Showing posts sorted by relevance for query captain kirk. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query captain kirk. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kirk's Klingon Encounters

Kirk has always been deeply suspicious of Klingons. In 2267 aboard the K7 Deep Space Station, Korax the klingon called Kirk "an overbearing Tin Plated Dictator with delusions of Godhood and a Denibian Slime Devil." (Tribble Trouble) The klingon slagged off the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 which Mr Scott found unforgivable! (Scotty's Deep Space K-7 Shoreleave.) Chekov was outraged but Mr Scott ordered him to hold his ground, explaining that "everyones entitled to an opinion" so Chekov grudgingly sat down. The Klingon was undetered. "I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage; I meant to say that it should be hauled away *as* garbage." All hell breaks loose aboard K7 with Scotty throwing the first punch.

In 2267 the planet Organia becomes a Klingon military occupation. Kirk and Spock are trapped on the planet. They go undercover. The military Klingon Commander Korr and self declared Governor of Organia does not take prisioners but instead has many of the troublemakers snuffed out as a warning.

Image Copyright Belongs to Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Khan Noonien Singh was a human augment from the throwbacks of earth's eugenics wars. He was the ruling prince on earth worshipped by a quarter of the population between 1992 and 1996. Now defeated and exhiled the ex-prince of millions retreated with his 84 loyal subjects aboard the safety of the U.S.S. Botany Bay to escape earths orbit and recover from his war wounds. Kirk's Enterprise had the misfortune of coming to Khan's salvation. The discovery of the Botany Bay was picked up by the U.S.S. Enterprises sensors who beamed aboard to investigate this ancient sleeper ship. Year later, Khan still regarded Kirk as "his old friend" even though his cold calculating assassination attempt failed in his plot to take over the Enterprise.

"KIRK! Kirk you're still alive, my old friend..." affection is heard in the Princes voice.
"Still OLD FRIEND! You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target." responded a badly shaken Kirk, clearly enraged.

Image Copyrights Belong To Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

In 2285 Captain James Tiberius Kirk prepared for fierce combat with the Klingon Commander Kruge superbly played by Christopher Llyod on the planet Genesis. (Commander Kruge Is a Dynamic, Powerthirsty, Merciless Klingon Warrior)Kruge did'nt care how he got his weapon of ultimate power. Killing Kirks son David and fighting Kirk was just bad timing.

This Klingon Kruge guy just happens to be a hot tempered, merciless klingon not to be trifled with. Except Kirk's done just that by blowing Kruge's USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A Invasion-force to bits, a class act as Kirk's crew beamed off the ship. Captain Kirk's experiences with brutal savage Klingons stretch far beyond Organia and the Genesis Planet.

General Chang, a likeable, sneaky Klingon brilliantly played by Christopher Plummer tried to blow Kirk and the Enterprise NCC 1701-A's crew to smithereens using a cloaked bird of prey.
"O come now Kirk, you do prefer it this way. In space all warriors are cold warriors." At least General Chang had a sense of humor.

Last but not least, our own special little Klingon Geiger Counters were hard at work in the Trouble with Tribbles Star Trek episode. The chance to observe these special furry little critters emitting purring sounds had a strangly relaxing effect on me and the tribbles kept the Klingons from turning wicked evil on K7. Here is some of the best home viewing with Kirk's encounters with Klingons.

Trouble With Tribbles (TOS)
Errand of Mercy. (TOS)
The Wrath of Khan. (TOS)
The Search for Spock (TOS)
The Undiscovered Country. (TOS)

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers. Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Voyage Home

The year was 2285. Out of the vast darkness of space, a mysterious probe appears in earths orbit. Its high pitched distressing communications, interfere severely with the planets environment and all surrounding power sources, including starships. Earthlings are powerless and panic is rife. All of Starfleet is on red alert. The probe is the bad guy and wants to find out why his friendly humpback whales are no longer answering. Little does it know humans have murdered them to extinction.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home is a supreme space adventure concerning an extremely powerful alien probe, Time travel, late 20th century paranoid earthlings, Captain Kirk's heroic crew of explorers, a Klingon ship and the small matter of saving earth with George and Gracie. Packed with wit, mischief, neat special effects, a funny Spock and great storyline, the Voyage Home is one of my favourite Star Trek movies. Star Trek IV is epic in nature and spirit and has all the ingredients of a great sci fi movie.

After three months of exile on Vulcan, Kirk decides to return to Earth with his loyal, gallant Enterprise crew mates, in a Klingon B'rel-class, Bird of Prey to face charges of theft, damage and saving Mr Spock's life.

The odds of returning in one piece in the enemy's shabby Klingon ship, did little to inspire Dr Mc Coys confidence. He named their new ship "HMS Bounty" courtesy of the Klingon Empire and Lord Kruge of course, who got snuffed out by Kirk on the Genesis planet. Yessss! The crew voted in favor of going back to Earth and facing federation justice for their "crimes." So much for being the good guys.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kruge's stolen D-12 Scout rattled and groaned as the crew approached warp speed. I remember this had me on the edge of my seat, rooting for my heroes as I prepared myself for our warp 10 around the sun. I felt like part of the crew. This was an exhilarating moment for me and my eyes never left the screen. When the "Bounty"crew did arrive at earth it seemed so realistic. When I was a young Trekkie, I recall looking out the Klingon viewer on TV and seeing earth. Kirk's crew had arrived secretly. Wow I said, "This is whats its like in space."

