Its Reflections Time! I'd like to salute every blogger who took part in Aprils 2015 A to Z challenge launched by the big guns in 2010. I had a great time, didn't you? The A to Z bloghop is a great way to locate and share fun new blogs, meet and introduce yourself to others and divvy up on the latest trending topics.
In keeping with tradition, Ninja Clones and Bird Watchers explored nifty new outer limits by high fiving this years blogger spirits. This is my fifth A to Z challenge from beginning to end. I have to admit, the positive blog vibes which flowed during the month of April kept me boldly going...
In keeping with A to Z tradition, I wanted to be a little different from previous years, so my A to Z "Star Trek" theme for 2015 covered a broad range of Science Fiction instead.
During the blogfest I encountered lots of creative energy. Themes contained Recipes, Poetry, Writing Tips, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Fantasy, Music, Childrens Writer Hollywood, Love Stories, short stories, Books, Movies, Rhyming Stories,Film Stars, Star Trek, Tina Nit Picking Geekery, Story Visuals and Photo Blogs. I was astounded by the amount of talent and tried to high five everyone.

Did the A to Z challenge energize your mind body and soul?, or were you brainwashed from all the festivity? Do you still feel like a Zombie or are you loaded on black coffee?
Which bloggers, sci-fi fans, writers, trekkers and zombies have you found particularly interesting?
I thoroughly enjoyed all of the A to Z's I was able to explore until life got in the way.
Congratulations to all of the diligent souls who participated.
Geekery. And I sincerely thank you for that!
You are one of the Challenge veterans! Really enjoyed your theme. Still a bit brain fried, but I'll manage.
I'm genuinely impressed by everyone that took part in the challenge. The thought of drawing cartoons every single day makes me want to scoop my own eyeballs out with a rusty spoon, but it was fun to visit those who participated. Yourself included.
Thanks guys, we've all had such a great run through for April, brain fried and droopy eyes, next year will be lucky number 7!
Congrats on finishing! There was a great mix of blogs. And thanks for your comments at my blog - I'm still getting back to everyone!
Thanks Nick, I've been high fiving with comments too. A to Z is always an exciting time.
I thoroughly enjoyed the A to Z although I was a bit tired at one point. You refreshed my interest in the Star Trek stories, I have a couple of the movies but must look into what else I can obtain.
I wish I had a computer like that. But we have the next best thing, a Kuerig.
The A to Z was great and I loved reading your blog and will for the future:) I found a Postcard a day and some of them were so neat to see. I also love the blog written by Maryann Halloway-all about World War 2. She writes just about every day about history
Congratulations on making it to the end of A-Z Spacerguy! I didn't get to comment on all the posts, but you're theme was very...logical.
It was great to find a fellow Star Trek lover to read daily posts of. Have loved reading all the different subjects you've provided. Also, thanks for stopping by blog and listening to me r.a.n.t. away.
This was my first A-Z and I will be back next year. As for the blogs and bloggers I enjoyed? I'll include those when I do my reflections post. With luck, I'll post it before tomorrow morning.
Totally, Elephants Child, so did I. A to Z's stories and characters were epic. Life can be a double edged sword but we shall persevere.
You the geekster, dude!
Thanks Alex, do I rock now?
It was a great party, guys. Lots of bloggie enthusiasts visited and were so friendly trekking in around the neighbourhood.
All good deeds make it so worthwhile, Nick.
I know what you mean Jo, I'm thrilled you enjoyed my A to Z "Star Trek" posts. Your choice of food recipes have revived my interest in healthy eating. I had broccoli soup today which I made myself! Did you know Star Trek Voyager's Neelix has written a cookbook!
Yummmm Coffee.... prefect for the morning rush! Wheres my communicator?? Double drat!
I totally enjoyed your Film Star biographies Birgit, you held nothing back. The secret lives of Hollywoods movie elite was a real treat and eye opener. Who would have thought!
I do my best, Maurice. Letting the geek community down would be unforgivable, lol. I enjoyed writing these sci-fi posts - so looking forward to our "Trekfest" bloghop on Wednesday.
Likewise Jeffrey, your wide variety of r.a.n.t. articles have provided many hours of enjoyable reading for me. Its a buzz finding a fansite with stories about life that I can happily identify with.
I do not feel like a Zombie, nor am I powered by coffee, but I am enjoying the original series of Start Trek on DVD atm. (I missed your blog during the challenge but the Star Trek reference caught my eye in the reflections posts.) You might be able to tell me why the episodes appear on DVD in a different order than they aired on television. They seem to be organised thematically or chronologically (according to star date). Any thoughts or knowledge you can share?
Top marks for asking such an interesting question DA. I am intrigued. Many explanations have been given over the years to shed light on the use of stardates over the history of Star Trek. While Stardates can be used to denote time and units per episode, there are many different levels of meaning. Its the best answer I can think of offhand. Using Stardates as the premise I'm looking forward to analysing this thesis in detail with a follow up Star Trek post in the next couple of days.
It was fun getting to know more bloggers! Of course, I did not partake in the actual challenge... maybe next year.
When all is said and done... I do not feel like a zombie. I feel like a dragon.
I loved my first year of the challenge. I loved getting to see some of the best blogs out there and having a reference point to come to again and again! Star Trek was an excellent theme and your posts were galactical!
What a great Challenge year this was. Missed you, but not because I wanted to. Almost 2000 bloggers this year!!!
I didn't do A to Z this year, but it's always fun. Great job
Glad I did find your blog and thanks for following
I love the variety of the challenge. There's so much to learn. You are a long time veteran. Congrats on another year.
Susan Says
Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! Looking forward to next year! See you on the Road Trip!
Mary @ Jingle Jangle Jungle
It's so good to see you keep coming back for each Challenge and to have such a positive outlook about it.
Thanks for this excellent Reflections post.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Road trippin' with A to Z
Tossing It Out
Hello there.
Congratulations on completing the challenge! Just meandering through from the Road Trip.
Entrepreneurial Goddess
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