Monday, March 24, 2014

Spacerguys Top 100 Sci-Fi Robots

This week I've shortlisted 100 Science Fiction Robots in showbusiness. Most of these iconic robots' originated from various science fiction movies and tv shows. A few others featured in fantasy musicals, cartoons and comic Sci-Fi spoofs like Galaxina, the Wizard of Oz, Futurama and International Man of Mystery.

Technically speaking the Terminator played by Arnold Schwarzenegger is neither a robot nor an android. In simple Sci-Fi terms hes just your average killer cyborg disguised with living flesh covering an indestructible exo-skeleton. So sit back and enjoy the fun. A couple of evil robots and computer entities mimicking human qualities are here too but why Locutus Of Borg at no.46? Needless to say I'm a trekker.

How does your geek feel about the sequencing of these Robots, Androids and Cyborgs? By the late 1970's and 80's Star Wars, Asimov's Three Robotic Laws and Robocop's Prime Directives were well known. Our robot pals have become like family intrinsically rooted in modern society. They no longer have to look like us to be lovable. R2-D2 and the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 bridge speak to us in whistles and beeps. I hope you've been listening closely, they have more personality than many a humanoid robot.

Perhaps by 2100 the friendliest living thing on planet Earth will be an immortal robotic mind filled with human memories!

Whos that friendly, beaming face hugging R2-D2?

What is the fourth law of robotics?

Which Sci-Fi ROBOT is your favorite?

1. Robby the Robot                             Forbidden Planet          
2. Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One.     Star Trek Voyager
3. Wall-E                                      Wall-e
4. Robot B-9                                   Lost in Space  
5. Lieutenant Commander Data                   Star Trek TNG
6. Optimus Prime                               Transformers (2007)
7. Nomad                                       Star Trek TOS
8. Lore                                         Star Trek TNG
9. R2-D2                                       Star Wars
10. Bionic Man                               Six Million Dollar Man                
11. T-800                                      Terminator 2
12. RoboCop                                    Robocop
13. Andrew Martin                              Bicentennial man (1999)
14. HAL 9000                                   A Space Odyssey
15. Bender                                      Futurama
16. RUK                                        Star Trek TOS
17. C-3PO                                      Stars wars
18. Ash                                        Alien
19. David                                        A.I. Intelligence
20. Gort                                       The Day The Earth Stood Still.
21. Sonny (Nester Class 5)                     I, Robot (2004)
22. Megatron                                   Transformers
23. T-1000                                     Terminator 2
24. Max                                        Flight of the Navigator
25. LAL                                        Star Trek TNG
26. Frankenstein                               Frankenstein Movies
27. Ilia Probe                                 Star Trek TMP
28. Annalee Call                               Alien Resurrection (1997)
29. Edward Scissorhands                        Edward Scissorhands (1990)
30. Kronos                                     Kronos: Ravager of Planets (1957)
31. Bee Bee                                     Deadly Friend
32. Gigolo Joe and Gigolo Jane                 Artificial Intelligence: A.I. (2001)
33. AMEE                                       Red Planet (2000)
34. Andrea                                     Star Trek TOS
35. IG88                                       Empire Strikes Back
36. Borg Queen                                 Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
37. Death Probe                                Six Million Dollar Man    
38. Daleks                                     Dr Who
39. ABC Warrior                                Judge Dredd (1995)
40. KITT                                       Knight Rider
41. CYLON CENTURIONS                           Battlestar Galactica
42. Rommie                                     Andromeda
43. V'Ger                                      Star Trek TMP
44. Maria                                      Metropolis (1927)
45. Nova S-A-I-N-T                             Short Circuit (1986)
46. Locutus Of Borg                            Star Trek TNG "The Best of Both Worlds"
47. Galaxina                                   Galaxina (1980)
48. Zen                                        Blake 7
49. Maximillian                                The Black Hole
50. The Tin Man                                The wizard of oz
51. Agent Smith                                The Matrix
52. Ed-209                                     Robocop
53. Colossus                                   The Forbin Project
54. RoboMan                                    Robotic Cyborg
55. Boba Fett                                    Star Wars)
56. T-X Android Terminator                     Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
57. Earthbot vs Tsu Garu                       Robo Warriors (1996)
58. Jaegers                                    Pacific Rim
59. AT-AT                                      Star Wars
60. Harvester Robot                            Terminator Salvation
61. Hunter Killer                              Terminator Series
62. Bishop                                     Aliens 2
63. Cameron                                    Terminator Chronicles
64. The Vulture Droid                          Star Wars 1 and III
65. Mechani Kong                               King Kong Escapes
66. Bumblebee                                  Transformers
67. Dwarf Spider Droid                         Star Wars II and III
68. Enforcement Cops                           THX 1138
69. Fembots                                    Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)
70. SID 6.7                                    Virtuosity (1995)
71. Hector                                     Saturn 3
72. Tik-Tok                                    Return to Oz
73. Ulysses                                    Making Mr Right (1987)
74. Replicant Pris                             Blade Runner (1982)
75. Teddy                                      A.I. Artificial Intelligence
76. Marvin, Protype Android                    The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (2005).
77. Huey, Dewey and Louie                      Silent Running 1976
78. Wheelie                                    Revenge of the Transformers
79. Iron Man                                   The Phantom Creeps (1939)
80. JohnnyCab                                   Total Recall
81. Edgar                                      Electric Dreams (1984)
82. D.A.R.Y.L.                                 D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)
83. Questor Tapes                                      Questor Tapes
84. Gunslinger                                 Westworld
85. VINCENT and B.O.B.                         The Black Hole
86. Dot Matrix                                 Spaceballs
87. Battle Droids                          Star Wars The Phantom Menace
88. Bubo                                       Clash of the Titans
89. Replicators                                Stargate
90. Sentinels                                  The Matrix (1999)
91. Eve VIII                                   Eve of Destruction (1991)
92. Stella                                     Star Trek TOS. "I, Mudd"
93. The Exocomps                               Star Trek TNG. "Quality of Life"
94. Nanites                                    Star Trek TNG  "Evolution"
95. Satans Robot                               Star Trek Voyager "The Adventures of Captain Proton"
96. APU 3947                                   Star Trek Voyager "Prototype"
97. M-4 Multitronic Unit                       Star Trek TOS "Requiem for Methuselah"
98. K-9                                        Doctor Who
99. Lonzak                               Star Trek Voyager
100. Box                                       Logan's Run (1976)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

