

B is for "Beam Me Up, Scotty" The transporter is one of the most exciting concepts in Star Trek. It gives our interstellar heroes speed and the element of surprise without taking up too much "story" time. The way it works is a real sweetie. Take the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 transporters which are entrusted daily to separate life form energy patterns, (thats us) by de-materializing and re-materializing humans into a perfectly stable matter stream.

Without air, trapped starfleet crew members will suffer from boiling blood, radiation poisoning, loss of consciousness and asphyxiation. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Well, try imaging what it was like for Decker being gobbled up by the "Doomsday Machine." So its a good idea The Transporter Chief, is on the ball when energizing.

Here are some top tips from Scotty!

1. Target Scan and Co-ordinate lock. Necessary to avoid beaming the Enterprise crew into solid rock formations or inhospitable environments.
2. Energize and De-materializing is a little tricky sometimes but transporting really is the safest way to travel. The trick is keeping the subjects molecular pattern image intact while the transporter "coils" convert "you," hehe. Fingers crossed.
3. Its reassuring to know there are several safety error checking systems to ensure you get from A to B. For instance each transporter has four molecular imaging scanners which act independently of each other. The next time you're on the Enterprise take it easy and relax with a romulan ale: This might be your big chance to get away from it all!

The burning question has to be did Captain James T. Kirk ever say "Beam me up, Scotty," on Star Trek the original series? He did say, "Two to beam up," and other variations but the best remembered bit of trek dialogue is boldly energizing the hearts of fans everywhere.

Beam Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Monday, April 01, 2013


A is for Akuta but who is he? Akuta is a childlike character who cries in Star Trek's classic episode "The Apple" except something is afoot! When the USS Enterprise crew beam down to a tropical paradise, Poisonous darts, explosive rocks, lightening storms and a spooky native lurking in the bushes greet the away team.

The village leader Akuta is easily recognized by his antennae given to him during the "dim time" by Vaal and looks quite harmless. The "Eyes of Vaal" observe and communicate with an almighty super computer keeping it aware of the strangers activities. Soon the order is given to kill. The question you've got to ask yourself is who's calling the shots on Gamma Trianguli VI?

Spock analysis reveals Vaal's cave is protected by a forcefield! Unless Kirk discovers Vaal's Achilles heel time will run out for the USS Enterprise spaceship trying to break free in orbit. The fun begins when the "Feeders of Vaal" are summoned to the feeding place. What will Spock and Kirk try next? How do you exhaust a super computers power source?

It would appear Yeoman Landon is too distracted with Chekov whispering in her ear to be even even slightly concerned about Vaal. Who could blame them taking advantage of shoreleave, chilling out on in this idyllic setting. Trouble is, Gamma Trianguli VI is not what it appears to be.

Chekov: If you insist on worrying, worry about me. I've been wanting to get you in a place like this for a long time.

Is Vaal really immortal?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Green is Good!

                                                    Heres to you laddie, its uh green!

                                                       Trek long and Prosper Trekkers

Monday, March 11, 2013

New STID Teaser Trailer 2

We've got a new STID teaser trailer on Saturday with a terrific spaceship chase and Admiral Pike reprimanding Kirk on for being a very naughty boy indeed. The terrified screaming chick yelling for dear life looks terrified out of her wits. Lets forget about Star Trek Lore, rules and regulations which influence life and death in the universe, Captain Kirk has!.

When the enemy is threatening the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701, (which crashes brilliantly into San Francisco Bay and emerges from the Nibiru Ocean,) Captain Kirk skips the formalities opting instead to manoeuvre a Millenium Falcon type shuttle in for the kill. So now its pay back time!

"He's a fugitive and I want to take him out."

I love the speedy shuttle chase in space, its exciting. The close proximity of the ship gets the heart beating faster. Chances are Captain Kirk is flying in after Cumberbatch, you know the mystery villain guy that plays Sherlock in the BBC Tv Series, which puts our 'John Harrison' villain wreaking havoc in the forefront of the entire movie.

I guess its the captains prerogative to go on away missions and flip out is a good idea. How would you feel couped up on the bridge of the Enterprise 24/7?  Its obvious our 'no win scenario' daredevil has compulsions which need constant nurturing placing the lives of everyone near him in constant danger. Pike calls Kirk a pain.

'You think the rules don't apply to you because you disagree with them."

Naturally at Kirk's command, Mr Sulu engages the warp engines by twisting and flicking a few switches except now the Starship Enterprise is in space where she belongs, so like, I'm totally confused which is a good thing. Bye Bye fish. But lets get serious for a moment.  Chris Pine the Enterprises new Captain Kirk gives Sulu a direct order to fly the ship. He doesn't say "Engage" like Picard or "Ahead Warp Factor 1" like Captain Kirk in STOS, NO! Instead Kirk says,

"Punch it."

