DATA AND BORG QUEEN Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television |
What makes a robot tick? or an android or a cyborg tick?. Commander Data of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D for instance is immortal, so he has nothing to fear you might think. Neither does Seven of Nine. Strength of 10 men, doesn't break easily, has an exhaustive computer memory and until 2371 was completely emotionless, when Dr Noonien Soong's (Data's human father) emotion chip was finally installed.
Beforehand Data was completely fail safe and ruthless with his opponents. This thing had the equivalent fighting capabilities for taking on the T800 Hk Terminator. Seven of Nine would simply have resorted to the mesmerizing power of her mind enhanced by the Collective Borg. resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
The Enterprise Data android is not without flaws. The installation of Dr Soong's emotion chip initially made Data a weak, emotional android unable to master a flood of human emotionalism. Data's off switch, known only to his Enterprise friends was his Achilles heel. It effectively put the chief of Operations in sleep mode or deactivation which Lore took full advantage.
In Star Trek's TNG
"The Measure of a Man" Data's rights to choose are at stake.. A hearing is assembled on the starbase. Data's future and all future androids in the galaxy rest solely on the successful outcome of Captain Picard's Défense of Data. Fortunately Mr Data is not deemed the property of Starfleet Command but a sentient lifeform with rights to choose on equal footing of us human and in case you haven't been paying attention - That means us pitiful earthers.
Who do you think would win in hand to hand combat?
1. Mr Data
2 T800 HK seen here grinning evilly or
Live Long and prosper trekkers
Pitiful earthers is right.
I HOPE that Mr Data would win (strength and compassion are a powerful mix) but do not know.
In a battle, I think the Terminator would have an advantage. Unless Data could outsmart him.
I feel like Data and Seven would be pretty evenly matched. Either one of them could take down a Terminator, though. Maybe the Terminator would be physically stronger, but I doubt it would be smarter.
Data and Seven of Nine together could beat the old model Terminator.
Wait, didn't Data die? In one of the movies? I mean, his absence was a big part of Picard...
That episode is one of my favorites! TNG had some of the best "give you something to think about" episodes.
I root for Data to win over the Terminator because he's more rounded (rather than being simply a death machine). Data would have motivations a terminator machine wouldn't. And I'd prefer that Seven worked with Data rather than fight him.
Data would defeat a terminator easily! Ignoring Data's physical strength, he's Starfleet trained and would out think even a humanized terminator.
I agree, Its hard to know EC Data has the strength of a small army but whether the emotion chip enhances the android strength would require confirmation.
Ah ha you believe Data has a chance with guile don't you Alex?
Brains over brawn is that it James and logically the Terminator wouldn't stand a chance except Skynet was relentless and became self-aware on August 29 1997. Just think we could have convincing synthetics walking among us today.
You think so Diane and your probably right which explains why we're all still here to talk about it.
Its one of treks mind twisters Liz. Data wanted to die which he did in Nemesis saving Picard but now the android mind survives in a holoprogram and Picard is tasked by Data to turn off his sentient friends positronic brain forever more.
Me too Weaver. Star Trek's Data was a sentient android with rights and the terminator was the hunter killer. I suppose, while one cared about the prosperity of humanity the other simply was designed to exterminate all living traces of us so the machines could rule the Earth. Well I'm rooting for Data!!
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