National Wormhole Week

National Wormhole week has kicked off in blogland for 2014. Wormfest is co-hosted by Stephen, Alex and Diane. So shall we begin? The rules are two-fold but fun to follow. Name one thing where science advances mankind, and one where the same technology with unforeseen consequences will go too far and set mankind back.

I've selected Ronald Reagans "Star Wars Defense" which was originally called the Strategic Defence Initiative. The President proposed the Star Wars' initiative in 1983 because I think he wanted Americans to feel safe. The plan was to defend America and the rest of the world against 'the Extraterrestrial Threat' with outerspace interceptors.

The downside to Star Wars defense is it took countless nations by complete surprise. Folks were stunned. Its 'Risky and Unscientific' idealism made several headlines in Time magazine sizing it up alongside George Lucas' fantasy Star Wars. Of course today the whole thing sounds like science fiction but not at the time. The Star Wars thing really was a wakeup call despite being a huge financial flop.

President Reagans Defense Strategy of 'outerspace interceptors' cost America billions and spooked our Russian Friends but we were lucky. Star Wars Defence cracked the ice in the Cold War. President Gorbachev met with Ronald Reagan for several talks which led to peace.

Do you think Science Fiction saved the day? or was Reagans' Star Wars Defence a brilliant prelude for peace?

Glastnost Long and Prosper, trekkers!

Monday, March 10, 2014

3D STID Khan Wallpaper

Heres a spectacular, 3 dimensional wallpaper of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 with Khan rising up from a city of ashes. If you dig this graphic art then you'll enjoy these starships too.. Its fun staring at these deep space objects, imagine if they were real!

Lets pretend for a moment the Enterprise is warping through Earth's star system in sector 001. Shes on a rescue mission to save Sol's Federation earthlings once again. Earthers are scouring the skies. Finally she arrives, all shiny and new. Starfleets finest is ready for action with Captain James T. Kirk commanding.

 Ah yes, but who is that dark figure in the foreground? Great space, its Khan! That villainous scoundrel from Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Which movie rocked your world the most? Whose Khan gets your vote? Benedict Cumberbatch or Ricardo Montalban?

Live Long and Prosper, trekkers.

Friday, February 14, 2014

TNG Realm of Fear

Realm of Fear is an epic Star Trek TNG episode #128 starring Dwight Schultz as the (USS Enterprise-D) engineer Reginald Barclay. Brannon Braga wrote TNG's script 'Realm of fear' in homage to 'Nightmare at 20000 Feet.'

When captain Picard's Federation Galaxy class flagship USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D locates the stricken USS Yosmite, the Enterprises' Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge calls on Reg for help. He is after all a systems engineer. At first, all is not what it seems because the Yosmite crew are missing. To make matters interesting, Lieutenant Barclay lives in mortal terror of transporter 'beaming' but then who doesn't? Dr Leonard H McCoy and Catherine Pulaski cringe at having their atoms scattered across the galaxy too.