Theres something cool about "Punch it." Burdens of command, I guess... but I still miss "Engage" "Warp Speed Ahead" and "Warp Factor Nine, Mr Sulu" don't you?

What are the odds Sulu goofs up again by forgetting about the parking brake?

Speed Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Star Trek Mobile App

Here's Dr Carol Marcus played by Alice Eve in the upcoming Star Trek 2013 sequel movie. Remember when Eve said "It's a top-secret operation, it's like a war." Well feast your eyes on her now as she boldly struts her Starfleet stuff for us trekkies to drool over HaHa!

 In this video Alice chats with Qualcomm's Chief techie Paul Jacobs about 'the hero making out,' cracking jokes while promoting Star Trek Into Darkness. Apparently the plan was to launch Star Treks mobile app and get fans excited about Paramount's latest tricorder gadget.

Cool if you own an Android device because these trekkie apps are free on Amazon. So now fans can access real world missions, giveaways, and get updates on their smartphone on Star Trek Into Darkness.

You can almost see Dr Carol Marcus's lovely green and blue eyes widening. Maybe Jacobs needs to be less scientific, so she mentions the billboard which was clever..

Star Trek's mobile app is powered by a Gimbal Platform which once translated means 'hive mind' giving humans the technology to analyse alien environments and adapt. I think thats why people love tricorders and smartphones, so much. Its because we're so clueless most of the time and its fun figuring stuff out. Don't you just love scanning for alien lifeforms? I bet you didn't know smartphones have sensors, I sure didn't.  So where shall we begin?

Mission Long and Prosper, trekkers and trekkies.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Uhura's got a Gun

Heres the Enterprise code cracker, Uhura, doesn't she look hot enough to fire up your warp engines? The odds are encouraging that Enterprise hailing frequencies go down in J.J. Abrams Star Trek sequel. The yellow hue from the mystery deflector dish tells us something about Uhura's proximity to darkness in this exact location.  Specializing in xenolinguistics, Uhura grabs the top Communications job in Pikes ship (2009) when the guy with the ears tries to sideline her to the USS Farragut. Nyota tells Spock where to get off.

UHURA: Commander, a word.
SPOCK: Yes, Lieutenant?
UHURA: Was I not one of your top students?
SPOCK: Indeed you were.
UHURA: And did I not, on multiple occassions, demonstrate exceptional aural sensitivity, and I quote, "an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmission tests?"
SPOCK: Consistently, yes.
UHURA: And while you were well aware that of own qualified desires to serve on the USS Enterprise, I'm assigned to the Farragut?
SPOCK: It was an attempt to avoid the appearance of favoritism.
UHURA: No, I'm assigned to the Enterprise. (Spock presses some buttons on his PADD)
SPOCK: Yes, I believe you are.
UHURA: Thank you.

Later we see these two kissing each other in the turbo lift. Funny how Uhura kept her first name quiet for so long but I guess Nyota likes to play mind games. I've been doing a little digging on our Communications Officer and it gets better. Uhura is proficient in a whopping 83% of official Federation languages and regional dialects and becomes Vice President of starfleet academy's Chorale Ensemble which is like pretty interstellar amazing.

Here in the photoshoot is Uhura crouched, holding a phaser on the set of Star Trek Into Darkness with the plot unfolding just a little. Interesting I'd say because, 'John Harrison' swoops down and engages in mortal combat with the hooded mysterious entity. Now who could this be I wonder, eh? In the same spot, it would appear Nyota is lying in wait for something..... Cumberbatch's evil entity? Its Red Alert, Could this be pay back time? Uhura looks like a predator ready to exact retribution but for what......for SPOCK???? We still don't know if Spock makes it out of the volcano. John Harrison vs Uhura hmm... So I ask you... How will Uhura get John Harrison to repent for his evil ways?....Does she really have what it takes to pull the trigger?

Explore long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness Beginning

The latest tid bits on Star Trek Into Darkness, with Paramount's BadRobot Director J.J. Abrams bubbling with enthusiasm. In this video interview he speaks on Empire about Star Trek Into Darkness new movie characters.

 The plot and the villain are still a mystery but judging from the latest news, a trully fascinating storyline is emerging. Apparently movie fans don't have to watch Star Trek's classic series to understand Star Trek Into Darkness which is my take on what Abram's has said so far.

J.J.Abrams: The goal for this movie was to up the ante as much as we could. There were a lot of characters people were anticipating seeing, Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov and Sulu. I am more excited than I can tell you.The action and scale of this movie is lightyears beyond what we did in the first movie
Zachary Quinto: It was Pretty magical to see what they were able to create this time. I think its stunningly beautiful.
Chris Pine: The word people keep coming back to is relentless. Theres one thing after another after another.
Zoe Saldana: This is the kind of film that 3D is made for.
J.J.Abrams: Without question Imax and the 3D of it I think, will give viewers another level of execitement. This movie was the most fun and challenging experience that I've had. This is my everything I've ever done wrapped up in one movie.

