Its great seeing our Enterprise Picard troops together again, flying the flag high one more time for ol' times sake. 2012 brought our legendary TNG super heroes back laughing and poking fun at each other as they recounted 7 years of galloping around the galaxy with even the dancing doctor getting in on the act. You'll love the 'Get Riker Free story', lol.
To celebrate Star Trek's TNG 25th Anniversary,
TNG hit cinemas with Star Trek THE NEXT GENERATION, debuting in Blu Ray. It was like warp speed ahead Mr Crusher, I want all the power you can muster mister. But Captain if I push the engines any harder she'll blow up! Hehe! I love these lines even though none of them were really spoken on TNG.

The good news is 'The New' BLU RAY version of TNG (season 1 and 2) is ready and extended with new visual effects. You'll discover little details you never saw before and it gets better. The shows episodes appear more vibrant and real as trek was really meant to be.
Season 1 has Exclusive Special Features including never before seen archival footage, Brand New Interviews with key players, Gag Reel and more.
Each of the 178 episodes spanning The Next Generation's seven seasons will eventually be reworked. Don't worry if you missed TNG's big blu ray day. You can always stump up the cash for Star Trek's BLU RAY boxsets now they're fully re-edited in TNG DVD format, LOL. Enjoy!
Watch Long and Prosper, trekinators
Bummer NetFlix doesn't rent the Bluray versions.
Ahhh well its good gas seeing Gates Mc Fadden still has the hots for the Captain!
25 years! That's a great milestone!
I am totally getting the Blu-Ray. The transfer quality is amazing.
I haven't watched the video yet. Is Wil Wheaton included?
Wow, I can't believe it's been 25 years.
25 years Nutschell. Its hard to say goodbye because TNG ended on a such an awesome high note. These guys were like family and made fans really feel at home on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.
CBS have spent millions on remastering the original TNG negatives. We're boldly going where no-one has gone before - AGAIN, Maurice. Hehe.
He sure is Tony. Good ol' Wesley is in season 1-4 keeping the adults on their toes.
Time flew didn't it M Pax. It seems like yesterday.
Deep space nine was the best star trek series ever
Deep Space Nine is a great show Edward.
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