Barclay is a starship systems diagnostic engineer yet oddly hes extremely nervous about transporters. When he finally plucks up the courage to step into the thing and de materialize, Reg makes a startling discovery. An encounter with a creature from within the matter stream spooks the living bejeepers out of him. Is it a lifeform? Could it be alive?

The thing floats and then zaps his arm. Barclay steps out from the transporter pad a completely shaken and changed man, convinced life will never be the same again. He suddenly develops a thirst for water and believes time is running out.

Yeah! its got to be transporter psychosis, right? or was it the creature in the transporter stream?

Enjoy your star trekking, trekkies and trekkers!

Friday, February 07, 2014

Star Trek Into Darkness Laserpower

See all these Starfleet Redshirts? The warp core pictured in director J.J. Abram's (2013) Star Trek Into Darkness movie was filmed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory aka National Ignition Facility in CA. Looking at this epic (NIF) structure you'd hardly guess its the largest and most energetic laser system in the world but it is! Hardly surprising Star Trek continues to test new frontiers boldly exploring where no red shirt has gone before, hehe. Which ones Chekov, I wonder?

 STID is full of cool stuff like this. Apparently the (NIF) is where real-life scientists are attempting to create nuclear fusion without underground nuclear testing. In 2012, with the approval of the Department of Energy, the NIF's laser laboratory was used for the first time as a film set during a normal maintenance cycle for the facility.

Heres Scotty getting pegged to wear special 'neutron' cream to avoid damage from ions in the air.

Heck yeah! with all this Enterprise firepower, Scotty should have vaporized Khan's USS Vengeance into sci fi oblivion.

Laser long and Prosper, Trekkers and Trekkies.

Friday, January 24, 2014

You Had Your Ears Fixed

Heres a fun interview with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. Enjoy the laughs!

Who said "I recognise you, you had your ears fixed!"

1. John Wayne 
2. Elizabeth Taylor
3. Ricardo Montalban
4. George Lucas
5. Brent Spiner
6. Justin Bieber
7. Zoe Saldana

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Star Trek TOS 'Balance of Terror'

Star Treks Balance of Terror was directed by Vincent McEveety in 1966 creating a gripping 'battle of wits' trek thriller. The Enterprises battle strategist, Captain James T. Kirk engages a Romulan aggressor in a high stakes game of cat and mouse.

Defending the Federation of planets is a tricky job for anyone which is why our military 'Starfleet' has a network of starships and starbases loaded with superior FIREPOWER! YESSS! Now we can sleep safe and sound at night. Or so we thought...

When the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 responds to a Federation outpost in distress no-one knows what to expect. Its red alert, all hands battle stations! At first its unclear who the intruder is... for some weird reason a mysterious force obliterates four out of seven Earth outposts along the Neutral Zone in sector Z-6.

The Neutral Zone intruders are obviously very stealthy and powerful. The poor devil pleading with Captain Kirk is Commander Hansen who doesn't want to die. His fears sum up precisely what everyone on the bridge of the Enterprise is feeling and in a flash the enemy strikes again!

'No identification. No answer to our challenge. Only a glimpse of it. Then they fired something at us, some form of high-energy plasma. Fantastic power. And then the whole vessel disappeared. But it's out there somewhere. Our sensors show that much. Enterprise, something coming on our viewing screen, coming at us fast.'

So now after 100 years of Peace the Federation is teetering on the brink of war with the Romulan Star Empire! Captain Kirks' hesitation tells us the attackers identity is still unconfirmed. The spaceship silhouette is so obviously ROMULAN but then thats Star Trek affliction and addiction for you.

Isn't it great when Captain Kirk decides to follow the Romulan battleship on the quiet? The Enterprise's stand in navigator, Mister Stiles isn't impressed. Kirk's has to work out a plan of action on the double.

'If he has sensors, I want him to think we're a reflection, an echo.' says Kirk ordering a parallel course which doesn't win any brownie points with Stiles. To spice up things  the Romulans superior spy technology gives their 'Bird of Prey' the ability to dodge Starfleet sensors. However its Mr Spock who observes a curious weakness about the Romulans cloaking device delivering lots of dramatic tension to the space battles in this classic episode.

Mark Lenard (famous for playing Spocks Dad, Sarek) makes his first Star Trek appearance in this epic space chase through the stars. Don't be fooled by the pointy ears either, Lenard's character is the cunning Romulan Commander! 'I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend.'

Whos' side were you rooting for? the Federation, the Romulan Star Empire, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 or the Romulan Bird of Prey?

