Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Evil Captain Kirk

Heres a couple that looks real sweet but I wonder what have these two been up to? Kirk looks like the cat that got the cream hugged by friendly Janice Rand from Star Trek's 'The Enemy Within.'

What happens when a transporter malfunction goes beserk and splits Captain Kirk into two beings, one indecisive and the other a violent hell-bent lunatic with inappropriate desires for the lovely yeoman here played by Grace Lee Whitney?

The dark side of Captain Kirk runs amok aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 and creates havoc for Sulu who is stuck with the landing party freezing on the planet surface. The Enemy Within does a brilliant science fiction twist on Robert Louis Stevenson's 'the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' which is pure awesome.

Spock figures out that the 'Captain' requires both aspects of the 'Kirk personality' to function as a complete whole. Its really neat watching the good Kirk procrastinating over whether to allow Scotty and Spock use the transporter to restore him with his 'evil' twin.

Would you want to mind meld permanently with the EVIL Captain Kirk?

Join My Awesome Trekkie Squad!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Star Trek 2 Sequel Clues and Movie Shots

Trekmovie has 2 beautiful location shots up on their website with Uhura, Spock and Benedict in action movie scenes! If you're saving yourself for 'Star Trek 2' 2013 then RED ALERT. The following contains SPOILERS.

JJ Abram's second trek sequel is currently shooting on location in Los Angles. So whats new? The first image shows Zachary Quinto aka Mr Spock and Benedict Cumberbatch (mysterious villain) at odds battling it out. In this shot the sneaky vulcan's Neck Pinch puts Cumberbatch on his knees begging for mercy. LOL. Perhaps Spock is getting even for losing one of his logical arguments?

Who do you think is going to win?

In the second shot Uhura holds Cumberbatch at gunpoint with a phaser pointing at his head. Curiously Cumberbatch's got no points on his ears which rules out the Romulan and Vulcan angle.

The Enterprise's Communications Officer hangs tough with this baddie which buys Spock some time at least to complete his secret mission? The question is whats 'Cumberbatch' hiding that affects Uhura and Spock so badly? or the fate of the Federation? Apparently Uhura and Spock are on a 'Space Barge Set' so maybe the duo will call in for some Enterprise Redshirt reinforcements.

Quote and Images courtesy of Trekmovie. Thanks Trekmovie!

Its great seeing Uhura getting in on the action and kicking some villainous butt but has she got the nerves to blow 'Benedict' away?

'I can maybe tell you what I’d like to see happen in Star Trek…for Spock and Uhura to really hook up – for Uhura to get to do whatever physical activities, kick some butt, some Romulan butt.'

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ode to Spot

I rather enjoy listening to Commander Data's wonderful recital of 'Ode to Spot' who wrote it in honor of his cat. I think pet lovers in particular will get a good chuckle out of this episode of TNG 'Schisms' because its just hilarious. The poem itself exposes Spots natural behavioural habits and the personal relationship the creature has with its owner, Data who has come to consider Spot as a true and valued friend.

Tell me, after listening to Data's Ode to Spot, how does your emotional state of mind feel?

Image Owner/Creator: Paramount Pictures and or CBS Studios

Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?
Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
a singular development of cat communications
that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,
it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display
connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Data's Greatest Moments in Love

Star Trek TNG's 'IN THEORY' unfolds around the Mar Obscura Nebula. Datas deduces the dark matter Nebula creates gaps affecting real space and causing the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D to phase in and out of the space time continuum.

The question for the Enterprise crew is how do they navigate past time shifting pockets hitting the ship?
Mr Data agrees to reconfigure 'the sensors' to detect the anomalies at extremely close range with a shuttle craft 'steering' the bulk of the Enterprise through the tricky cloud.

