Saturday, July 30, 2016






Its Star Treks 50th Anniversary so you'll be sure to have something to enjoy with STAR TREK BEYOND. You might say this is Chekov's last stand in this adventurous new Star Trek movie. The action sequences are thrilling and the visual effects are stunning.

So go see Beyond you'll be delighted that you did. Its got a cold hearted villain Krall who chews up the landscape and interesting to see new Spock trying to understand his own death in the movie- in loving memory of  Leonard Nimoy and for Anton.

Live Long and Prosper

Monday, July 18, 2016


Its been a busy week for Sci-Fi with Star Trek Beyond showing in London last week and Sydney too. I'm not counting my tribbles yet before they become fully gorged but STB is 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and 71% on Metacritic so far.

So now Star Trek Beyond is set for US release on the 22nd of July 2016 and is opening up in theaters worldwide and beyond. We've been waiting for 3 sensational years to see a new STAR TREK movie since STID. How long is that? Approx 1095 days. I hope you're all set for a trektastic time!

 The question in my mind is: why did Captain Kirk wreck the bl**dy ship again? Is it really the Captain's fault the Enterprise got ravaged by alien "Swarms" with their leader  "Krall at the heart of the matter? Word has it Idris Elba's character means business because he wants the "ITEM", badly.

Scotty, Jaylah and Kirk

 Ahhha! I hear you ask. What is the item? SPOILER ALERT: So now the five year mission for the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 is finally justified when the crew discover this ancient "death machine" in the furthest reaches of unexplored space. But do they know what it is? It seems time is running out for our Gallant Crew and worse still for the Federation itself. Unity and Peace in the Galaxy may very well depend upon our friends very survival.

Three years into the Enterprise's five-year deep-space mission our mysterious Swarm ringleader Krall (Idris Elba) sees an opportunity. He has to get the ancient "death machine" of ultimate power, an artifact which Kirk's crew are custodians. I know what your thinking - its looking hopeless because the Enterprise crew are stranded on an alien planet!!! Hey. At least Scotty teams up with feisty Jaylah (Sofia Boutella), a potential love interest if only he'd stop calling her lassie.

The good news is Paramounts 3D and; 2D Star Trek threequel is directed by (Fast and Furious) Justin Lin (produced by J.J. Abrams) How many of our movie predictions will come true? 40 stunt people is a good indication of where Star Trek Beyond is headed with special effects and alien relationships evolving with this interstellar space adventure. Curiously Star Trek Into Darkness had 90 reinforcements.

Why is Uhura screaming with the grey alien looking on?


 MattTwentySix had this to say: It's a little Insurrection-ish once they're planet- side. There's another major twist with the villain (though I enjoyed it). But it gets the characters really right. It basically has a fantastic first act, an okay second act, and a fun ending that both serves as an ending to this cast and a jump-start to further adventures with them.

 What do you think? Have you got your "Starfleet" T-shirt all nice and pressed for the movie? XD, Go on do tell us if you have!


Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Star Trek Beyond kicked off for its UK debut in London Monday last with British Star Trek fans squealing in delight and super  sci-fi fans flying in from across the waters to see their Star Trek heroes at Leicester Square. Trekcore have an awesome gallery of 65 STB Premiere shots taken from the July 12th seen here.. You can watch the white carpet extravaganza for STB's British Premiere for fun - here.  Were you in the audience?



Monday, July 11, 2016


Heres a recent photo of the villain 'Krall' played by Idris Elba for the next trek movie - STAR TREK BEYOND on 22nd July. It turns out Elba revealed this photo of himself looking mean from the movies set. (Trekcore)


It seems Krall is ready to unleash his burning hatred upon the Federation for reasons not yet known except for a "GLOWING GREEN ARTIFACT" as the only clue and guess where it is? So now we guess why the swarm ships attack the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.


Monday, July 04, 2016

Star Trek Beyond Trailer #3 Rihanna "Sledgehammer."