Spock asks Kirk about the use of language which has altered since their arrival. "It is currently laced with colourful metaphors."Double dumb ass on you" and so forth " enquires Spock innocently.

"You mean the profanity, that's simply the way the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you if you don't swear every other word. You'll find it in all the literature of the period." replies Kirk.

Spock: For example?

Kirk: Oh the complete works of Jacqueline Susann, the novels of Harrold Robbins....

Spock: Ah.... The Giants....

It was the ships chronic condition, whining dilithium crystals, destabilising hull, warping around the sun, the chase around the hospital, and Chekov's capture by earthlings that really got me amped. I realised anyone of these could put "the mission" in serious jeopardy. McCoys dialogue with the hospital surgeon is hilarious, Spock gets to grips after coming back from the dead with amusing "best guesses" for his usually precise time computations. Stay clued for Spock's profanity on the planet. Star Trek IV really is a pleasure to watch. The cursing bit is just so not Spock but Spock despite Captain Kirks vain attempts just can't remember.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

KIRK: Spock.....

KIRK: About those colorful metaphors we discussed. I don't think you should try to use them.
SPOCK: Why not?
KIRK :Well, for one thing, you haven't quite got the hang of it.
SPOCK: I see.
KIRK :And another thing... It is not always necessary to tell the truth.
SPOCK :I cannot tell a lie.
KIRK :You don't have to lie... You could exaggerate.
SPOCK :Exaggerate.
KIRK :You've done it before. Can't you remember?
SPOCK :The hell I can't
KIRK :(Sighs) What else did you learn from your mind meld?
SPOCK: They are very unhappy about the way their species has been treated by man.
KIRK :They have a right to be... Do you think they'll help us?
SPOCK I believe I was successful in communicating our intentions.

The real stars of the movie "George and Gracie" were two Humpbacked whales. They respond to the mystery space caller, after Kirk warps 300 years into the past and beams them away from their 1986 hostile environment. 23rd century earth of the future filled with Starfleet hopefuls is saved. Yes! It worked. Earth was saved. lets not forget however that the plight of 21st century whales is a real one which the movie clearly demonstrates.
Here's some amusing dialogue between an extremely worried Dr "Bones" McCoy as he demands of kirk,

" Are you sure this is such s bright idea?"
"What do you mean?" answers Kirk calmly.
"I mean him, back at his post like nothing happened. I don't know if you've got the whole picture but Spock's not exactly working on all thrusters!!" retorts a worked up McCoy

"It'll come back to him" reassures Kirk with doubt written all over his face.
"Are you sure?" presses McCoy
Kirks looking lost now.
"Thats what i thought." An anguished McCoy leaves Kirks side.
"Mr Sulu, take us home." commands Kirk.

Kirk seemed to take Mc Coys antics in his stride. Its a pity McCoy didn't prescribe himself some of his own medicine! A hypospray or two is good for you! Doc! It would have done wonders for his stress levels. Uhuru which means freedom in Swahili was at her communications station.

Sulu was at the helm and Chekov was at the weapons station. The plan was to warp the Bounty around the sun accounting for time computation, warp capability acceleration and decelerating the ship mass, etc and of course most important of all,

" making the best guess that I can." said Spock earnestly to Dr McCoy at a critical moment.
Scotty held the ship together in the engine room with the re-energized Klingon crystals. One of his funniest lines in the movie is when he informed Kirk,

" Admiral I have replaced the Klingon food packs, they were giving me a sour stomach!"
" O, Is that what it was?" Clearly Kirk discovered something only he didn't care for the details.

One solar flare colliding with the Bounty could have sent them off course but the ship survived. The slingshot around the sun succeeded saving the whales from Earth of the past in time to save 23rd century mankind from a destructive interstellar space probe.. The HMS Bounty and the Enterprise crew sweep down on Planet Earth just in time to release the whales. The message in the movie is these endangered humpback whales belong on our world just as much as humans. Its is because of our activities there is only one third of Humpbacks roaming the Seven Seas so we've got to stop the slaughter and pollution of our oceans. The Voyage Home has been hailed as one of Star Trek's popular and successful movies and I highly recommend watching this movie.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Reasons why Kirk is better than Picard.

Here are reasons why Kirk is better than Picard. However before you take my word for it, Trekkie citizens of the Federation, warp over to who believe Picard is better than Kirk!

You tell me, is James Tiberius Kirk or Jean Luc Picard the superior commander!! Remember Kirk has saved Earth from total extermination! but don't be swayed, Here are my reasons why Kirk is better than Picard:

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk faces his enemies in a final showdown, face to face and does'nt fear beaming down to planets.

Kirk knows how to defeat hostile aliens with Federation firepower and is'nt bothered about blowing them to smithereens either.

Not so on Picard's Enterprise. Jean Luc first finds out what Deanna Troi is feeling, next Picard asks for suggestions and then orders Yar to hail the enemy ship!!!

Kirk meanwhile has already given the word. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!!!

Kirk would personally throw Wesley out the airlock!

But Picard has given Wesley Crusher countless second chances despite the crew of the Federation's flagship USS Enterprise being placed in mortal danger by the nerdlings experiments.

Kirk does'nt believe in double talk, but Picard likes informing and squealing his way out of trouble.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Picard doesn't like to get his hands dirty, fighting mere mortals or punching. He leaves that to Worf, Riker or Data, while he waits on the bridge.(I have never seen Picard kill Klingons in hand to hand combat. Thats a joke.)

Kirk fights bad dudes all over the galaxy. Kruge was one and he snuffed out Kirk's only son David. Klingon Kruge was shoved over a cliff edge to his firey death for his trouble.

