Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Koko and Bill make a Special Connection.

Hi Trekkies and Trekkers, Here’s a detailed account of William Shatner's Intimate Real Life experience with Koko the Gorilla.

I was permitted to visit Koko the gorilla in her quarters and Koko was an extraordinary animal who had learned to communicate with human beings. She was able to sign more than 600 hundred words but more impressively as her handlers told me, she understood the meaning of those words. She knew the signs for water and for bird and the first time she saw a duck landing on a lake she signed "waterbird." That displayed a synthesis of knowledge, so you see, she was obviously very intelligent. I was allowed to go to her compound and enter a room with her all alone, as I walked into that room I was reminded she was an imposing, powerful animal. Smaller gorillas had been known to tear off mens arms in anger.

Watch Bill and Koko

I'm not often afraid but truthfully I was frightened. There’s a form of acting that teaches. Feel it and say it and that feeling will be revealed through your words. The English form is quite different. Say it and then you feel it. To deal with my fear of this magnificent animal as i got closer and closer to it, I found myself saying, I love you Koko, I love you. I said it earnestly and honestly and I looked directly into her eyes as I spoke. I crouched over a little to show submission moving forwards rather than backwards to show I was not afraid.

Over and over I repeated "I Love You Koko, I Love You." and as I said it I began to feel that love, finally I stopped directly in front of her and looked into her deep brown eyes and I saw her furrowed brow and enormous hands "I Love You Koko" and with that she reached out and grabbed me by my balls and looked me right in the eyes and after a slight pause in a substantially higher voice, I tried to repeat, "I love you Koko" Obviously these words had more significance than a few seconds earlier.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

R.I.P. Ricardo Montalban.

Ricardo Montalban died on Wednesday 14th January 2009 aged 88. He played the villain intent on taking revenge on Captain James Kirk in the Star Trek Movie "The Wrath of Khan." Ricardo first appeared in Star Trek's "Space Seed" episode in 2267, as the superhuman ex-prince of millions, Khan Noonien Singh.The U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 discovered Khan and his merry band of escapees in a deep space sleeper ship and were instantly cursed for opening Pandora's box. The crew revived the newcomers and beamed them aboard the Enterprise.

Image owner/creator: Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Soon the ex-ruler schemed to take over Kirk's precious starship. Fortunately the captain thwarts Khan and boots him off the ship along with his people to a seemingly hospitable planet. Khan agrees and everyone's happy, except the ending was incomplete.

Paramount actually made us wait fifteen years to see one of the greatest villains in the universe, wreaking deadly havoc on the cosmos in what was the final instalment of space seed. And you know what? R. Montalban did it in style. In the end Khan went out in a blaze of glory which was a fitting end for one of the one of the greatest Star Trek villains of all time. R.I.P. Ricardo Montalban.

I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her... marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet... buried aliiiiiiiiiiive!"


Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Original USS Enterprise Comic Adventures

Remember the tales Kirk, Bones, Spock would regale each other with on the bridge of the USS Enterprise? even Scotty, Uhura, Checkov and Sulu joined in on the fun. Remember that pointy eared guy? Spock. His pure logical reasoning just can't be argued against. The clever vulchie is so darn good at keeping his cool in an emergency except when Dr Mccoy sticks his beak in. Pointy ears constant battle to assert his vulcan logic over the emotionalism of humans stems from the fact he is a son torn between two worlds. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

Mr Spock's sophistication won him the affection and appreciation of countless female trekkies who found him "Dreamy." The "Vulcanophiles" were fascinated by the devilish eyes and ears and who knows? Mr Spock is a telepath, maybe he could read the Vulcanophiles minds and hold the females under his spell.... Hmmm. I wonder. Would our Mr Spock do that? You bet his pointy ears, he would!

Dr Mccoy frequently lashes out scathing insults branding the Vulcan "inhuman and green blooded" for his "d-mned computer logic." Why? because secretly Mr Spock enjoys the good doctors arguments! The Vulcan's disciplines of rigid logic is so exacting, often Spock is not even aware hes insulting his red blooded USS Enterprise crew-mates.

Image Creator/Owner: Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

In McCoy's lab, Spock is examining the tribbles (which number many more than they did previously) as the doctor works.

"There's something disquieting about these creatures.", remarks the Vulcan. Bones asks him if he's got a 'feeling' about them.
"They remind me of the lilies of the field.", returns Spock, "They toil not neither do they spin -- but they seem to eat a great deal. I see no practical use for them."
Bones argues, "Does everything have to have a practical use for you? They're nice, they're soft and they're furry and they make a pleasant sound."
"Yes, so would an ermine violin, doctor but I see no advantage in having one.", retorts Spock.
"It is a human characteristic to love little animals.", declares McCoy. "Especially if they're attractive in some way."
"Doctor, I am well aware of human characteristics, I am frequently inundated by them but I have trained myself to put up with practically anything."
"Spock, I don't know too much about these little tribbles yet but there is one thing I have discovered.", leads McCoy.
"What is that, Doctor?"
"I like them", finishes Bones, " ---- better than I like you.".
"Doctor. They do indeed have one redeeming characteristic. They don't talk too much.", mentions Spock as he excuses himself from the lab..