Heres the third major Star Trek Beyond trailer by Director Justin Lin.. Hes the real deal with Star Wars Director JJ Abrams producing Star Trek Beyond. So now this trekkie blockbuster is set to hit movie theaters in REAL 3D and IMAX 3D for 22nd July. However the sudden death of Anton Yelchin has affected everyone who knew the poor lad at home and abroad. Trailer #3 features a striking song by Barbadian music artist Robyn Rihanna Fenty with "Sledgehammer"

Shes one of the more popular songwriters/singers on the face of the planet with sales exceeding 200 million records worldwide. Robyn is big Star Trek news and has a beautiful voice. So now here  she is giving her song to Star Trek Beyond. You guys will just have to watch the movie to enjoy her music which is remarkable and operatic enough to give the Enterprise crew all the punch they deserve. "I hit a wall"

Will Rihanna's voice steal the show?

or will Director Justin Lin win the audience over with his fast and furious moves in Star Trek Beyond?

Live Long and Prosper...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Star Trek Beyond - The Show Must Go On

Star Trek Beyonds latest addition for the thirteenth is finally shaping up with the master of disguise - J.J.Abrams producing and Justin Lin directing. So now heres trailer 3.

Its five year mission has according to Simon Pegg "a lot more to the film". The shields have weakened and with this final third trailer, I think Anton Yelchin would have wanted the show to go on.

We have his characters he played for fans to enjoy off the big screen. They're large as life so go see them. Rememory, We Don't Belong Here, Porto and Star Trek Beyond are due out later in the year.


Chekov, Captain Kirk and Sulu. -  Star Trek 2009


Heres Anton Yelchin featured
in a Star Trek Beyond character poster as Chekov with the rest of
the crew (below) fighting off the Swarm ships in their unique Starfleet colors. Finally after a long five month delay we get to see them. Thank you Paramount Pictures.


Giacchino’s latest musical score and Pop star Rihanna's “Sledgehammer,” will also be a part of Star Trek Beyond

You might well ask who were Star Trek's aliens? Heres two standing beside Star Trek Beyond director, Justin Lin who also directed in Community and the Fast and Furious 6. Panny Pudi and Kim Kold before and after.




 The rest of Star Trek's aliens include Idris Elba (Krall), Sofia Boutella (Jaylah), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Fiona Vroom (Green Girl) and Deep Roy we know as Scottys sidekick - Keenser. The crew of the USS Enterprise Ncc1701 is commanded by Captain James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) with Zoe Saldana (Uhua), Karl Urban (bones), Simon Pegg (Scotty) John Cho (Sulu) and Anton Yelchin as Chekov. You'll be able to catch them in action on July 22th when the captain breaks the Enterprise again. It seems like a fitting end for the great ship - considering.

Live Long and be Prosper.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Anton Yelchin

Anton Yelchin died tragically on Sunday the 19th June. He was only 27. He was found In a horrible collision pinned between his car and a brick mailbox at his San Fernando Valley home.

 With the horror of Anton's passing spreading, foul play is not suspected by the police. John Cho who plays Sulu seated adjacent Anton's character Chekov on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 bridge has expressed what most of us are thinking.

 "He was a true artist - curious, beautiful, courageous. He was a great pal and a great son. I'm in ruins. Anton Yelchin who speaks in his native Russian accent for Star Trek's reboot movies was born in St Peterburg in 1989.

So now Star Treks trilogy is completed with the 3rd installment Beyond missing its peppy Navigator for its July 22nd premiere. JJ Abrams, the director of the rebooted franchise, shared a hand written tribute to the actor.'Anton,' he wrote, 'You were brilliant. You were kind. You were funny as hell, and supremely talented.'And you weren't here nearly long enough. Missing you JJ.' .

'This is unreal,' the actor's friend Anna Kendrick tweeted on Sunday. 'Anton Yelchin is such a talent. Such a huge loss.'

 Anton Yelchin looked towards his predecessors in Star Trek TOS like Walter Koenig for insight into the role and drew upon his own Russian background and created an intense speaking Russian Navigator who impressed and wooed fans worldwide.

 He cracked many of us up - and will be a hard act to follow. Remember "I can do zat?" I think its fair to say Anton pulled that act off fair and square.

 Looking at these cruel gates - there was no escape when Anton Yelchin momentarily exited his two ton vehicle. That Jeep was a beast. Anton must have been checking his mail? and the Jeep - Grande Cherokee which was in neutral and running moved - Tragically it rolled backwards on a steep incline. He obviously didn't realize the danger until it was too late and was found by a friend. It really was such a tragic, awful way to die.

 In happier times Anton starred as Kyle Reese in Terminator Salvation. Including films Fright Night, and horror film Green Room starring Alia Shawkat, Patrick Stewart and Joe Cole.                                           

The Driftless Area, Burying the Ex, Rudderless, The Smurfs 2, Like Crazy, Charlie Bartlett, and Alpha Dog. Anton also recently completed work on the indies We Don't Belong Here, Rememory, and Porto, which are all due out later this year.