Kirk earned himself a reputation at Starfleet Academy as the only cadet to have beaten the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario.

Kirk has more awards and commendations than Picard.

Kirk is prepared for hand to hand fisticuffs, but Picard prefers to converse in conversation.

Kirk seduces women but Picard shouts at them. Remember Lilly?

Kirk has a real warm human heart but Picard has a cold heart of steel.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk exposes plots, foils Klingons, fights baddies, blows up ships and has saved Earth.

Picard is the good captain guy who maintains the peace through peaceful negotiations aboard the Federation's mighty flagship Enterprise.

Kirk saved Earth by repopulating the whale species with George and Gracie and introduced them to 23rd century Earth.

Kirk's the young guy with hair. Picard is the old bald guy. (Remember I'm still skylarking.)

Kirk calls the shots on his ship with his second in command never telling him what to do. Science Officer Spock was Kirk's second in command and respected the chain of command.

Picard got himself kidnapped ten times!

Picard is French and has worn tights. Kirk never wears tights!

Kirk drinks Romulan Ale and Saurian Brandy. Captain Picard favourite drink is Earl Grey Tea!

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Kirk saves his crew members (Spock's Brain) (Search For Spock) but Picard is ruthless with his. Remember Ensign Lynch who got assimulated by the Borg? Picard yanked out Lynch's neuroprocessor in front of Lilly Sloan, whose shocked response is "Tough Luck eh?"

In one alternate future, Picard captains a more agressive Starfleet vessel during prolonged unrest with the Klingons. Kirk had to do battle with Klingons all the time during the 23rd century.

Kirk knew Tribbles made good detectives and were good at rooting out Klingon spies. These warm furry creatures with no teeth invaded Kirk's Enterprise and K7 but the price was well worth it. believe Tribbles would'nt stand a chance against Picard. Everyone at least deserves one chance?

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Kirk vs the Gorn

A mysterious alien race called the Metrons intervene and transport two starship captains to a planet where Kirk and the Gorn are given a choice. Fight or die and whoever is victorious saves the lives of his crew. The thing is see, Captain Gorn destroyed the Earth outpost on Cestus III and claimed it was an intrusion into Gorn territory. Now Captain Kirks got major issues with that kind of crap. You just can't let aliens get away with that kind of stuff especially when it undermines the peaceful harmony currently enjoyed within the United Federation of planets which Starfleet is sworn to protect.

Image creator/owner: Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

Here is a large, immensely powerful, hissing, reptilian creature with sharp claws and spikey, sharp, teeth. Thats right he's the Gorn. Look at the color of the its scaly skin and the fierceness of those terrifying teeth. When I watched Star Trek TOS "Arena" episode for the first time I was highly entertained by the worst Star Trek fight of all time but something puzzled me. The lizard Gorn's character played by both Gary Coombs and Bobby Clark demonstrates a true warrior bred for fighting. This alien creature obviously means business! I mean watch how easily the lizard creature catapults that massive rock at Captain Kirk! The Gorn is strong but being a lizard sure can be major drag sometimes! Poor Captain Kirk has to engage this beast in a fight to the death. Now I have to ask why doesn't the Gorn just chomp off Captain Kirk's head when he gets him in the deadly wrestling grip?

Monday, December 23, 2013

Star Trek's Classic Redshirts

In keeping with the seasons festive spirits, why don't we celebrate Star Trek's itchy trigger finger 'Red Shirts' with a burst of nostalgia. Many of us already know, the curse of the Redshirt began with Captain Kirk's five year mission enforcing peace in the galaxy, firing phasers first and asking questions later. Fans know that the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 has standing orders to investigate all interstellar phenomena wherever they may be which is totally cool.

 Kirk's starship has afterall an endless supply of 'marines' to serve and protect which is really neat. When things get dicey, Kirk calls in the 'Red Shirts' to scope out mystery alien planets etc just in case. Which usually pays off big time until you add the fatalities up.: At the start of Star Trek TOS, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 had a Starfleet family of 430 men and women.

 Remember Rayborne? Poor fellow was assigned as a security guard to protect Kirk's Enterprise. While on a landing detail to Exo III, Raybourne is left at the entrance of a cavern while Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel are led by Dr Brown to meet Dr Roger Korby. All is never what it seems in star trek. The music steps up a few beats and a strange creature steps out from within Exo's shadows. Unfortunately Raybourne meets Ruk, an ancient, advanced 'old one' left over from a byegone era. Android Ruk does his job only too well and protects!

So you see of the 430 Enterprise crew, 59 Starfleets died during the call of duty. Among our fallen heroes 6 were goldshirts. 5 were blueshirts and 4 were from Scotty's engineering dept (RED) but get this, 43 died defending their ship because they were 'REDSHIRTS.' To put it in Dr Mc Coys lingo, 'Hes dead Jim.'

To roll in with some cosmic festive fun heres a list of Redshirts that fell honorably during Enterprise duty . Can you tell which ones survived Captain Kirk's reign of exploration and LIVED? Who escapes a court martial but is later killed by a Ceti Alpha V creature?