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Nichelle Nichols

Nichelle Nichols is famous for playing Star Trek's Lieutenant Uhura on the starship USS Enterprise NCC 1701. Today our Star of Freedom celebrates her 81st birthday. Doesn't she look awesome! Broadcast throughout the galaxy on our tv's, our beloved Communications Officer always kept the Enterprise's hailing frequencies open, alerting the bridgecrew keeping them safe from danger. Correctly establishing incoming and outgoing communications was so crucial for making first contact with alien worlds. Remember how Uhura distracted Sulu in Mirror, Mirror?

So deep within the hearts and minds of Star Trek fans,

Happy Birthday Nichelle

Monday, December 23, 2013

Star Trek's Classic Redshirts

In keeping with the seasons festive spirits, why don't we celebrate Star Trek's itchy trigger finger 'Red Shirts' with a burst of nostalgia. Many of us already know, the curse of the Redshirt began with Captain Kirk's five year mission enforcing peace in the galaxy, firing phasers first and asking questions later. Fans know that the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 has standing orders to investigate all interstellar phenomena wherever they may be which is totally cool.

 Kirk's starship has afterall an endless supply of 'marines' to serve and protect which is really neat. When things get dicey, Kirk calls in the 'Red Shirts' to scope out mystery alien planets etc just in case. Which usually pays off big time until you add the fatalities up.: At the start of Star Trek TOS, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 had a Starfleet family of 430 men and women.

 Remember Rayborne? Poor fellow was assigned as a security guard to protect Kirk's Enterprise. While on a landing detail to Exo III, Raybourne is left at the entrance of a cavern while Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel are led by Dr Brown to meet Dr Roger Korby. All is never what it seems in star trek. The music steps up a few beats and a strange creature steps out from within Exo's shadows. Unfortunately Raybourne meets Ruk, an ancient, advanced 'old one' left over from a byegone era. Android Ruk does his job only too well and protects!

So you see of the 430 Enterprise crew, 59 Starfleets died during the call of duty. Among our fallen heroes 6 were goldshirts. 5 were blueshirts and 4 were from Scotty's engineering dept (RED) but get this, 43 died defending their ship because they were 'REDSHIRTS.' To put it in Dr Mc Coys lingo, 'Hes dead Jim.'

To roll in with some cosmic festive fun heres a list of Redshirts that fell honorably during Enterprise duty . Can you tell which ones survived Captain Kirk's reign of exploration and LIVED? Who escapes a court martial but is later killed by a Ceti Alpha V creature?

1. Lieutenant Compton - 'Wink of an Eye' Ageing/Cellular damage.
2. Lieutenant Desalle - 'Arena', 'The Squire of Gothos', 'This side of Paradise', 'Catspaw'.
3. Lieutenant Galloway - 'Miri', 'A Taste of Armageddon', 'The City on the Edge of Forever', 'The Omega Glory'. Phaser blast
4. Ensign Garrovich - 'Obsession'.
5. Lieutenant Commander Giotto - 'Devil in the Dark'.
6. Ensign Harper - 'The Ultimate Computer'. Vaporized
7. Lieutenant Grant - 'Friday's Child'. Speared
8. Lieutenant Kaplan - 'The Apple'. Lightening
9. Lieutenant Kyle - 'Tomorrow is Yesterday'.
10. Yeoman Landon - 'The Apple'.

11. Lieutenant Mallory - 'The Apple'. Explosive Rocks.
12. Crewman Marple - ' The Apple'. Clubbed.
13. Lieutenant Marla McGivers - 'Space Seed'. Madness.
14. Crewman Montgomery - 'The Doomsday Machine'.
15. Ann Mulhall - ' Return to Eden'.
16. Lieutenant O' Herlihy - 'Arena'. Phasered.
17.  Lieutenant Osborne - 'A Taste of Aramegeddon'. Disintegration Chamber, Stay of Execution
18.  Lieutenant Palmer - 'The Doomsday machine, The Way to Eden'.
19. Crewman Raybourne - ' What Are Little Girls made of?' Thrown off a ledge.
20. Ensign Rizzo - Obsession'. Salt Vampire.

Holiday Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Trekkers.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Star Trek TNG Outrageous Okona

O is for the Outrageous Okona but who is he? In Star Trek TNG of "the outrageous okona" the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D encounters an unidentified vessel on the viewscreen. Worf eyes glint as he zeroes in on the spaceships co-ordinates at sector 3, 9, 5, 6, mark 0, 9, 1. Datas sensors scan for lifesigns and locate one humanoid on an interplanetary cargo ship. All is not what it seems. Data's readout confirms a burnout in the inertial guidance system explaining the little spacecrafts erratic flightpath and unconfirmed final destination.

