Image owner/creator: Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.
Soon the ex-ruler schemed to take over Kirk's precious starship. Fortunately the captain thwarts Khan and boots him off the ship along with his people to a seemingly hospitable planet. Khan agrees and everyone's happy, except the ending was incomplete.
Paramount actually made us wait fifteen years to see one of the greatest villains in the universe, wreaking deadly havoc on the cosmos in what was the final instalment of space seed. And you know what? R. Montalban did it in style. In the end Khan went out in a blaze of glory which was a fitting end for one of the one of the greatest Star Trek villains of all time. R.I.P. Ricardo Montalban.
I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her... marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet... buried aliiiiiiiiiiive!"
Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.
I would like to get in touch with the editor if possible regarding some news that may be of interest? shine_digital@yahoo.co.uk
Nice post and cool blog. Ricardo was also great as Armando on a couple of the Planet of the Apes films.
Dos Equis should have hired Ricardo Montalban to do a few ads for them, he could have done their "most interesting man in the world" bit perfectly (and he has a Spanish accent)
Ricardo Montalban enjoyed making Star Trek The Wrath of Khan, so much so that he played the role for much less than was offered him, and counted the role as a career highlight. What a guy.
His major complaint was that he was never face-to-face with Shatner for a scene. "I had to do my lines with the script girl, who, as you might imagine, sounded nothing like Bill Shatner," he explained.
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