 At last Picard wants an away mission sidelining Riker on the bridge! Jean Luc pilots the shuttle craft on its new course saving his crew and starship from danger.
The hilarious aspect of 'In Theory' is Jenna's and Data's relationship. Commander Data's mission to understand human intimacy proves to be one of the androids greatest tests when he pursues a romantic relationship. Security Officer Jenna D'Sora is seduced by the emotionless technology of the USS Enterprise-D's android.  

As time passes Jenna, a fully fledged woman, wants to experience real love and passion... It gets even better when Mr Data runs a love programme. Jenna isn't amused when she realises the androids devotions are also totally focused on running the Enterprise instead of her.
The big moment arrives when the lovebirds kiss. A satisfied Jenna looks directly at Data fluttering her wide eyelashes and speaks.

Image Owner/Creator: Paramount Pictures and or CBS Studios.

'What were you just thinking?' Pause for a moment and try to imagine Commander Data sparing his girlfriends feelings! Not Data, IMPOSSIBLE! In his androidlike way, he blurt out the fatal and absolute truth.

'In that particular moment I was reconfiguring the warp field parameters, analysing the collective works of Charles Dickens, calculating the maximum pressure I could safely apply to your lips, considering a new food supplement for Spot...

'Oh well, I'm glad I was in there somewhere.'

Later on Jenna's faces tin man head on. Its the critical hour for Jenna and Data but its not over, just yet. Tin man has a few more surprises up his sleeve.

Jenna: 'You were so kind and attentive, I thought that would be enough!'
Data: 'Is it not?'
Jenna: 'No, it's not. Because as close as we are, I don't really matter to you. Not really. Nothing I could do or say will ever make you happy, or hurt you, or touch you in any way.'
Data: 'That is... a valid projection.' Data reflects. 'It is apparent that my reach has exceeded my grasp in this particular area. I am perhaps not nearly so human as I aspire to become...If you are ready to eat, I will bring our meal.
Data stands. Jenna just looks at him sadly.

Jenna: 'I'd better go, Data.
Data: 'If you wish. Jenna. Are we no longer... a couple?
Jena 'No... we're not.'
Data: 'Then I will delete the appropriate program.' :(

What did you think of Michele Scarabelli and Brent Spiner performances in this episode of Star Trek?

Enjoy your Star Trekking, Trekkies.

Friday, February 03, 2012

The Vulcan Anthem

Great Music universally affects our logical frame of mind putting us in a good mood. I love the lyrics and harmony in the Vulcan Anthem "Live Long and Prosper" because its so emotionally uplifting. When you listen, you might also want to see the song as a story. What I can't figure out is why Uhura isn't here singing with Mr Spock playing the vulcan harp? I guess our Enterprise pals are too busy... hiding somewhere.... I've added the lyrics so you can join in the fun and sing along.

Enjoy your Star Trekking, Trekkers.

The Vulcana Anthem

Live Long and Prosper,
Love, Peace and Soul.
Vulcana Regar,
So Beautiful!
Live Long and Prosper,
Logic for welfare for humility.

Live Long and Prosper,
Love peace and Soul.
Vulcana Regar
So Beautiful!
Live Long and Prosper,
Logic for welfare for humility.

Live Long and Prosper,
Love peace and soul.
Vulcana Regar,
So Beautiful!
Live Long and Prosper,
Logic for welfare for humility

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Almighty Johnsons

'The Almighty Johnsons' is an entertaining Fantasy/drama series which hits SyFy this Thursday at 10PM from February 2nd.

The shows characters have real personalities but in the shape of humanoid gods, goddesses, killer babes and immortals that laugh and enjoy life. These guys make mistakes too and encounter interesting problems. A whole myriad of wonders challenge 'the almighty Johnsons' during their voyage of exploration into the Norsewoods. I never did figure out... How do you resist the tempting advances of killer babes when seeking out that perfect higher lifeform?

Monday, January 30, 2012

A to Z Blogging Challenge

Its nearly that time of the year again for the awesome A to Z blogging challenge! 26 letters in the alphabet starting with A on April 1st.

