Monday, September 21, 2015

Star Trek Beyond New Release Date

2016 is going to be a cracko year jam packed with movie blockbusters. "Star Trek Beyond" is already being moved back two weeks from its July 8th, 2016 slot. Paramount's "Star Trek Beyond" will now face Warner Bros "King Arthur" and Fox’s animated "Ice Age - Collision Course" hitting cinemas on July 22nd.

The scoop is Warner Bros has secured every IMAX theatre for Director Yates $90,000,000 - Tarzan reboot (which clashes with Star Treks 8th July World Premiere.)

Which movies are on your watch list?

 BTW  Scotty's sidekick Keenser is back!

 Beam Long and Prosper, Trekkers and Bloggies.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Marina Sirtis and Brent Spiners Gag Reel?

Marina Sirtis at Brent Spiner's Paramount Trailer

In an interview taken at the Paramount Studios lot in the early 90's, Brent Spiner (whos really Data the android in Star Trek (TNG) gets rousted by co star Marina Sirtis. Rather innocently "Counsellor Deanna Troi" grabs the scoop nailing Spiner "in the act." Despite the old footage, its fun watching these two fooling around. Troi's betazoid instincts cuts straight to the chase. She tells us, "Brent Spiner, Data the android, possibly the most popular character on the show"[STAR TREK TNG] which I thought was very classy of her.

"Our little Scoop!" - After banging on his trailer door for a while, Sirtis gives Spiner plenty of time. The fun begins when Brent emerges from his trailer stammering "what what????"..... While the rapport between Sirtis and Spiner is genuine. These guys definitely won me over and I'm still wondering, is this interview a "gag" or the real deal?  What do you think?

Marina explains: "I'm here with Movietime, remember?" "Oh yeah, right, right, right, right" stammers a hungover Spiner trying to pull himself together. After a little broadway melodrama Spiner finally agrees to hold up his end of the bargain. So what I wonder happens next? 

Do you think Brent Spiner slept in his trailer during the filming of Star Trek TNG's entire "smash hit" tv show? Whatever Marina's reasons were for filming this epic, I think their performance deserves an oscar for its comedic value.

What say you? Gag Reel or Real deal?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers and Bloggies.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Leonard's Stories about Time

Capturing Stories about Time

I made this comment on one of Leonard Nimoys self portraits photos later shown in Paris. The photo was posted to twitpic 1074 days ago and I added my thoughts 21 days later... I don't know if "Grandpa" ever read what I wrote but if he did, I sure hope he got a kick out of it. I have since come to appreciate the spiritual message in this film. What do your scientific/spiritual instincts tell you? Here's Leonard Nimoy's Story.

This is the first self portrait that I have done that relates to this issue. The light for me is a lifeforce, thats the energy for me in photography and light in life is a metaphor for energy and life. Theres movement in the face here you can see, which is also a time exposure, open up the lens and turn to face the camera while the lens was open. So you get that sense of movement.

What do you think of Leonard's "stories about time" caught on film? Did you find his self portrait freaky cool? How would you describe his portrait in time?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkies and Bloggies.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Who is Star Trek Beyond's Lead Villain?

Star Trek Beyond directed by Justin Lin (8th July 2016 release) is shrouded in mystery. Story is key to a good movie, so why do action packed space adventures expanding into the cosmos score big at the box office? Remember Guardians of the Galaxy? It made a cool $774,176,600 worldwide.

Idris Elba

Star Treks thirteenth movie is currently filming in Vancouver, BC, Canada with all the regular cast. So far the movies wild cards include Idris Elba, Sofia Boutella and Martial Artist Actor, Joe Taslim. Unlike the Dark Knight, Doctor Strange and Thor - heroes in Star Trek can hardly cape up to save the galaxy. What about the villains? Is Idris Elba getting his Klingon on for the movie?

