Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Star Trek Pals Leonard and William

Here's a cool interview with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. So Enjoy the laughs! Heck even John Wayne, the "Duke" gets a mention. Weren't these sci-fi maestro's just the best?



 The reason Star Trek has endured is because Leonard has this thing... (chuckle) 1.55 Its the stories (talk about me) the characters, the uniqueness of Mr Spock. Its the relationship of Mr Spock (hes finally got it right) and Kirk. The relationship that the three of us had the compadres, the family, the levels of meaning of the show, the uniqueness of Science Fiction at that time. It was all that and many other things but the curious thing is no-one really knows, so anything you say is as valid as anything we could say because if we knew what it was? we'd do it again! and again!

Friendship is a precious thing until...(record scratch) Why these good friends stopped trekking out is anybody's guess....

Live Long and Prosper


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hopefully the interviewer was enjoying as much as they were!

Liz A. said...

An interesting duo.

Birgit said...

It shows how well these 2 got along and really cared for each other. They are loving their banter and I think the interviewer was enjoying it just as much. I can hear Leonard Nimoy’s lungs...reminds me of my mom and shows what smoking does.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Yes, they were obviously still very good friends.

Susan Kane said...

Good stuff. Good memories. The banter was great.

SpacerGuy said...

"He didn't ask us a decent question" says William Shatner. Listening to them chat about Star Trek in general gives one an appreciation for all the effort it took to get trek onto TV and the big screen.

Tony Laplume said...

I'm sure by the time they were making the movies they had become great friends. Shatner realized how essential Nimoy was to the whole thing.

The Armchair Squid said...

I feel like there are a lot of vids like this of the two of them - neither of them, really taking the idea of being interviewed seriously. They have a lot more fun riffing off of each other.

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