Guess what my topics will be about? Last year I discovered the A to Z challenge on Alex J Cavanaugh's blog. Well, here we go again, planning ahead with a theme for A to Z 's main event.

Remember Colonel Hannibal Smith from the A-Team? 'I love it when a plan comes together.' We're like blog thirsty vampires on a mission with dire cravings to ingest new words and concepts, seeking out new lifeforms on new blogworlds, to boldly go... (broken record player scratch)

Live long and prosper, everyone.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Top 100 Sci-Fi Spaceships?

This week I found a video with a cool slideshow of 100 'Top' science fiction spaceships. Most of these 100 'spaceships' originated from various science fiction movies and tv shows. A few others emerged from cartoon shows and comic Sci-Fi spoofs like the Thunderbirds, Spaceballs and Galaxy Quest. So sit back and enjoy the spaceship sideshow. A couple of space stations are included which is fine but why Eagle 5 (Spaceballs) made no. 45 is a mystery.

How does your geek feel about the sequencing of these starships and starfighters? Watching the video is certainly a good way of testing your sci-fi knowledge in a showdown with some friends. So let the battle of wits begin and hey...

Which side really deserves to emerge victorious from a firefight, Quantum torpedoes or laser cannons?

1. The Milenium Falcon
2. Eagle Transporter
3. Imperial Star Destroyer
4. USS Enterprise NCC 1701
5. USSC Discovery 1 XD-1
6. Battlestar Galactica
7. Zarkov's Rocketship
8. CE3K Mothership
9. X-Wing Fighter
10. U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D
11. White Star
12. Death Star
13. TIE Fighters
14. U.S.S. Sulaco and UDL Cheyenne dropship
15. Slave-1
16. Babylon 5
17. Tardis
18. Klingon Bird of Prey
19. Borg Cube
20. Serenity
21. Red Dwarf
22. Deep Space Nine
23. Cylon Mk IX Raider
24. Minbari Sharlin WarCruiser
25. Klingon D-7 Attack Cruiser
26. Battlestar Pegasus
27. SA-43 Endo/Exo- Atmospheric Attack Jet (Hammerhead)
28. Moonbase Interceptor (UFO)
29. Planet Express ship (Futurama)
30. United Planets Cruiser c-57D
31. U.S.S. Defiant NX 74205
32. Colonial Vipers
33. Space Battleship Yamato
34. Shadow Vessel
35. Romulan D'deridex-Class Warbird
36. Nostromo 180924609
37. SA-23E Aurora class Starfury
38. Earth Starfighter 1314
39. Romulan Bird of Prey
40. Gunstar
41. Eagle 5
42. The Executor
43. Y-Wing Fighter
44. Starbug
45. The Roger Young
46. The Leonov
47. The Valley Forge
48. Guild Transporter
49. Narn G'Quan class heavy cruiser
50. ID4 Motherships
51. Event Horizon
52. Dark Star
53. Jedi Starfighter
54. The Daedalus
55. Liberator (Blake 7)
56. EVA Pod
57. Cylon Basestars
58. Omega Class Destroyer
59. Colonial Shuttle
60. Jedi Starfighter Interceptor
61. Raptors
62. U.S.S. Reliant NCC 1864
63. Tantive IV
64. Thunderbird 3
65. Earth vs the Flying Saucers
66. Icarus
67. U.S.S. Voyager NCC NCC-74656
68. Moya (Farscape)
69. Phoenix (G-Force)
70. Heart of Gold
71. Excalibur
72. Enterprise NX-01
73. Martian War Machine
74. The Swinetrek
75. Andromeda Ascendant
76. Antares
77. Jupiter 2
78. NSEA Protector
79. Visitor Motherships
80. Fireball XL-5
81. Lexx
82. EF76-B Nebulon-class escort frigate
83. The Betty (Alien Resurrection)
84. Quark's Garbage Scow (United Galaxy Sanitation Patrol)
85. Satellite of Love (S.O.L.) - MST3K
86. Spaceball One
87. Klaatu's Ship
88. Geonosian Solar Sailer
89. J Type Diplomatic Barge
90. Cygnus
91. Mining Shuttle (outland)
92. Lambda-Class Shuttle
93. Aries 1-B
94. Hunter-Gratzner (Pitch Black)
95. Deep Space Station K-7
96. Ventor Class Star Destroyer
97. Salvage-1
98. Super Dimension Fortress One (SDF-1) Macross
99. Starlost Ark
100. Surak Shuttle