Worf establishes hailing frequencies and Captain Picard allows the pilot, Thadiun Okona to beam aboard with the malfunctioning part. Data's estimates repairs will take seven hours and sixteen minutes. So far so good. After friendly banter between Okona and Picard, Okona and Worf, tough guy Okona hands over all his weapons including a long heavy knife. Its interesting to note nearly every TNG character, including Data (struggle with humor) gets serviced in this episode which isn't an easy feat for any writer.

 Meanwhile below decks, Okona is finally foot loose and fancy free, fraternizing with several Enterprise females. Remember Teri Hatcher from Lois and Clark and Desperate Housewives? Well as Okona's luck played out in 2365, he got real friendly with a B.G. Robinson in the Enterprise Transporter Room, if you know what I mean. Believe me, its the same dame. Isn't she sweet?

At the time Hatcher starred as the transporter chief in her only (uncredited) Star Trek appearance, who freely submits to Okona's chatup lines. I can't believe the words "You have the majestic carriage and loveliness that could surely be traced back to the noble families who once ruled romantic lands with benevolent and tender hands." actually worked! Robinson was eating out of Okona's hand. In the end she's dishing out her room number!

When two alien ships track Okona's flightpath co-ordinates, things get interesting for the Enterprise bridgecrew. Who stole the the Jewel of Thesia and impregnated Altec's daughter, Yanar? Picard needs answers fast!

Enjoy you Star Trekking Trekkers and Trekkies.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Arleebird Cheersfest

Hi Trekkers, Ive written a poetic flash fiction, hosted by Mark "Madman" Koopmans and Alex "Clone Me A" Cavanaugh Morgan "the Borg" Shamy, Stephen "Wormhole" Tremp and "Dont Mess with the King."celebrating the 'Major of awesome levity" creator of A to Z! The guy that looks like a Don in his cool shades, Arleebird. I drew my inspiration from a sci-fi superhero, so have fun reading.

Arleebird, Arleebird,
Seeker of friendly ubernerds ,
 Master juggler of piping words,
 Tossing readers super curves,
 Look out! Here comes Arleebird.

 Is he a trekkie? listen spirit,
 Hes got super solarian wit.
 Does he have a drinking song?
 I guess you'll have to join in and sing along.
 (Hey earthie, there goes Arlee Khan.)

 On an odyssey of stellar challenges,
 Exploring humanity with comedy,
 Our comrades primed for blogtime,
 Toasting brown jackets with Arlee shine, (wine)
  (Hang on, I race you to Arlee's goal line!)

 Arleebird, Arleebird, Friendly sailor Arleebird,
 English Major with precise levity,
 Seeker and speaker for geek entities.
 clever coot who knows cube roots,
 He always gobbles the kiwi fruit.
 Loves to write and recite.

 Originator of A to Z,
 Plucked the apple from the tree,
 Transgressed blogfests and requests,
Winning showdowns in the good ol' American West.
  Arleebird, Arleemania,
 Maybe Arlee's a super alien!

 Fest and Prosper, Trekkers.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Museum of Science Fiction

A new "Museum of Science Fiction" is kicking off in Washington D.C. In their online preview, the MSF appeals to fans from all over the great galactic divide with their fascinating website. Do you get that special pang when you turn on the tv and Star Trek or Star Wars flashes in front of you? Well then trekologist, you're in for a treat.

Science Fiction stories unlike tales of horror - frequently entice fans to explore strange, new worlds in distant galaxies spreading peace, scientific progress and technology. Sci-fi's epicness encourages us to eat, breathe and evolve into fully fledged time travellers. As per Starfleet's Standing Orders, its my job to investigate such anomalistic phenomena and report.

The obvious question here to ask is "Will D.C's Museum of Science Fiction catch on?"

I think its cool Science Fiction continues to grow and infect humans throughout time. We're all living proof of that. Why do we reach for other planets, develop new technologies and want to meet aliens? At the MSF thoughts take on physical shape revealing the "fun" aspect of why we want to do these things. Its only logical to believe fans will want to trek out and see the fun exhibits with historical artefacts, including: full size space vehicles, robots, voice activated space probes and of course cool aliens.

The MSF Executive Director, Greg Viggiano explained "Our approach begins with a web-based blueprint—an online museum. You're visiting it now. This blueprint allows you to see our progress, make suggestions, and share your ideas."

Its a dream thats spreading throughout the stars and will make its debut at a full scale facility within 24 to 36 months. Right now money raised will kickstart the project into life. The museums Crowdfunding campaign is attempting to raise $160,000 in 38 days.

Meanwhile, The preview museum will house a number of Star Trek filming props from renowned collector Adam Schneider. A cool podcast is available with Adam giving a talk on the restoration of Star Trek's Shuttlecraft Galileo!

