Remember Star Trek's classic Corbomite Maneuver, when First Officer Spock comments on the game of chess?
"when one player is outmatched the game is over." except Captain Kirk has other ideas.
"Not Chess, Mr Spock. Poker! Do you know the game?"
I love how "The Challenge" is hailing Star Trek for ol' times sake despite the Star Wars musical beat but hey, we're all friends here aren't we?
"I have been, and always shall be, your friend!" is totally epic with Nimoy's giving us his classic vulcan salute. What a trooper, even Quintos cracking up.
So who do you think is the smarter, greatest little vulcan of them all?
Live Long and Prosper, Hobbits.
And he drops him with the grip -awesome! And hilarious listening to Nimoy sing the Bilbo song.
it's illogical!
That was awesome.
Great challenge! Nimoy is always funny.
When Nimoy started singing the Hobbit song, I almost sprayed the screen with my tea. Watched that video several times.
The original is always the best. As I write, "First Contact " is on.
My daughter sent me the YouTube site for young Nimoy sitting on a rock with dancing girls, singing the Bilbo song. In his white pants suit. It was memorable!
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