Saturday, April 03, 2021

Cosmic Phenomenon in Space

C is for Cosmic Phenomenon but where is great space is it? Star Trek's starships USS Enterprise NCC 1701- A B C D and E have all encountered new worlds, civilizations during galactic voyages throughout the universe so think about it. Science has revealed space as mostly an empty void, with stars and planets making up little of its mass. Theres a lot more than matter and energy out there so say the experts but.... God is out there. As humanity reaches for the stars extraordinary interstellar phenomena like supernovas and comets paled in comparison to some of the cosmic anomalies in the mysterious realm of deep space but everyone wants to know.... 

 What do you say to God when you find Him with a starship?



Elephant's Child said...

I suspect that God is not so easily found - even with a starship.

ApacheDug said...

If I had giant laser eyes, and some puny human asked me what I needed with a starship--I'd start blasting! Anyway Spacer, today's post was pretty cosmic--sometimes I think it's easy for us to forget just how impossibly vast & mysterious the universe is. Even in the Trek universe, only a tiny fraction of our own galaxy was explored... and meanwhile there are billions of galaxies farther out there. It's too much to even imagine.

Commander Zaius said...

Not related to Star Trek, but there is a line in some movie whose name I don't know that asks a disturbing question.

"Do you suppose God stays in Heaven because he is terrified of his creation?"

Not the exact quote but it is implied God is terrified of us humans.

As for God needing a starship, he can call an Uber. God may work in "mysterious ways" but a lot of innocent kids die everyday at the hands of his most devoted followers.

The Armchair Squid said...

Oh right, it's April!

I'm no religious scholar nor will I pretend to be one. I can only wonder...

The French master Claude Debussy once said "Music is the space between the notes." Music is the closest I've ever come to understanding what other people mean by "God." So, perhaps God is what we perceive as the void.

Liz A. said...

I never did get that movie. It was way weird.

SpacerGuy said...

Star Trek V wasn't a rip roaring financial success with its boldly going in search of religion plot but at least producers got row, row, row your boat right.

J.S. Pailly said...

I do like that "What does God need with a starship?" line. I don't think of Star Trek as anti-religion, but it was very good at picking apart false religions.

SpacerGuy said...

I suppose its largely unknown how many good folks, trekkers and humanoids believe in God, James. Vaal was definitely a focal point for false idolatry in Star Trek's "the apple" because villagers believed in the word of Vaal. Funny whats spread around by one personality or worshipped "God" can become rule of law for the rest of us mortals

Birgit said...

This was...not a good movie and poor Sulu and McCoy get sucked in again by a crazy nut but Kirk is there to save the day, as we all know Shatner directed this one and he claimed to learn so much from directing some episodes of TJ Hooker

SpacerGuy said...

Sybok in his own pointy eared way appealed to alien rejects by preaching and healing pain with the power of double talk. Some believed (dopamine rush) others not so although Dr McCoys hallucination was convincing.

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