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Star Trek Beyond's - trailer 1 is here, finally. Its showtime with the new USS Enterprise NCC 1701 crew tearing up some alien world and btw, they've gone and wrecked the bl**dy ship again!!! Earlier in the year we speculated the skunk lady (Sofia Boutella) would be contending with Star Trek's fearsome villains, WELL, we were right!
Here's Star Trek's killer gazelle fighting a Jem Hadar type alien in Star Trek Beyond. Doesn't she look great?
"This is where the frontier pushes back." Heres Idris Elba's character "Kraal" speaking from the chaos. The dude actually looks like Satan.. (I reckon the reason Worf was so popular is because he looked real, fans liked the moving face and identified with the Klingon.) Kraal is a different alien altogether so you'll have to decide.
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So now we've no ship, no crew and a bewildered Captain Kirk pondering his faith having stuffed up command for a 3rd movie in a row.
Seriously, does new age Kirk know what hes doing? LOL I sure hope Kirk doesn't turn out like Captain Nesmith in Galaxy Quest. Remember him? Hilarious - which likely points at where Star Trek Beyond is going into the future -
The world première of the film kicks off Star Trek's 50th anniversary celebrations on July 22nd 2016. Is Idris Elba's Kraal on a thrill to kill spree? Is it written in the stars for the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 to turn into a blazing fireball?
Will Keenser save the day? - I sure hope so, trekkers. Live long and Prosper!
Thought the trailer was awesome. Yeah, Kirk just keeps messing things up. Why did they give him a ship again? Looking forward to seeing it Friday on the big screen before Star Wars.
Its going to be a trippy trekky experience for me too, I can't wait!
Now that is a clever trailer...
It's a great time to be a geek! Can't wait for this one. Our daughter saw Into Darkness with us but has never watched any of the originals. I may need to do something about that between now and July.
Technically keeps getting the chair because he knows how to get out of a tricky situation. But darned if he doesn't keep ending up in them...If anyone looks bad as a result, it's Spock. Although he can't deny he loves it...
Its hard to judge a movie on just one trailer, so I've presented the sci fi facts along with some questions. Simon Pegg says hang in there and be patient. So now we have to believe theres a lot more Star Trek stuff in the movie than Beyond's trailer 1 is showing us.
I'm looking forward to it. Looks like a completely new adventure. I'm more excited about it than Star Wars. :)
Thanks for the blitz, and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Me too! I'm dying to see what Paramount Pictures has done with Star Trek Beyond. In Simon Pegg's recent interview with the Nerdist he indicates the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 crew are impacted personally by their five year mission. Star Trek has to evolve because people want "event cinema" The bottom line is less logic more action. It sounds like an awful lot of thought and consideration has gone into giving everyone something. Merry Christmas M Pax.
Oh, this will be fun! I could not access the trailer, will check YouTube.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
This has got me exited for the next in a series of films that do the Star Trek justice. And I wrote a short story on my blog about Star Trek fused with Fantasy-genre tropes.
I have to admit Star Trek's trailer 1 didn't elicit any emotional reaction from me, E.C.
Star Trek will be celebrating its 50th in uber movie style A. Squid,
ST Beyond is fast paced with colorful meaningful mayhem, Tony and the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 had to go down - fast and furious!
All we need now are some cute, cuddly creatures in fur and feathers jumping around and we've got a smash hit, Susan
Welcome Benjamin. I'll beam over and check out your Star Trek story. I enjoy reading a good star trek adventure. You might find my writing science fiction above interesting.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Star Trek Beyond's Trailer 2. Thanks for stopping by everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I'll be back on the 4th 2016 In the meantime I'll be beaming over visiting bloggies! Kapla.
That gazelle is by far the easiest on the eyes. I'm make nice with her, first, last, and always.
Happy New Year's, Spacerguy!
Sofia Boutella is taking on the baddies in Star Trek Beyond. Her name is Jaylah or maybe she is one. Its interesting to see her collaborating with the captain, so she could be in a protagonist vs nemesis relationship with him. Her gymnastic warrior moves in the trailer demonstrate heres someone fast and furious. We have to expect action Rawknrobyn but don't be fooled by her pretty gazelle warrior looks. Happy new Year!
I loved Galaxy Quest! What an excellent spoof.
Ugh, this trailer sucks. I feel like locking my self in a room, binge watching Star Trek episodes of all the non enterprise series, and crying about the future of star trek. I hope they soon cancel this stupid reboot, and nake different star trek movies like the actual franchise that are not action movies.
Action packed adventures with explosions and less talking seems to be setting a trend in the Hollywood. Look on the bright side Robert. I think Simon Pegg agrees with you about the Star Trek stuff. So at least we know theres a lot more story and character stuff in the movie which we haven't seen yet.
Galaxy Quest is the best, Happy New Year Theresa!
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