1. Lieutenant Compton - 'Wink of an Eye' Ageing/Cellular damage.
2. Lieutenant Desalle - 'Arena', 'The Squire of Gothos', 'This side of Paradise', 'Catspaw'.
3. Lieutenant Galloway - 'Miri', 'A Taste of Armageddon', 'The City on the Edge of Forever', 'The Omega Glory'. Phaser blast
4. Ensign Garrovich - 'Obsession'.
5. Lieutenant Commander Giotto - 'Devil in the Dark'.
6. Ensign Harper - 'The Ultimate Computer'. Vaporized
7. Lieutenant Grant - 'Friday's Child'. Speared
8. Lieutenant Kaplan - 'The Apple'. Lightening
9. Lieutenant Kyle - 'Tomorrow is Yesterday'.
10. Yeoman Landon - 'The Apple'.

11. Lieutenant Mallory - 'The Apple'. Explosive Rocks.
12. Crewman Marple - ' The Apple'. Clubbed.
13. Lieutenant Marla McGivers - 'Space Seed'. Madness.
14. Crewman Montgomery - 'The Doomsday Machine'.
15. Ann Mulhall - ' Return to Eden'.
16. Lieutenant O' Herlihy - 'Arena'. Phasered.
17.  Lieutenant Osborne - 'A Taste of Aramegeddon'. Disintegration Chamber, Stay of Execution
18.  Lieutenant Palmer - 'The Doomsday machine, The Way to Eden'.
19. Crewman Raybourne - ' What Are Little Girls made of?' Thrown off a ledge.
20. Ensign Rizzo - Obsession'. Salt Vampire.

Holiday Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

William Shatner's Get a Life!

Heres William Shatner re-enacting his 1986 Saturday Night Live evil Captain Kirk speech at a Star Trek convention, with the help of his co-star trekkies who did a brilliant job. This spoof comedy is fun to watch.  Shatner gets a huge round of applause at the fake convention when he eventually back tracks. It was really the evil Captain Kirk's fault.

"Alright before I answer any more questions theres something I want to say. Having received all your letters over the years, and I've spoken to many of you, and some of you have know... hundreds of miles to be here. I'd just want to say.......GET A LIFE! will you people?

I mean for crying out loud, its just a TV show! I mean look at you; Look at how you're dressed." (Shocked trekkies with horrified expressions on their faces look around the room to examine each others clothes)

"You've turned an enjoyable little job, I did as a lark for a few years, into a colossal waste of time. (Shatners pretending to be furious now) I mean how old are you people? What have you done with yourselves?

You!! Shatner shouts out, (pointing to a guy wearing glasses and really pointy vulcan ears) you must be almost 30, have you ever kissed a girl? (The trekkie guy doesn't answer and instead hangs his head in shame) I didn't think so!" says Shatner who's only just getting warmed up. "

"Theres a whole world out there! When I was your age, I didn't watch television, I lived! So move out of your parents' basements and get your own apartments and GROW THE HELL UP!! It's just a tv show dammit! It's just a tv show." declares shatner flabbergasted.

An innocent geeky guy wearing glasses and no spock ears in a yellow t shirt enquires from the front row. "Are you saying we should pay more attention to the movies?"

Shatners close to losing it now. "NO!!!! thats not what I'm saying at all!!! You guys are the lamest bunch that I've ever seen...... I mean I can't believe these people?....I mean, I really can't understand what I'm doing here." yells the mean Captain as he walks off the stage towards his manager at the sidelines.

In the convention audience I noticed a trekkie with his hands over his ears so he couldn't hear Shatners painful, blasphemous words. This spoof is absolutely priceless with the cheesy laughing in the background the whole time. 

A shoving match between Shatner and his manager ensues shortly after Bills ferocious facts of life speech with the trekkies/trekkers. After a serious row with his manager Bill realises he's screwed up big time with his fans. After a little confab Shatner returns to face his crestfallen trekkies.

"Of course that speech was a re-creation of the "Evil Captain Kirk", from uhhhh episode 37." Frozen like statues, Shatners beleaguered trekkies watch their hero with keen interest without saying a word. Shatners stammering now.

"The name...uhhhhhh"
(and his manager leans over and whispers the episode into the Shat's ear)
"The Enemy Within" which immediately restores Shatner's credibility with the trekkies/trekkers when they hear their Captain Kirk speaking their lingo. Shatners smiling now because his fans are responding with geekie laughter.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, so thankyou" he says joyfully, relieved. ".....and live long and prosper, so everybody set your phasers on stun, cos' this convention is ahead, Warp factor nine!"
"Horray, yay, yay, yay," cheer the trekkies.
"Alright, Warpfactor nine!" cheers Shatner as he exits.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers and Trekkies!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Classic TOS Starships

Here is a Classic list of Star Trek's TOS Starship's that have rocked us to the edge of our seats in awe and wonder. The Enterprise crew have been our guides, our protectors and our friends on our adventures through the vast unknown. Starfleets mission in the Galaxy has always been one primarily concerned with Deep Space exploration, Peace, Scientific research, diplomatically seeking out new life forms and defending the United Federation of Planets. In 2161 Starfleet was chartered by the Federation going boldly where no-man or no-one has gone before.

Image Owner/Creator Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

In Star Trek The Original Series, its fleet of starships have been met with armed conflict, doomsday machines, madmen, interstellar mayhem, mysticism, encounters with alien life forms and firefights to the death. Enforcing the peace in the far flung reaches of the universe often comes at a high-human cost. Starfleet's family of officers and crew hands are a close knit community who rely on each other especially in times of crisis. When a crew member has fallen honourably during battle defending the constitution of the United Federation of Planets its a challenge to continue but we must serve, protect and be ready to die at our posts like true Klingons.