Gary Cannavo has offered to loan the MSF Preview Museum the actual filming miniatures used in the 1970s production of the Battlestar Galactica motion picture and television series. Plenty of artifacts and display objects from film, literature, and art, along with prototype analog and digital interactive exhibits are in the pipeline.

Image Credit: Howard and Jane Frank Collection.

So how about it? Are you ready to book your interplanetary MSF flight? Whats your instinctive science fictional reaction?

Whats the name of the spaceship in the top three photos? Where was the last one taken?

Live Long and Prosper Terrestrian Time Traveller!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies?

This week I found Seaturtles video with a cool slideshow of 100 sci fi movie "classics" originating from 1927 to 2009. Many of these 100 Science Fiction movies have robots, cyborgs and alien entities sparking our sense of wonder by taking us to the edge of the universe. Fantasy epics and Space Operas like Avatar and Star Wars are well known. So sit back and enjoy the sci fi slideshow.

In general, science fiction films feature great story plot elements, striking artwork and epic character interplay from a scientific viewpoint rather than a supernatural one. "Ancient astronauts museum" sums these classics up very nicely... Wrath of Khan is battling it out at number 70 along with four other Star Trek movies. Star Wars (1977) is sitting pretty at no 5. A couple of black and whites like Metropolis and H G Wells' "Things To Come" are featured but why Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind made no 57 is a mystery.

How does your geek feel about the sequencing of these classic sci fi movies? Watching the video is certainly a good way of testing your sci-fi movie knowledge in a showdown with some friends. So let the battle of wits begin.

Which science fiction movies are your favorites?

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2. Blade Runner (1982)
3. Forbidden Planet (1956)
4. Gattaca (1997)
5. Star Wars (1977)
6. Twelve Monkeys (1995)
7. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
8. The Day the earth Stood Still (1951)
9. Dr Strangelove (1964)
10. King Kong (1933)
11. Back to the Future (1985)
12. Frankenstein (1931)
13. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
14. Back to the Future II (1989)
15. A Clockwork Orange (1971)
16. Alien (1979)
17. Minority Report (2002)
18. Brazil (1985)
19. Metropolis (1927)
20. Aliens (1986)
21. The Terminator (1984)
22. E.T. (1982)
23. Sleeper (1973)
24. Solaris (1972)
25. Moon (2009)
26. Things to Come (1936)
27. The Thing from Another World (1951)
28. Planet of the Apes (1968)
29. Destination Moon (1950)
30. The Man Who Fell To Earth (1976)
31. Bill and Teds' Excellent Adventure (1989)
32. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)
33. The Fifth Element (1997)
34. Invasion of the Body snatchers (1956)
35. Dark City (1998)
36. Return of the Jedi (1983)
37. Barbarella (1968)
39. Deep Impact (1998)
40. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
41. Wall-e (2008)
42. Them! (1954)
43. AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001)
44. Avatar (2009)
45. Existenz (1999)
46. Star Trek: The Voyage Home (1986)
47. Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954)
48. Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
49. Donnie Darko (2001)
50. The Invisible Man (1933)
51. The Matrix (1999)
52. Tron (1982)
53. District 9 (2009)
54. Akira (1988)
55. Westworld (1973)
56. This Island Earth (1955)
57. Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind (2004)
58. Children of Men (2006)
59. Star Trek (2009)
60. Jurassic Park (1993)
61. The Fly (1958)
62. I, Robot (2004)
63. Back to the Future III (1990)
64. The War of the Worlds (1953)
65. The Truman Show (1998)
66. Serenity (2005)
67. Galaxy Quest (1999)
68. The Quiet Earth (1985)
69. The Abyss (1989)
70. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
71. Total Recall (1990)
72. Starship Troopers (1997)
73. Godzilla (1954)
74. Young Frankenstein (1974)
75. 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
76. Men In Black (1997)
77. Soylent Green (1973)
78. Enemy Mine 1985)
79. Logans' Run 1976)
80. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
81. Mars Attacks (1996)
82. Independence Day (1996)
83. Robocop (1987)
84. Fahrenheit 451 (1967)
85. King Kong (2005)
86. Short Circuit (1986)
87. It came from Outer Space (1953)
88. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
89. Mad Max (1979)
90. A Boy and his Dog (1975)
91. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
92. Silent Running (1971)
93. Dark Star (1974)
94. When Worlds Collide (1951)
95. The Time Machine (1960)
96. Alphaville (1965)
97. Mad Max II (1984)
98. Starman (1984)
99. Invaders from Mars (1953)
100. Adromeda Strain (1971)
Enjoy your Trekking Trekkers, Terminators and Movie Addicts!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Worf says: Women Roar, Men Duck.