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts about our flawed feeling friends of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701. I have something else to share with you now. Now you can relive the adventures of the original USS Enterprise crew with these comic adventures.

The planet of No Return.
The Devils Isle of Space.
Invasion of the City Builders.
The Peril of Planet Quick Change.
The Ghost Planet.
When Planets Collide.

Lock your phasers on stun and warp on over to WOWIO.com where you can satisfy all curiosity by downloading or reading the Classic Star Trek Comics online.

Go forth and Prosper, Trekkies.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Fantastic! These Star Trek spacebabes just makes me smile from ear to ear!


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Welcome 2009


McCoy was not above kicking back with a good drink with the Captain now and again, regularly keeping stashes of vintage saurian brandy and other libations with the controlled substances in sickbay. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "The Enemy Within") Displaying a fondness for Kentucky bourbon, his favorite drink was believed to be the mint julep. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise") He also made an excellent Finagle's Folly. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer") I guess the Chief Medical's Officers position aboard the Uss Enterprise 1701 had its perks. The doctor is pretty handy at giving out tranquilizers especially in the episode "Wolf In The Fold" which has a cunning deception gradually unfolding aboard the USS Enterprise and a voice that had my sides splitting with laughter when I first heard it.

Happy New Year, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Majel Barrett Roddenberry

Majel Barret Roddenberry died peacefully in her Bel Air home on December 18th 2008. Her roles in Star Trek introduced a confident "Number One" character in the pilot episode "The Cage" which was reinvented as the lovely Nurse Christine Chapel with a soft spot for Mr Spock later on.

In fact during an early scene in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, viewers are informed that she has now become Doctor Chapel, a role which she reprised briefly in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

She provided the regular voice of onboard computers in several Federation starships for Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and most of the Star Trek movies.

Majel was famous as the ships computer voice which she supplied for Federation starships but particularly the USS Enterprise 1701, living long and prospering in the reboot version of Star Trek 2009 movie.  J.J. Abrams film is dedicated to her as well as Gene.

She starred in most of the Star Trek movies and appeared in three Star Trek series.  ("Star Trek" (1966), "Star Trek - The Next Generation" (1987), "Star Trek - Deep Space Nine" (1993) playing the Betazoid Ambassodor Lwaxana Troi on Star Trek, The Next Generation including Deep Space Nine and was brilliant

Majel also made a point of attending a major Star Trek convention each year in an effort to inspire fans and keep the franchise alive. I will miss her and our journeys through the galaxy together. May she find eternal happiness with her husband Gene beyond the final frontier, going boldly where none of us have ever, gone before.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Star Trek Movie XI

Great Galactic Space. I had to set my shields to maximum to survive the rush of this movie trailer. Will Star Trek XI usher in new generation of Star Trek fans? "Emotions are alien to me - I am a scientist." Mr Spock has conned us into believing in the past but I'm confused. Is'nt the movie a kind of warp back in time? Young Spock must be going through one of his ancestral animal urges or you could just blame it on the weaker human half. Remember this line, when you're watching Spock lose his cool. "I will not allow you to lecture me." says the vulcan in a rage. Spock's raw emotions surface but so do Rachel Nichols in a scene with the corvette murderer, James Tiberius Kirk.

The new trailer is filled with plenty of action packed entertainment and a stylish USS Enterprise starship or is it the USS Kelvin? or whatever..... in an epic space battle which engages a Romulan Warbird. Captain Christopher Pike gives the order to "prepare to fire all weapons."

Those words remind me of favourite battle scenes because its the sort of command Picard would have used to alert his crew, now Kirk's style, we know is different. He does'nt ask questions or engage in too much diplomacy which can be used to prolong a crises and Captain James Tiberius Kirk hates double talk. "Buckle up." and slapping his crewmates on the back is more Kirk's style. Well lets just take it as a given, right? or is he the worst Captain in the Fleet, perhaps you hate the guy? Don't be shy now...

When the enemy is threatening the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701, Captain Kirk skips the formalities opting instead to maneuver "his" ship in for the kill. At the Captains command, Mr Checkov readies the phasers and photon torpedoes at full power. Kirk's cunning eyes spot the enemy ship's weakest moment and without hesitation the order to fire is given. "Mr Checkov lock weapons and fire!" I think Abrams included the cop chasing corvette scene to demonstrate Kirk's daredevil compulsion and nerves of steel in what are considered crucial characteristics of a noteworthy Starship Captain.