In 2254, James Kirk and Ben Finney served aboard the U.S.S. Republic NCC-1371 while Ensign Kirk was a cadet at the Academy. Kirk discovers an open circuit to the atomic matter piles and logs the error which sends Ben Finney to the bottom of the promotion list. Finney plots his revenge which temporarily jeopardizes Captain Kirk's career on stardate 2947.3.

Image Owner/Creator Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

In 2257, the U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647 is commanded by Captain Garrovick with Lieutenant James T.Kirk on his first assignment since leaving Starfleet Academy. Unfortunately the Farragut falls victim to a Dikironium Cloud Creature discovered on Tycho IV which descends on the crew. The vampire cloud creature is merciless and feeds off the haemoglobin iron in 200 Starfleet officers rendering them totally lifeless within seconds. Kirk never forgets and is determined to capture the creature before it returns to space and finds another planet of humans to feed on.

In 2267, Commodore Matt Decker's entire crew of the U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017 are consumed by the planet killer in "The Doomsday Machine" episode while on a planet. Meanwhile a horrified commodore survives the fatal attack on his ship but wished he had gone down with his crew. The Captain is always the last man to leave a starship in crisis. Decker vows to avenge his crew mates and gets his chance.

Image Owner/Creator Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

In 2268, the U.S.S. Exeter NCC-1672 captained by Ronald Tracey is found orbiting planet Omega IV in "The Omega Glory." Its entire crew is reduced to dehydrated crystals by an ancient bacterialogical warfare virus. The Exeter crew led by Tracey accidentally contract the Omega IV disease and beam it up to the ship. Tracey soon realises Omega IV holds the key for natural immunity against the killer virus with the secret to extended life beckoning him to the planet surface below. The Exeter captain violates Starfleet's Prime directive which Kirk and Spock must somehow repair before its too late.

In 2268 the USS Excalibur NCC-1664 commanded by Captain Harris is destroyed by Dr Richard Daystrom's maniac multitronic computer. M-5 fires full phasers during a friendly war game involving five starships, killing the entire crew of the starship Excalibur in "the Ultimate Computer." The U.S.S. Potemkin NCC-1657 and the U.S.S. Hood NCC-1703 make lucky escapes. The U.S.S. Lexington NCC-1709, commanded by Commodore Robert Wesley is severely damaged with M-5 killing 53 crew hands on that ship. M-5's logic is flawed and like its creator the computer was prone to emotionally erratic behaviour which affected the battle strategy of its decisions. M-5 soon realised the error of its way and felt the urgent need to atone for its sins.

In 2268, the U.S.S. Intrepid NCC-1631 manned by vulcans, encounters a massive single celled space borne amoeba near the Gamma 7A System in "The Immunity Syndrome." This interstellar creature is 18,000 kilometers long and 3,000 kilometers wide surrounded by a large energy field which is big! The creature's energy "zone of darkness"
nearly cripples the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 on its approach solving the mystery about how the crew of the U.S.S. Intrepid were destroyed.

Image Owner/Creator Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

In 2268, the U.S.S. Yorktown NCC-1717 was scheduled to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Enterprise to transfer critical vaccine supplies for planet Theta VII. The rendezvous was temporarily cancelled in favour of hunting down the Vampire Cloud Creature before it escaped without a trace.

In 2269 the U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764 disappeared into an alien Tholian interdimensional trap which was designed to capture enemy starships in the "Tholian Web" before finally crushing them.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies.

Monday, September 03, 2018

Captain Kirks Star Trek Toys


Here's a list of romantic entanglements, historic, fatalistic, diplomatic, warp speed spacebabes. At least one kiss got recognized for real world significance and the other was with an android but who were they? but HEY, what do you say? Kirk got to play around with all of them! How IMPRESSIVE is that?.

Captain Kirk's got the coolest space toys and he gets to talk to the USS Enterprise 1701 with yeah, you know the one! The flip up communicator. "Kirk here! Two to beam up Scotty! (Ok, so he never said Scotty but let's pretend he did.) Being the third Captain of the legendary Enterprise requires bending rules for the greater good.

 Wheres the fun otherwise? Saving Earth from hostile entities like V'Ger and madman Nero remember them? Nero was nuts. It sure puts the captain in the thick of action whose Kirk attitude and swagger is famously linked with science fictions leading existential heros. What a role model for us poor mortals! Never one far from danger, Kirk's dedication never stops him having fun in his downtime.

 Always it took beautiful women across the quadrant to propel the captain from danger to flirtation or was it love?. Because some say Captain James T. Kirk's one true spacebabe was the Starship Enterprise. What do you think?

Live Long and Prosper, trekkers and trekkies!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My God Jim, He's Dead!


My God He's Dead Jim.
Image Creator/Owner: Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

It looks like James Tiberius Kirk doesn't care about his fallen security guard but nothing could be further from the truth. I made up some dialogue to fit the photo, for a few laughs.

Dr McCoy: My God Jim, he's dead!!!

Captain Kirk: Ahhhh to heck with him Bones, we've got bigger problems to worry about like the "Eyes of Vaal" and besides. Theres plenty more where he came from.

Spock: I'm the tallest, it should have been me.

Yeoman: Captain, that poor man has a family, aren't we going to bury him?

Captain Kirk: Nahh. His body is just a useless empty shell, now come on people! We've got a mission to complete.

Chekov: Yes Captain.

Here's a classic example of one of the USS Enterprises Security guys in a red t-shirt whos been killed on the homeworld of Akuta's people, Gamma Trianguli VI in the classic episode "The Apple." In Star Trek TOS, the red t-shirt was simply bad luck! Security guards beaming down to planets wearing these jinxed uniforms were cursed, sometimes they never even made it back to the USS Enterprise.

