But decide for yourselves. Is Mr Spocks 'personal examination' on Uhura suspect or is the vulcan enjoying himself? I mean look at where he's placed his hands.
But all joking aside... really ask yourself...
Does Spock's investigation counts as a proper Mind Meld?
Probe long and Prosper, trekinators.
Oh my...
"Captain, I'm picking up unusual readings. And I like it!"
Emotions are alien to me I am a scientist!
Purely for scientific research no doubt. Uhura doesn't look to upset either. LOL
Logic is a tweeting bird chirping in a meadow.
I think Leonard Nimoy put that into the script. I now I would of.
Purely scientific, if you ask me. Then again, who knows what truly goes on inside that Vulcan mind?
haha! that picture (and this post) certainly made me laugh:)
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