Image Owner/Creator: Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.
K'mpec's successor maintained his grip on power by undermining potential political opponents like Martok (he was Gowron's Military Defence Advisor) and challengers to his leadership like Toral but.. General Martok's rise to fame with the adoration of the Klingon people came as a rude awakening to Gowron. Gowron expressed his reasoning in a fiery, confrontational manner but it was his ruthless military tactics that finally became his undoing..
Despite Martok's glorious war campaigns, Gowron sought to assert his leadership with severe battle strategies against the Dominion with Martok as the fall guy. The loss of Klingon lives was dear but Gowron was beyond caring. The taste of power was sweet and the stakes were high. The Klingon Empire was expanding everywhere and Klingons were expendable.... But so what? Klingons consider it an honour to die in battle. "Better to die on your feet than live on your knees"
The Klingon chancellor's dishonourable actions called for an explosive challenge from General Martok which passed to Worf also of the House of Martok. General Martok refused to engage in combat with his Ruler, Gowron, Leader of the High Council and Chancellor of the Klingon Empire. Worf saw differently and in 2375, the flash of the bat'leth blades ensued. Worf silenced Gowron for good which ended his territorial reign in the quadrant and saw Martok installed as Chancellor Of the Klingon Empire.
"Hail Martok, leader of the Empire! Leader of destiny." -- Worf
Live Long and Prosper, trekkies, niners and trekkers.
1 comment:
Thanks for the award, receiving the BOTDA accolade has given me much joy.
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