Vaal is a ruling computerlike god shaped in the form of a cavernous mouth with fangs and red glowing eyes a sure sign hes getting angry. Kirk's landing party upsets the unnatural peaceful balance enjoyed on Gamma Trianguli and deciding to take matters into his own hands, Kirk breaks the prime directive! No surprise there. Akuta's people worship Vaal and feed him from the holy templelike altar. Vaal must be obeyed who in turn looks after the people on Gamma Trianguli VI. Kirk's crew soon learn some very strange facts about the planet and Vaal orders Akuta to take action!

Live Long and Prosper, Aliens and Trekkies!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nyota Uhura

In 1966 Nichelle Nichols played Lieutenant Nyota Uhura for three seasons going boldly where no woman has gone before. In 2266 Uhura took to the stars aboard the original USS Enterprise NCC 1701 in her most famous role as Communications Officer entertaining viewers with her "Hailing frequencies open, Captain." Her character is eventually promoted in Starfleet to the rank of Commander. Indeed Uhura reached deep into the hearts and minds of trek fans right accross the space time continuum and proved to be a valuable technician manning the USS Enterprise 1701. Under the command of Captain Kirk, Uhura is responsible for all incoming and outgoing starship communications. Her bridge responsibilities require establishing first contact with alien worlds, bypassing and repairing communication starship systems, detecting and isolating communication signals, responding to distress calls, warning the Captain and raising Starfleet Command.

Uhura can always be relied upon to cheer up the USS Enterprise by singing and seranading to her fellow crew mates in song. In fact her most shocking interstellar experience occured on stardate 3541.9 when the Enterprise was taken over by the space probe Nomad. The probe misunderstood Uhura's singing of 'Beyond Antares,'which she was fond of and assimulated all her memories in an effort to correct a malfunctioning biological unit. Captain Kirk was naturally displeased with Nomad but fortunately Dr Mc Coy's skilled medical techniques restored Uhura's memory to within fully operational starship parameters.

On stardate 5784.2, Uhura performed the first groundbreaking kiss between an Africian-American and a Caucasian, controlled by alien empaths, she was forced to kiss her commanding officer, Captain James T. Kirk in Platos Stepchildren. It was too bad for Trekkies in Europe because it was over 25 years before British television allowed it to be broadcast. Thats how delayed Europe is to the Americas. The history of Star Trek from the 1960s to 2007, depicts conflicts leading to the eventual rise and rapid emancipation of women on tv, films, the internet and societies accross theglobe. Nichelle Nichols, Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan in Star Treks TNG TenForward, JoanCollins as Edith Keeler in Star Trek's 'The City on the Edge of Forever', Mary Mc Alese as President of Ireland, Governor Sarah Palin and Sonia O'Sullivan have succeeded and become major forces to be reckoned with.

In 1968 Star Trek took the first step with Nichelle Nichols and it was a very neat one indeed despite NBC insisting that Kirk and Uhura's lips not be captured on camera. Even so, Nichols states in her book, 'Saturn's Child,' that the kiss was real. Because she is both female and black, Lieutenant Uhura represents two disparate communities united in the shape of one actress. Its interesting to note how far society as a whole has come all because of Star Trek and Nichelle's chance encounter with Martin Luther King. He urged her to remain on as Communications Officer because her character served as a role model not only for blacks but for everyone. Luther's words had such an effect on Nichol's that she later revealed in a "20/20" interview, "I knew that now black children must look at me on that ship even if I was pushing some buttons and know that 'this is a person that I can identify with, that I can emulate.'" One of those kids was Whoopi Goldberg, who told Starlog magazine, "I've been a Trekkie from way back. The only time you ever saw black people in the future was on Star Trek." In 1987 the Enterprise Starship Legacy lived on in the crew of the USS Enterprrise NCC 1701-D. Nichelle and Whoopi may not be in the captain's chair yet but Guinan is on the Flagship of the Federation and Lieutenant Uhura is on the Bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.

Kiss long and Prosper, Trekkies!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Star Trek TOS 'Balance of Terror'

Star Treks Balance of Terror was directed by Vincent McEveety in 1966 creating a gripping 'battle of wits' trek thriller. The Enterprises battle strategist, Captain James T. Kirk engages a Romulan aggressor in a high stakes game of cat and mouse.

Defending the Federation of planets is a tricky job for anyone which is why our military 'Starfleet' has a network of starships and starbases loaded with superior FIREPOWER! YESSS! Now we can sleep safe and sound at night. Or so we thought...

When the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 responds to a Federation outpost in distress no-one knows what to expect. Its red alert, all hands battle stations! At first its unclear who the intruder is... for some weird reason a mysterious force obliterates four out of seven Earth outposts along the Neutral Zone in sector Z-6.

The Neutral Zone intruders are obviously very stealthy and powerful. The poor devil pleading with Captain Kirk is Commander Hansen who doesn't want to die. His fears sum up precisely what everyone on the bridge of the Enterprise is feeling and in a flash the enemy strikes again!

'No identification. No answer to our challenge. Only a glimpse of it. Then they fired something at us, some form of high-energy plasma. Fantastic power. And then the whole vessel disappeared. But it's out there somewhere. Our sensors show that much. Enterprise, something coming on our viewing screen, coming at us fast.'

So now after 100 years of Peace the Federation is teetering on the brink of war with the Romulan Star Empire! Captain Kirks' hesitation tells us the attackers identity is still unconfirmed. The spaceship silhouette is so obviously ROMULAN but then thats Star Trek affliction and addiction for you.