Sorry guys for missing the 'I Miss You Blogfest.' I was warping across the galaxy when my Shuttlecraft reactor engines blew out, 90 light years away cut off from Ninja Command!!!

Heres a little Sci Fi clip with Data and Worf to to make you laugh.

By sheer cosmic chance I was rescued by fun loving Risian spacebabes, who took me in and freely shared their planet with me. It soon emerged that natives were actively pursuing Jamaharon and I was their prey!

So in over my head, I had to tell them about my passion for Star Trek. To be sure Risas' a Nice Planet! The sophisticated weather patterns are so relaxing. During my pleasure experience, I was duly presented with a Horga'hn. Now you do know what a Horga'hn is? Believe me, I was thinking about Earths' happy sphere of bloggers the whole time.

Whats Quarks secret? Trekkers? Trekkies?

Friday, November 08, 2013

Star Trek The Galileo Seven

In  Star Treks classic 14th episode, "the Galileo Seven" is dispatched by Captain Kirk to investigate a mysterious quasar like formation. "An opportunity for scientific investigation" emerges but all is not what it seems. Mr Spock, Lieutenant Commander Scott, Dr. McCoy, Lieutenants Latimer, Gaetano, and Boma, and Yeoman Mears gear up for the special mission. So far, so good.

But when the "Class F" Galileo gets pulled into the heart of the spatial disturbance, treks melodramatic drums start beating, doom, doom, doom, doom, hehe. Yes these sound effects are hilariously goofy by modern standards but you got to love these quirky sounds. These "clues" reveal when a situation is getting critical and whats going down.


Boma confirms radiation from the spatial formation is "extremely disruptive" and time for Galileo crew is running out. This is Mr Spocks first shuttle command. Subspace communication, sensor scanners and transporters are neutralized by the spatial disturbance cutting the Galileo off from the Enterprise. Its not looking good.

Eventually Muraski's ion storm forces the Galileo to crash land on Tarus II. Ion cloud radiation is also hampering Captain Kirks search and rescue operation. To make matters worse, Galactic High Commissioner Ferris is spouting rules and regulations thwarting the Captain. Uhura confirms the Galileo is pulled off course. Its a catch 22 scenario when the shuttlecraft Columbus returns empty handed.

So now the Galileo crew are on their own with depleted fuel reserves, on a planet inhabited by Giant furry aliens. Heroically, two junior crew members die defending the ship. In true logical vulcanian fashion, Spocks analytical appraisal of the furry aliens weaponry nearly sends the Enterprise's Astrophysicist Lieutenant Boma diving off at the deep end.

SPOCK: "A bit more crude about the shaft, I believe. Not very efficient"
         BOMA: Not very efficient? Is that all you have to say?

         SPOCK: Am I in error, Mister Boma?
BOMA: You? Error? Impossible.  

Perhaps Boma is being disrespectful and insubordinate to Mr Spock? Remember this is war on a hostile alien planet. The vulcans strategic logic apparently gives the Galileo crew the edge they need for survival. Except the human "unpredictable element" towards Latimers death runs high. Star Trek's Galileo Seven is so undeniably fun with such an evocative storyline. Dr McCoys emotional outburst aboard the Galileo is totally epic, lol.

"Now look, We may all die here! At least let us die like men not machines!

So when the Giant Furry Aliens come back to bash the Galileo to bits, the crew understandably begin to panic. Red Alert! Spock has an emotional epiphany! Pure vulcan logic failed to frighten the scary giants? Impossible! But you've got to wonder. Whats the point of having phasers with amazing stun settings? I bet pointy ears kicked himself for not listening to Gaetano. The poor dude actually predicted Spocks would get him killed!

Top trek tip. Don't argue with command or you'll get the redshirt treatment, hehe. Spock abandons Gaetano on guard duty, alone and ready to be murdered. Re-energizing the Galileo's fuel reserves with phasers to escape the gravity of the planet is what really counts.

Good ol' Scotty saves everyones bacon or was it Mr Spock's shuttlecraft distress flare?
Which do you think is the coolest? Who really saved the Galileo crew?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Star Trek TNG The Perfect Mate

Three years before Bond girl Xenia Onatopp, Famke Janssen guest starred in Star Trek The Next Generation, The Perfect Mate. You may recal she played the beautiful Kriosian Empath, Kamala who makes a rather lasting impression as a cracking "empathic metamorph." Kamala senses her mates desires which is what makes her so alluring. Can Captain Picard like resist her charms? You decide.