R.I.P. Anton. So many people are already missing you.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

New Star Trek Beyond Trailer 2

Star Trek Beyond trailer 2 has finally arrived. Hooray, its here! Looking back over recent memory bank records, my findings clearly indicate, Star Trek Beyond is behind Star Trek Into Darkness by at least two months but whos counting? Were you counting down the days, hungering for the next trailer?

 It isn't uncommon you know, its easy to get lost in the vastness of space, theres only yourself, your ship, your crew - States the High Command of the Federation. 

Fear of death is what keeps us alive says Dr McCoy. So what happens when the Federation flagship, USS Enterprise NCC 1701 is boarded by unknown "Swarm" Aliens? Whats F.B.I Agent (Chuka Ekweogwu) going to do? Unless something is done fast, Captain Kirk's crew is going to have big problems! So whats the next move???

 Swarm Long and prosper, trekkers.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Worf, Xon and Yang

Worf (Michael Dorn) makes up for his lack of a true Klingon upbringing by trying to be a super Klingon, Kapla!

Xon (David Gautreaux) never got to play this Vulcan character, now I wonder why? He was supposed to be the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 Science Officer in the never made Star Trek II, long story short Nimoy's I am not Spock soon switched when the idea of a multi million dollar movie was in the wind. The rest you can guess. Gautreaux got a small part in Star Trek The Motionless Picture.

Yangs are the bitter enemies of the Kohms in the less than subtle allegory that was "the Omega Glory."

Live Long and Prosper.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Khan doesn't give up with out a fight.

Later McGivers comes to Khan’s quarters, and he plays her like a two-dollar banjo, pretending to grow weary of her alleged fickleness, which is just her acting like a person, and gets her to practically beg him to stay. It’s an impressive display of power, and he makes it more overt when he forces her to her knees, declaring his intention to take the ship. She resists at first, but eventually says she’ll do anything he asks.

What orders would you have given to take control?

Saturday, April 09, 2016


H is for Hunter chasing the Hunted. In 2369 Chief Engineer Miles O' Brien (Colm Meaney) befriends an intelligent lifeform being pursued through the wormhole. Star Trek DS9 Captive Pursuit shows a hunted alien, Tosk (Scott Thomson) on the run from his masters, the Hunters. Its a game of sport to them you see. Its fun watching the fox trying to outwit the bad guys in this story.

" I am Tosk says the hunted alien, I live to outwit the hunters for another day, to survive until I die with honor."

 In order to help Tosk, O'Brien must decide if this alien is worth going against Commander Sisko's orders. The message is clear. The United Federation of Planets principles are in direct conflict with the Hunters culture. Tosk was bred and raised for the sole purpose to be hunted. I can just imagine Captain Jean Luc Picard (TNG) giving us a speech on the first duty of every Starfleet officer......

What would you do, help or let Tosk take his chances?

Hunt long or Prosper, Trekkers.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Chancellor Gorkon

G is for GORKON but who is he? In Star Trek the Undiscovered Country VI, David Warner plays the foolhardy naive Klingon, Chancellor Gorkon who brokers peace between the Federation and the rouge Klingon Empire. Gorkon's peace initiatives are civilized and diplomatic. The Galactic powers are uneasy. Not everyone wants Peace! Its bad for business even in the 23rd century! 

Okay, so heres someone who recognises there can be honor in peace. Is he a visionary or a fool? Who can the Chancellor trust? He has to rely on his trusted aides during "dinner time" aboard the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A and especially General Chang his chief of staff. So its really neat when two assassins in white Starfleet uniforms close in for the kill. Who are they? Who sent them?

Its fun watching the clueless Enterprise crew piece together the clues in this wonderfully dark sherlockian murder/mystery.

 KIRK "We fired on the chancellors ship!"
 SCOTTY "That is not possible!"

QUESTION: Which two traitors conspired to have Gorkon murdered and Captain Kirk framed? 

1. General Chang (Gorkons Chief of Staff)
2. Brigadier Kerla (Gorkons Military Advisor)
3. Starfleet Admiral Cartright (Starfleet Command)
4. Azetbur (Gorkons Daughter)
5. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.

Peace and Long Life, Trekkers and Trekkies.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...