Remember Colonel Hannibal Smith from the A-Team? 'I love it when a plan comes together.' We're like blog thirsty vampires on a mission with dire cravings to ingest new words and concepts, seeking out new lifeforms on new blogworlds, to boldly go... (broken record player scratch)
Live long and prosper, everyone.
Live long and prosper, everyone.
Thanks for plugging the Challenge! And yes, I fixed your link - no problem.
Awesome, thanks Alex.
Signed up too, should be lots of fun to do.
Hi Spacerguy! Cool blog!
I've stopped by to say thanks for promoting the A to Z Challenge in this post! We appreciate the extra exposure!
And...I'm thinking your topic might be "Trek" related, right?!
Cheer, Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
We're going to have a blast, Pat.
Thanks Jenny, I'm happy to be on board but you got me. T is for timely thrilling, transgalactic, technological, trippy, Trek.
Found you through last year's challenge! Excited to be in again this year! Might be just what I need to blow the dust off of my blog and spruce things up...
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