Romulans are unlike their stoic "Cousins" the vulcans and I'm fascinated to see how Leonard Nemoy's character "Spock" plays out in the film. Romulans are driven by their passions and its no coincidence Mr Spock and a bad ass Romulan "Nero" with blood ties are in the same movie. Given half a chance, Nero will blow the Enterprise out of the stars. But what about the time honoured traditions of the Federation, Starfleet General Orders/Regulations and the Prime Directive?

Wired has reported on the reaction to the four clips shown at the Los Angeles gathering. "It's safe to say that Abrams' Trek will be younger, brighter, busier and more frenetically paced than any previous incarnation," said the reviewer. "The performances are edgier and louder, but not better. The effects are spectacular and executed on a scale never attempted by any Trek film. And, while connected to Gene Roddenberry's creation, this film is deliberately and unquestionably built in its own universe, constructing its story on the idea that the original Star Trek time line has been destroyed and must be reconstructed as closely as possible."

Its a fair bet there will be less geekiness and more action drama scenes in this movie with spacebabe Zoe Saldana taking her top off and another spacebabe hitting it off with the new Captain Kirk, who told Eonline he did get his groove on with the "green" Rachel Nichols.

johnnyneo9 (2 days ago) Im not into Star Trek but this movie might change my mind....

NathanVernon (2 days ago) Agreed. might turn me into a trekkie. :P

Amatugold Reply same here

Inglis93 (2 days ago) OMFG EPIC.

AlbertGX (2 days ago) YES

thizzwutitizzz (2 days ago) im not a star trek fan but this movie somewhat appeals
to me. probably cuz "syler," simon pegg, and henry cho are in it. either way the movie looks good.

27.Murray Mon, Nov 17, 2008, 4:36 PM

Star Trek has always had a stigma of being geeky and misunderstood by many people. Hopefully, if this trailer is anything to go by, then we are finally looking at a Star Trek Film which has style, heaps of action and ass-kicking sci-fi entertainment in abundance and not just appealing to die hard fans such as me, but for the wider audience in general.Lets be eternally grateful that Star Trek has been given another
chance, a top director, an awesome cast, a huge budget and a sh*tload of Industrial
Light and Magic visual effects on top.

What kind of kid would tell a cop his full name? A kid who thinks he's destined for great things.

jbunn01 Stupid little kid just toasted an antique 280 year old Corvette. Punk a*sed kirk....

You're used to seeing a more mature Spock, who's suppressed his human side. This movie deals with a younger Spock, who has to battle his half-human emotions and half-Vulcan expectations.

Spock: "Quite correct, Mister Chekov. What is required now is a feat of
linguistic legerdomain and a degree of intrepidity, before the captain and Doctor McCoy freeze to death."

please i hope mccoy says
"hes dead jim"
"dammit jim im a doctor not a ...."

I wanna know why Spock's beating on Kirk.

Shut up Trekkies. I don't even like Star Trek and I see that movie is gonna be good.

Don't forget to put fuses in the consoles, too. Now instead of the console blowing up in your face, the fuse just goes poof. How many lives could have been saved with seatbelts and circuit breakers?

Live long and Prosper Trekkies, Aliens and Trekkers.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sad Day for Mr Spock and Aliens

Fourteen years ago EU officials in Brussels took it upon themselves to boldly go where no sovereign power had dared to go before. It was a media circus and apparently the bad guys were focusing their sights on our good pal Mr Spock. Let me explain. A plan was devised by the bureaucrats to class our Star Trek hero, Mr Spock as an Illegal Alien along with the other non human dolls manufactured in China which the wise guys slapped a quota of $81.7 million on. No travel restrictions were placed on the human dolls/ action figures. Action man was free to go. So was Batman and Robin. The red carpet was rolled out for Captain Kirk. No-one defies Kirk not unless you want to get into a scrap and besides the captain always carries a phaser.

The humanity of every action figure and doll was put on the line and scrutinised by the money men. In the end, the word came down. It was a sad day for Mr Spock and Aliens everywhere. Spock, Noddy, Big Ears and Teddy bears fell victim by order of the hard liners in Brussels. There was no appeal. Star Trek fans, Trekkies and trekkers were disappointed by the EU decision and warned governments they shouldn't be meddling in the affairs of the Final Frontier. The President of the Official Star Trek Fan Club in Colorado, Dan Madsen said "Custom officials ought to cut Spock some slack" because Amanda, Mr Spock's mother was after all human!! Spock is half human. Okay, so he's half Vulcan too and was born with pointy ears! When news reached the UK, the British customs office showed no regret about their wrongdoings towards Mr Spock. "We see no reason to change our interpretation," said their agent Dez Barrett-Denyer. "You don't find a human with ears that size."

Live Long and Prosper Trekkies and Trekkers!

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...