Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wicked Weapons

W is for Wicked Weapons.

Fighting and warfare have been the subject of Science Fiction stories from almost the beginning of time itself, with writers out foxing themselves in creating new weapons for the future. The familiar and once ever present ray gun is but one of a class of weapons called energy weapons, that fire a beam or ray at various settings and deadliness.

My favorite is Star Trek's Type 2 classic hand held phaser of 2266. Its got three extremely powerful variable settings. The lowest stun setting will weaken moving targets and cause them to fall unconscious. The highest setting will disintegrate dense material, heat rocks, heat coffee, cut metal and vaporize humanoids! For safety phasers are normally set to stun. On top of the Type 2 hand held unit is a small type 1 phaser which snaps into place to complete the set. Some of these weapons are distinguished by the type of energy they use or sound they fire such as heat rays and laser guns. Star Wars fanboys and fangirls love the lightsaber which features a deadly buzzing sound and bright blade. Other weapons are noted for their effects, blasters, death rays, disintegrators and disruptors.

Now tell us what your favorite Science Fiction Ray Gun is? Its over to you, trekkers.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who is Darth Vader?

Who is the dark lord of Star Wars? Its safe to say Darth Vader personifies the evil of the Galactic Empire... but what about the voices behind the dark Lord of the Sith? James Earl Jones was not George Lucas's first choice for Vaders dialogue. In fact Lucas went through several tapes of people including Orson Welles. After hearing Jone's deep bass voice, Lucas realized he had sourced the perfect commanding voice for Vader. Several actors dressed in flowing black robes with their faces masked by the famous black metal breathing screen skyrocketed Darth Vader to super-stardom. James E. Jones told Star Wars Insider ' David Prowse worked very hard to create the character of Darth Vader,' 'He is Vader'.

So who else was there? Bob Anderson had been Britain's Senior National Fencing Coach for thirty years. Anderson doubled for David Prowse in Empire's dueling sequences but also helped choreograph the fights. Vader seems to meet all the criteria for the perfect space villain on the surface- deep voiced, black clad, heavy breather and built 2m high for battle. He employs his extra sensory powers to keep Emperor Palpatine in power. Vaders 'dark side' aids Governor Tarkin in the destruction of the rebels. In 1980 Star Wars "Empire Strikes Back" becomes the 'Years Best Movie' exposing an inescapable truth between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.

Remember, Darth Vader is Master of the Dark Forces and wants you!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Unbelievable Star Wars Fun.

Today I trekked with my friend Novadove to the Star Wars Invasion at Dublin. It turned out to be a fantastic weekend. Star Wars Fans from all over the globe took time out to join in the Unbelievable Fun in that "Galaxy far far away".......

The senators of the Emerald Garrison seen in the photo came out in force to entertain "the fans" and it wasn't long before everyone was having a good time. Can you name the actors in the photo?

Being a trekker, I found himself surrounded by thousands of sci-fi fans probably "StarWarsians" so I kept stump about my inner "trekkie". Lots of people herded into the enclosed stadium which was had loads of merchandise stalls adding to the extra buzz and excitement.

 On my way in I bought some Sci-Fi merchandise and took lots of photographs with my digital camera for later. During the show Nova and I got the chance to mix with several costumed characters. The place was packed with fans waving light sabers through the air!

"I demand the uniform code of justice before my trial." Yes, its me Spacerguy!

Darth Vader, Commander Bly, Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Shock trooper, Sand trooper, Scout trooper, R2D2, Clone Captain and Clone Commander were all there walking around taking photo turns with the fans.

The biggest moment for us was meeting Julian Glover aka General Veers and then it happened, I met and spoke with Kenny Baker the legendary chirpy robot R2-D2.

Queen of the Galaxy, Carrie Fisher was notably absent as was David Prowse (who played Darth Vader in the movies) and sounded so awful they had to do a voice over with James earl Jones. Both were no shows. For a brief moment in time and space, the galaxy stood very still but even so I was pretty stoked considering.

It was pretty neat chatting with Stars Wars actors. It was quite an experience as I momentarily found myself rubbing shoulders with actors and friends of the Star Wars universe. Julian Glover kindly agreed to stand with me as Novadove took our photo! ....So there. Forever immortalized with General Veers himself in living color! Questions and Answer's followed later with Tarfful, Admiral Piett, R2D2, Greedo, Boba Fett and General Veers recounting favourite and worst movie moments. Kenny Baker explained that the dessert temperature and sandy conditions made filming R2D2 movements quite challenging.

Live Long and end transmission.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Star Wars Convention

I'm off to a science fiction convention with my trekkie friend Colm on Monday, so saddle up Solarians, lock and load. Tickets for Sunday's and Monday's 'Invasion Dublin' shows can still be obtained at a 20% discount when bought online.

I've got my digital camera charged and ready for shooting at.... the next Star Wars invasion. I know, admitting this is certainly putting my neck on the line. Star Wars defection never even crossed my mind. I promise, LOL. Spacerguy is not defecting to the darkside!

Hey, Maybe I'll get David Prowse to sign my Star Wars Book. LOL...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Realistic Reading

Really short messages are just as good as really long messages in fact they're better. Twitters success is based on getting your point across quickly "called tweets" using only 140 characters or less. I've broken a cardinal rule by mentioning Twitter but who really cares? Twitter is good for reporting realistic, rapid, relaxing, randomized, respectful, rumors to its ready, resolute and resourceful readership.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...