Thursday, December 06, 2012
Star Trek Into Darkness Trailer
Trek vibes over at Trekmovie points to a Khan/Gary Mitchell toss up bringing war to the streets of earth. We also get shots of a ship rising up out of the ocean which fits with Cumberbatch detonating the fleet. Cumberbatch's character is definitely on a thrill to kill but why tell Kirk and crew 'I have returned' except to terrorize.
If this is Gary Mitchell where are his glowing eyes? The gun signifies a hateful thing and yet if you carry one, you'll come out top trump in arguments. Remember how Kirk got his own way in Star Trek 2009. 'I got your gun.' Guns give you an immense sense of power and power is an aphrodisiac.
This may well be an instrument of satan but it is unbelievably sexy. Its interesting to see guns in Star Trek Into Darkness. Star Trek's philosophy used to be fundamentally good filled with optimistic explorers who should never submit to 'god' greed or dogma, reason is supposed to be better than violence but is it more exciting to watch?
When I look at this trailer its easy to see why the gun and violence is changing the course of Star Trek history in a truly appalling way and yet its what we want. Isn't it?
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I guess it's a sign of the times. Or the producer's way of trying to make the show more hip.
Its the exciting Kirk philosphy, set your phasers on fire and ask questions later, Alex.
The trailer is intriguing (the unknown villian is still driving me nuts) but the amount of doom and gloom and destruction is a little unsettling to me. This is Star Trek here. There's not even a shot of outer space anywhere. And another bad guy out for revenge? That said, there's still a lot of great stuff in the trailer (effects are WOW) and I'm excited- nice post Spacerguy.
Thanks Ryan, We're all going to be shocked. Who is the bad guy? When and where did he come from? Do we see Klingons? Q like powers, Super human strength?, fighting and gunfire?, I'm klinging-on for more.
I think the telling line in the trailer is "It's a comforting lie." That seems to be the theme of the movie.
By jingo what if the villain is a Khan offspring, Tony? "Is there anything you would not do for your family?"
Good one Spacerguy. I was convinced he's Gary Mitchell, but now I'm not sure. He might be Khan after all. I like the Vulcan salute in the last pic.
Its a tough call Maurice pure speculation on my part. Mitchell or Khan?
Hey found your blog on the Alex bloghop and coincidentally posted the Into Darkness trailer on my blog today. Interesting question you pose. Hadn't noticed the gun but as it's the parallel Star Trek world now, they can pretty much get away with doing or changing anything.
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