Seasons Greetings Trekinators, Elizabeth is hosting a special blog hop at Liz's Random Ponderings today. You can join in for the geeky fun and sign up for the Christmas Joy Blog Hop here - Congratulations on your 100th post Elizabeth!
The scoop over at the Hollywood Reporter, tells us now that the first trailer for STAR TREK BEYOND will debut ahead of STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS on December 18th giving Trekkers our first look at the movie, how cool is that? More news to follow so feel free to spread the word at Elizabeths Blog
So heres my Christmas Bloghop theme - More or less an A to Z Star Trek alphabet soup of trekkie bits for you to Enjoy! Sorry I went a bit overboard but you did ask!
Decker and the Ilia Mechanism |
A is for adorable Aliens.
‘B,’ is for beautiful Betazoids
‘C,’ is for cunning Cardassians,
‘D,’ is for dumb Data, whose fingers reach an odd functional impass
And ‘F,’ is for friendly Ferengi Quark who runs holosuites to fulfill your fantasies
‘G,’ is for Goldberg who played gutsy Guinan in TNG, "That ship from the past has to go back!"
‘H,’ is for her Glory, Your Glory - Elaan of Troyius. Once infected you're hopelessly in love, forever.
‘I,’ is for illuminating Ilia who teared up when they shaved her hair off (for Star Trek's 1979 Motion Picture) but at the end of the movie, Decker and Ilia light up like a christmas tree.
‘J,’ is for Jamaharohn
‘K,’ is for kissable Kamala who shares her
"L"ove and bonds with only one of her chosen few. Tough job for Picard resisting her advances!
M is for Mars Defense Perimeter Ships which sounds fantastic! Truth is the Borg swatted them like flies.
N is for Number 1 - You know, (The guy who crashed the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 - D by crashing her into Veridian III.
"O is for "O Sh*t!!!" Brace for impact" - Pity Obi Wan wasn't aboard. - Wheres Picard's buddy Q when you need him?
P is for Psychokinesis Star Treks powerful Platonians have the ability to move objects.
R is for Picards Ready Room. Here, Beverly and Picard get friendly in the Captain's office
S is for Security Guards - redshirts usually get snuffed out on landing parties.
T is for thousands of cooing furry tribbles delighted to see you and be friends!
U is for Ugly Giant Bags of Mostly Water, hehe Thats us.
V is for Velara III - Microbrain lifeforms beamed aboard Picard's Enterprise.
W is for "Working" - regularly spoken by the onboard computers voiced by Majel Barrett.
X is for Xeno - originating from the Greek meaning strange. Remember Apollo? You will worship ME. Captain Kirk was not impressed.
Y is for yikes, Yellow alert How would you feel about performing for the amusement of a Mastercomputer?
Zats all folks.
I sure hope you enjoyed the Christmas Joy Star Trek buzz. Which letter is your favorite?
Live Long and Prosper and don't wear a Red Shirt, So spread the word... Merry Christmas friends, heres to the Galaxy's Greatest Earthies, Trekkers and Trekkies!