What can we expect from Star Trek Into Darkness?

1. Klingon ships chasing Earth's Federation ships equipped for glorious battle action in space. Red Alert!
2. The movies antagonist, Khan and the captain of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701, James Kirk engaged in battle
3. Scotty hanging on yelling, beam me up Keenser!
4. John Harrison beating the spuds out of someone aboard a spacehip.
5. Hand to hand scrapping between Harrison and Kirk.
6. Cumberbatch is the threat leading them into a trap to 'a war zone world.
7.terrific conflicts and ripping explosions aboard starships claiming lives during the line of duty.
8. A storyline with action and a villain, bigger than the last movie.
9. Unstoppable terror detonating the fleetleaving Earth and her citizens in ruins, running and ducking for cover.
10. What do you think of the blue alien lifeform?

 Aren't you excited?

                                          Trek Long Into Darkness, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness Clues

Star Trek Into Darkness

Release Date: May 17, 2013
Director: J. J. Abrams.

Written By: Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof.

Cast: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve, Bruce Greenwood.

Star Trek Into Darkness is bringing war to the streets of earth with John Harrison whom we suspected was Khan. Forget about Optimism. Hope for the future is long gone! Well, well.... what about its not all over.... wails the devoted trekkie fan. "

Look no further than the Baftas, Alice Eve has denied Cumberbatch is playing Khan which spoils the fun, really. Maybe shes hiding something! Its funny when she says J.J. Abrams has become the ultimate geek hero! So get ready to ship out to the next universe, you know the dark one! Star Trek Into Darkness is romancing fans with life and death.

In the wake of a shocking act of terror from within their own organization, the crew of The Enterprise is called back home to Earth. In defiance of regulations and with a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads his crew on a manhunt to capture an unstoppable force of destruction and bring those responsible to justice. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew. 

The villain, Cumberbatch has been  described as a terrorist, a member of Starfleet on a mission leaving behind a trail of destruction. 

So who is John Harrison, I mean REALLY? In order to figure this one out, we must eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Alice Eve playing Dr Carol Marcus gives us clueless trekkers something to sink our teeth into. Shes Captain Kirk's ex-sweetheart in the Wrath of Khan. So why is Abrams bringing a Federation Molecular biologist into the movie? Lets not forget her boy, David Marcus the scientist, who played with protomatter and developed a Doomsday Weapon with dear ol' mom, Carol, on Spacelab Regula 1. So perhaps... Cumberbatch playing Khan-type character makes sence after all! There! by Jumping Jupiter I've cracked it. If you've got any better theories..... speak up darn it, or I'll send McCoy after you! 

You'll be glad to hear, Keenser, Scotty's alien side kick is coming back! Remember him?  

ME! Shut Up! 

Treks Into Darkness villainous mysteries just keep getting deeper and deeper. Its self evident John Harrison is the smokescreen. We know Benedict Cumberbatch's villain is out for revenge but oddly, tells the grieving father he can save his sick daughter in the first 9 minutes of the movie. So no Khan, Alice Eve put that rumor to rest, finally? So who is Harrison? Aren't you scratching your head? 

In the Super Bowl trailer Harrison says hes better at everything which is trektastic. To trip out some more lets warp ahead to 2267. Captain Kirk records a commendation for Harrison when the bridge of the Enterprise is slowly deprived of life support during Khan's takeover attempt. (Space Seed, TOS.) Yes you gotta love Star Trek lore, its so fascinatingly deep. Tellingly, Captain Kirk doesn't recognize "Harrison" in Star Trek Into Darkness movie trailer, which is weird but then the year is 2259 and so their paths haven't crossed until like now. Star Trek's Encyclopedia states Harrison is a Starfleet Crew Member aboard the original USS Enterprise NCC 1701 in 2267. So who is Cumberbatch's villain? I think this quote sums up treks mystery villain: I've found that evil usually triumphs...unless good is very, very careful.

For reading my entire into darkness rave, you deserve a super prize, LOL. Seriously, I'm really impressed and somehow Spacerguy will find a way to reward you!

Who do you think Benedict Cumberbatch is playing?  Is he Gary Seven, a Khan clone or a Moon Shuttle Conductor?

Khan : I am better
Captain Kirk: At What?
Khan: Everything!

Ready, Captain? 
Get me outta here, Scotty. 
Are you mad? Are ye out of your vulcan mind? The engines can't take much more of this! 

Khan: You think you world is safe? Kirk: Who the hell are you? 

Khan: It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace. For I have returned to have my vengeance. So, shall we begin?

Is there anything you would not do for your family?
I'm Family! Me!!! (Keenser, Scotty's loyal side kick is back!)

Pike: There's greatness in you, but there's not an ounce of humility. You think that you can't make mistakes, but there's going to come a moment when you realize you're wrong about that, and you're going to get yourself and everyone under your command killed.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkies and Trekkers!

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...