Saturday, April 24, 2021

U is for Uhura

 U is for Uhura. Lieutenant Nyota Uhura is a multitalented officer in communications and technology which gives her the skill to operate Spocks Science Station, navigation and even command of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. Uhura is remembered best for opening hailing frequencies with many ships, aliens and planets. Here she is having a nice friendly chat with some Klingons. Can you guess which Star Trek movie? Heres a hint, only two actresses played Uhura - Nichelle Nichols and Zoe Saldana, and a clip from the film.

John Cho, Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin, and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)J.J. Abrams and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)J.J. Abrams, John Cho, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Bruce Greenwood, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana, Jason Matthew Smith, and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Rachel Nichols and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana and Chris Pine in Star Trek (2009)Zoe Saldana in Star Trek (2009)3 more photos

Chancellor Gorkon, Kronos One!

Star Trek VI 

I hope you know what you're doing.

Star Trek 2009

I am here to help you.

Star Trek Into Darkness

Live Long and prosper. trekkers

Friday, April 23, 2021

T is for Thrilling

T is for Thrilling. Its only fitting we give BlogMan  a shout out. I'm sure many of us will appreciate Blogman who rolled out the A to Z challenge which is now an annual blogverse event for talented bloggers. . 

In which Star Trek movie does Kirk mention Iowa as his home town?

Do you get the rhythm of life setting the pace as we hurtle around the sun?

High fives for making A to Z so! Thanks Blogman, "- Life is a marathon, run, fly, feet on the street -  live long and prosper. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Star Trek Superstar

S is for Star Trek Superstar. Kelsey Grammer comes in at no 7 on ranker , remember him! Superstar Frasier in Cheers. Cheers and Star Trek, two popular high profile Paramount shows watched every week way back in the 80's and 90's, so its hardly surprising actors crossed over from one show to another. Captain Morgan Bateson of Starfleets U.S.S. Bozeman starred in "Cause and Effect." 

Kelsey Grammer appeared in the 5th season of Star Trek TNG. The fact is Frasier phoned in Batemans TNG performance so lets not exaggerate here. Bateman is seated on the Bozeman bridge 'cos like what you're looking at is mostly CGI! (hmmm) but entertaining and fun right?  (at least he's not under the bridge) 

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...