"Nothing, Nothing lies beneath. I'm really quite dull. I fall asleep each night with an old book in my hands."
"When a metamorph finds you interesting, do not take it lightly."
"Oh, I'm not taking it lightly, I'm just trying... to be as dull as possible."

The story goes Kamala has been prepared since birth to bond with Alrik, the ruthless ruler of Valt Minor. The hope is her "bonding" will bring peace between two wartorn worlds. Its such a shame really because Kamala has such a beautiful spirit and personality. Famke Janssen is so convincing and expressive in her role as Kamala. As an empath she could sense what any dude wanted and become exactly that. So after the Ferengi incident in the cargo bay interupting her cryosleep and knocking the ancient Kriosian Ambassador senseless, Picard has to step in and spend a lot of time with Kamala. Lucky devil!

You might well ask how Captain Picard resisted Kamala's advances! Curiously Janssens spotty character makeup inspired the look of Jadzia Dax in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Famke was actually offered the role but turned it down to concentrate on her movie career instead. She appeared in a variety of films including sexy villainess Xenia Onatopp and three turns in the X-men franchise once again opposite Patrick Stewart.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Quinto vs Nimoy "The Challenge"

I'm a sucker for these commercials. Star Trek's two Spocks, Zachary Quinto and Leonard Nimoy, battle it out for lunch. What makes this Youtube "Challenge" so awesome has got to be Balok's Cruiser sitting proudly on the shelf right beside Spock Primes chess pieces, right?

Go Bilbo!

Remember Star Trek's classic Corbomite Maneuver, when First Officer Spock comments on the game of chess?

"when one player is outmatched the game is over." except Captain Kirk has other ideas.

"Not Chess, Mr Spock. Poker! Do you know the game?" 

I love how "The Challenge" is hailing Star Trek for ol' times sake despite the Star Wars musical beat but hey, we're all friends here aren't we?

"I have been, and always shall be, your friend!" is totally epic with Nimoy's giving us his classic vulcan salute. What a trooper, even Quintos cracking up.

So who do you think is the smarter, greatest little vulcan of them all?

Live Long and Prosper, Hobbits.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Charlie X TOS

Charlie X is a first season classic Star Trek episode written by Gene Roddenberry and DC Fontana. The USS Enterprise 1701's rendezvous with the USS Antares coincides with a rather unusual human being. In this 8th episode epic, the young castaway Charlie Evans beams aboard Kirk's ship secretly manifesting psychokinetic powers. Charlie is the only survivor of a spaceship crash which marooned him on a hostile alien planet for 14 years! Imagine. Now 17, the boy is clearly taken with the beautiful Yeoman Janice Rand with unexplained strange scenarios unfolding in his vicinity. Tellingly the USS Antares Captain and Navigator make for a hasty departure, refusing even Kirk's friendly offer of saurian brandy!! Something is definitely afoot!

On the Enterprise Bridge Spock analysis of the Charlie X scenario reveals little results with McCoy as usual poking holes in the vulcans logical reasoning.

SPOCK: Doctor, didn't the boy make any reference at all to Thasians?
KIRK: Do you believe the legend, Mister Spock, that Thasians still exist on that planet in some form?
SPOCK: Charlie's very existence proves in fact there must be some intelligent form of life on Thasus. He could not possibly have survived alone. The ship's food concentrates would have been exhausted in a year or so. 
MCCOY: By which time he would have been eating fruits, vegetables.
SPOCK: Probes of Thasus indicate very little edible plant life.
MCCOY: And probes have been known to be wrong, Spock.
MCCOY: Doctor, are you speaking scientifically or emotionally?

Yeah, thats Spock for you getting McCoy back in the end! LOL. Meanwhile in the recreation room Uhura is singing "Oh, On the Starship Enterprise" to a rapt audience. Quick to react the boy silences Uhura's lovely voice in an attempt to gain Rand's attention with his card tricks. No-one cops on it was Charlie! In other emotional outbursts he injures crewmen or makes them vanish at will. The dudes a real charmer. Later when the USS Antares hails the Enterprise, the poor devils try to warn the Kirk's crew about Charlie, when unexpectedly debris is found drifting in space. Spocks analysis reveals it is USS Antares.

Kirk eventually realises he can't risk delivering Charlie to Alpha Five, fearing Charlie Evan's relatives will be next for the high jump. Finally at long last the Enterprise receives a message from an alien Thasian ship. Its the good guys to the rescue! LOL.The Thasians gave Charlie extraordinary mental powers so he could survive alone, but fear he cannot live safely with humans. Now its pay back time! Charlie's pleas fall on deaf ears. Omnipitent Thasians take Charlie back to live with their own kind. So ask yourself trekker. Would you invite Charlie X to live in your basement?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkie and Trekker.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...