Isn't it great when Captain Kirk decides to follow the Romulan battleship on the quiet? The Enterprise's stand in navigator, Mister Stiles isn't impressed. Kirk's has to work out a plan of action on the double.

'If he has sensors, I want him to think we're a reflection, an echo.' says Kirk ordering a parallel course which doesn't win any brownie points with Stiles. To spice up things  the Romulans superior spy technology gives their 'Bird of Prey' the ability to dodge Starfleet sensors. However its Mr Spock who observes a curious weakness about the Romulans cloaking device delivering lots of dramatic tension to the space battles in this classic episode.

Mark Lenard (famous for playing Spocks Dad, Sarek) makes his first Star Trek appearance in this epic space chase through the stars. Don't be fooled by the pointy ears either, Lenard's character is the cunning Romulan Commander! 'I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend.'

Whos' side were you rooting for? the Federation, the Romulan Star Empire, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 or the Romulan Bird of Prey?

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701

The U.S.S. Enterprise(NCC-1701), like her twelve sister ships* in Starfleet Command is primarily a scientific and research vessel of deep space exploration of the 23rd century. What is the USS Enterprise 1701's primary mission objective?

 Why seeking out new life forms on new civilisations, boldly contacting aliens who have discovered the basics governing warp technology key to achieving interstellar warp travel and what will the United Federation of Planets do? They'll send out Kirk's flagship to wellcome the fledglings into the club.

Owner/Creator Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios

In over forty years of meeting new lifeforms, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 has upgraded with at least two refits during her much watched five year missions(2265-2270). Kirk's ship has engaged in scores of first contacts, military conflicts and time-travel. She has defended earth from the Klingons, Romulans, a Planet Killer, and the Alien Space Probe. Under command of Captain James Tiberius Kirk, the Enterprise NCC-1701 was destroyed in 2285 in a bid to outwit Commander Kruge and his klingon bird of prey.

Science Officer Spock is always on the lookout for subspace anomolies, spatial disturbances, hostile energy lifeform readings and with sensors scanning at maximum to locate accurate planetary positions, Spock's analysis is strategic to pinpointing starship dangers in a matter of seconds on the ship's approach to a new star system. The USS Enterprise's Science Station provides Captain Kirk with enough military intelligence to blast potential enemy starships to smithereens but lets not forget Chief Engineer Scotty.

When the USS Enterprise 1701 took a mighty, helluva walloping from Romulan enemy fire, Scottys first on the Captain's case about the structural integrity of the ship and his precious warp engines. "The ship is packing quite a walloping, she can't take much more of this. She'll blow up in four hours." In the eyes of Commander Kruge's Lieutenant Commander, the USS Enterprise 1701 was a formidable "battlecruiser" capable of defeating her enemies but its really Scotty's engineering "Miracle Worker" touch keeping her together. In Star Trek's universe, Kirk's constitution-class starship doubles as the flagship of the United Federation of Planets peace-keeping force and as a military heavy cruiser.

While under way, every Federation starship is completely manned at all times. Aboard the USS Enterprise it's no different. Each watch consists of eight hours of normal duty. When yellow alert sounds, a second watch is activated and during red alert, all watches are called to battle stations even if your'e snoozing soundly in your bunkbed.

Each of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701's 23 decks is equipped to handle its own gravity. When the ship jumps to warp, Anti-acceleration/deceleration inertial dampeners prevent the crew from leaving strawberry stains on the walls from rapid acceleration.

The Enterprise is equipped with shuttlecraft for ship to planet away missions. In crises situations with the ship is under attack or when Captain Kirk is cheating the jaws of death (Doomsday Machine) Trekkies can always rely on the transporter pad malfunctioning. Just when its needed most! Fortunately for Chief Engineer Scotty, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC - 1701 has two well known shuttlecraft.

During special missions, the "Galileo" and "Columbus" are called into service to transport crew members/ambassadors/v.i.p's and equipment towards planets or starships when the ships transporter is out of action. They come in handy for covert operations too and have excellent space navigation ability. The seven seater shuttles are equipped with limited warp and impulse drive engines, shields, life support systems, a food replicator and emergency provisions for longer stays on planets.

Constitution-class ships use matter, anti-matter reaction converters regulated by dilithium crystals housed in Main Engineering's warp drive engines which can propel the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 at faster than light warp speed. In the episode "Elaan of Troyius", Scotty used the Dolman's necklace which was stung together with dilithium crystals in order to repair the Enterprise's sabotaged, fused dilithium crystal converter. The Dolmans neckless powered the ship's warp engines with enough energy to shoot off a couple of photon torpedoes at the engaging Klingon ship, badly damaging it and causing it to retreat.

Paramount Pictures and/or CBS Studios.

The flagship USS Enterprise is protected by an impressive grid of deflector shields, structural integrity fields, energy forcefields and emergency blast bulkheads that can repel enemy weapons fire and meteorite showers easily.

Starships like Darth Vader's Star Destroyer haven't got an equal chance against the technological might of the Enterprise's phasers and photon torpedoes because Vader's ship, although impressive, only has laser beam technology, cannons and gun turrets capable of making only a few dents in the USS Enterprise's shields. Whose got the most powerful Starship in the Universe? Trekkies do! Thats who! Woo Hoo! But I dare you to prove me wrong! Phasers are more technologically advanced and likely to be hotter that lasers right?