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Star Trek TNG Blu Ray

2012 is an exciting time trek fans because its our Star Trek's TNG 25th anniversary. So grab your communicators and spread the word. has confirmed each of the 178 episodes spanning The Next Generation's seven seasons will be transferred to true high-definition 1080p for release in the Blu-ray format, starting with season 1 in 2012.

After the successful remastered release of Star Trek TOS in 2006, Star Trek's TNG Blu-Ray HD release is finally materializing with a taste of trek to come. Its like the bugs have been wiped off the windscreen making this trek the first time for fans to boldly experience.... 'The Next Level' with its 4 sample Blu Ray episodes.

Encounter at Farpoint Part 1 and 2.
Sins of the Father and
The Inner Light. has posted 40 BLU-RAY screenshots of TNG series in HD. Apparently Trekkie requests for Star Trek THE NEXT GENERATION sent Paramount on a new mission. To seek out and explore TNG camera negatives, transferring the originals from lower resolution video, visual effects and sound to HD Blu-Ray. Trekkies naturally want to experience the 'higher frontier' so Paramount/CBS listened and are making it so! Amazon and will be fully stock and loaded by 31st January 2012.

The good news is Trekcore and Collider have also confirmed that all 178 episodes of TNG will be transferred to true high-definition 1080p for release in blu-ray format in season sets starting with season one 'later in 2012'. You'll find the whole story here but don't forget Spacerguy, remember I'm doing this for you guys.

The Next Level features four episodes: Encounter at Farpoint's two parter with the heroic USS Enterprise-D crew battling the odds led by Captain Picard resisting the omnipotent Q entity. (Everyone knows Q is nuts.) Whoever said resistance is futile?

'You will now answer to the charge of being a grievously savage race!' Picard toughs it out.'Grievously savage could mean anything, I will answer only specific charges'

 Sins of the Father is the Emmy winner for outstanding Art Direction with Warrior Worf ready for pay back, however this episode begins with Klingon Commander Kurn participating in the 'Starfleet Exchange Programme.' It isn't long before the Enterprise crew are seriously peeved off with the guy. On the Klingon homeworld Worf challenges his fathers enemy with this episode marking a turning point for the Klingon.

'I am a Klingon, if you doubt it, a demonstration can be arranged.'

'I am Worf, son of Mogh. I have come to challenge the lies that have been spoken of my father.'

Inner light is a popular Star Trek favourite and Hugo Award winner for the best dramatic presentation. Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher rushes to a stricken Captain Picard who wakes up and experiences a whole new life spanning nearly 40 years. A woman, Elaine tells him shes his wife! Five whole years pass and Picard has to come to terms with the fact that hes just Kamin the Iron Weaver.

'I just don't know the risk of shutting down the beam.' Commander Riker wants answers fast. 'I'm not willing to let this thing keep drilling into him.'

I bet you're eager to discover what our TNG trek heroes look like on blu-ray HD dvd? Well then its high time for a trekkie splurge, isn't it?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Uhura falls in Love

Heres a funny moment from Star Trek TOS. Mr Spock while holding a tribble is fascinated. 'Most curious creature, Captain. It's trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system.'

Captain Kirk glances at his Science Officer and chokes back a grin as the vulcan begins to pet it gently.

Spock realizes his blunder and rather suddenly puts the little creature down. 'Fortunately, of course, I am immune to it's effect.'

We so believe you, Mr Spock.

How did Uhura react to Mr Spocks total exaggeration?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...