Tractor beams are the opposite of deflectors which pull space objects as opposed to pushing physical energy away. They are used to take smaller ships in tow or move space debris out of the Enterprise's flight path. At the stern of the USS Enterprise's are the impulse engines and the nacelle propulsion systems which makes safe interplanetary space flight at sublight and warp speed.

Starship primary and secondary systems also includes life support, transporters, deflector shields, starship sensors, structural and inertial systems, forcefields, phasers and photon torpedo tubes, warp core reactor, EPS Power Relay systems,

The USS Enterprise consists of 55 officers of command rank in gold uniforms, 15 communication specialists in red uniforms, 136 medical and scientific research personnel in blue uniforms, 132 engineering specialists and a 88 member security force in Red uniforms who usually meet their maker. In addition to the crews complement of 428, the Enterprise has stateroom accommodation for visiting ambassadors, admirals and V.I.P's

*Constellation NCC-1017, Constitution NCC-1700, Defiant NCC-1764, Eagle NCC-956, Endeavour NCC-1895, Essex NCC-1697, Excalibur NCC-1664, Exeter NCC-1672, Hood NCC-1703, Intrepid NCC-1831, Lexington NCC-1709, Potemkin NCC-1657, Republic NCC-1371 and Yorktown NCC-1717. (Only twelve of these ships were in existence during Kirk's celebrated first five year mission of interstellar exploration.)

One of the technological advances that makes the Constitution class starship possible is the duotronic computer designed by Dr. Richard Daystrom in 2243. In 2268, the Enterprise field tests what Dr. Daystrom hopes will be an even greater invention, the multitronic or M5. Unfortunately Daystrom designed the machine based on his very own memory enigrams which for a moment seemed like one great leap forward for computer science but alas the M5 proved to be more unstable than its creator, Dr. Daystrom who was at a loss to explain its emotional outbursts.

Star Trek depicts a future of bright promise. I hope it stays that way. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 is a vehicle of peaceful exploration and research resorting to strategic counter measures as a last resort. Starfleet Command represents the "logical" evolution of today's military into a servant of man's quest for knowledge, as well as a the need for a strong defense.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkies and Trekkers!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Scotty's Laws of Physics

1. Call me Scotty. I may be captain by rank... but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer.
2. Never let Mr Spock know exactly what your thinking... Vulcans are greedy for knowledge and want to read your mind.
3. Don't react when Klingons call Captain James T. Kirk a tin plated over bearing, swaggering dictator with delusions of Godhood. Keep your cool, sit down and finish your drink. Its simply not worth fighting about.
4. Don't be fooled by Shapeshifters. When in doubt speak in code and defeat your enemies with puzzles they cannot answer.
5. "Starship captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. The secret is to give them what they need, not what they want.
6. A fused dilithium crystal converter defies the laws of physics when trying to repel Klingon warships. The warp engines will not restore power to the phasers and shields without additional dilithium. Fortunately raw crystal necklaces are just as powerful as the Dohlman of Elas's tears.
7. Never make fun of Scotty's Excelsior, insult something he cares about instead like the Enterprise.
8. Never confuse the emergency bypass control valve for the matter/antimatter reaction chamber with emergency transporter bypass circuits.
9. No woman has been known to win Scotty away from his beloved ships. Lt Carolyn Palamas, a pretty young officer serving in the Enterprise's Archeology and Anthropology department came close but the Greek God Apollo stole her affections.
10. Always stand up to Klingons who insult the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. Shes not a Garbage Scow and will never be hauled away as garbage. We're big enough to take a few insults but the Enterprise is a matter of pride worth defending. Stick to your phasers on this!
11. Picard's Aldebaran whisky packs quite a punch. The 24th century has synthetic commanders and synthetic scotch. Scotty is not impressed. In Relics, Data offers Scotty a real drink. Strong and alcoholic, Dr. Leonard H. McCoy would approve. A bottle of the green stuff will help solve complex engineering problems every time.
12. Mr Scott has said "You 'cannae beat the finest scotch in all the Galaxy." Montgomery's scotch whiskey.

13. Prewarp cultures are the forbidden fruit in the Universe. The Prime Directive forbids interference with their development. Contact with the natives is forbidden except for Captain Kirk....of course!
14. Never tell the captain how long it really takes to run a diagnostic or fix the dilithium crystal converter if you value your reputation as a miracle worker.
15. Wise up on the latest Engineering technologies in your Starfleet Technical Manual and forget about shoreleave unless ordered by the Captain.
16. A good engineer will always understate how much pressure a starship engine can take in his engineering log.
17. "Condition Green" is covert Starfleet code telling you that Captain Kirk is in trouble with the natives again.
18. Make sure to thank your Captain when ordered "Confined to quarters until further notice." This is a rewarding experience just for you. Hes giving you a chance to read up on your technical journals.
19. When the ship is in danger of blowing up, ignore Scotty's design specifications including the pressure variances in regulation 42/15. Mr Scott wrote it. "A good engineer is always conservative on paper."
20. Be prepared to brave the unknown and take risks with minutes to spare. A good engineer is capable of bypassing errant computers and jury-rigging malfunctioning warpdrives which will place you in peril close to high voltage currents, odd power surges, radiation, coolant leaks, exploding consoles and warpcore breaches.
21. A master engineer can tell how fast a starship is travelling by the feel of the deck plates.
22. Its the Chief Engineers job to know his starships engines inside out, so use your wits to chill the Captain and save the Enterprise in your own sweet time.
23. Deep down everyone knows Scotty.

Live Long and Prosper, trekkies and trekkers..

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