SIMON PEGG: That’s not true…I heard there’s a rumor he’s [Idris Elba] been spoken to about stuff, so he may be in the film, but he won’t be a Klingon or maybe he will.

Sofia Boutella

PEGG: “It’s a really interesting, complex character,”

Shoot, so much for Klingons being in the big picture. Apparently the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 are going to new parts of the galaxy and meeting new species, so it's unlikely to be a Klingon-verse movie.

JUSTIN LIN: It’s all new and fresh. The Klingons, Romulans and other species are great, but it’s time to go further. It has been fun to focus on creating whole new worlds and species.

Joe Taslim.
It seems Sofia Boutella has been chosen to battle Star Trek's fearsome villains. No biggie really, you should see Gazelles gymnastic moves in Kingsman: The Secret Service. She's the perfect killer machine for engaging rebel forces in Star Trek beyond.

I love the idea Boutella's character having secret abilities to reverse Star Trek's altered timeline. Will planet Vulcan or Romulus make a come back? Whos playing the lead villain, I wonder? Any ideas? Heres a list to confuse us even more....

Its over to you trekkers, trekkies and bloggies. Whats your best guess?

Monday, July 06, 2015

Terminator Genisys, Jurassic World

It's all happening at the Box Office again with Jurassic World taking the lead over Terminator Genisys and Magic Mike. I have to say I enjoyed Genisys with its time travel twists and live action thrills. Whats terrifyingly insane about Genisys are the Terminators who look so human! Take heed, the end credit scenes in Genisys has a hidden surprise which most folks missed by rushing out!

Arnold Swhwarzenegger has returned as an aging Soldier of War starring in "Terminator: Genisys," I'll be Back!

Who said "It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, remorse or FEAR! And IT ABSOLUTELY will not STOP...EVER...UNTIL SKYNET RULES THE WORLD!

was it......

1. Arnold Swhwarzenegger aka HK Terminator
2. Emilia Clarke aka Sarah Conor
3. Jai Courtney aka Kyle Reese
4. J.K. Simmons aka Dectective O'Brien
5. Jason Clarke aka John Conor

Which movie are you going to see?

Monday, June 29, 2015


Trekmovie sources have confirmed Paramount Pictures has finally aquired and registered the name for the next Star Trek movie. So what is it? For the last two months the new movie was being hearlded as "Star Trek Beyond." The good news is Trekmovie has cut through much redtape. Now the word is given with Paramounts blessing, hopefully. Star Trek's thirteenth movie title for Director Lin's 2016 sequel is.... "Star Trek Beyond!"

Today Trek is boldy exploring the depts of beyond. Its new territory and dare I say exciting. The new and brash crew of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 are shooting near Vancouver, Canada far away from prying eyes, LOL.

Its still early days yet but we'll know more when production blows the lid off Star Trek's DEEP, UNDERCOVER mission. Kudos goes to Scifipulse who discovered filming began as of Thursday 25th June under the title "Washington." Heres trek's lowdown so far.


1. Justin Lin is Directing and was the "Star Trek Kid" growing up.
2. J.J. Abrams and Robert Orci are producing.
3. Who do you think will become the new face of Star Trek?
4. J.J Abrams was is a Star Wars fan....
5. The final countdown has begun, this is just the beginning.
6. Hail to the Scriptwriters Simon Pegg and Doug Jung.
7. Its time for Zachary Quinto who plays Spock to get his ears on and point his eyebrows. You can find the vulcan at Instagram.
8. Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana who plays Uhura and Zachary Quinto are already on location in Canada.
9. Saldana shared a funny video tagged "#boredatwork."
10. The rest of the USS Enterprise 1701 cast: Chris Pine, Karl Urban, John Cho and Anton Yelchin will be joining Uhura and Mr Spock soon.
11. Idris Elba is rumoured to be on board as the villain but who is he playing? We have to know!
12. Star Trek Beyond's plot details are still Top secret!
13. The Enterprise is going on a Five Year Mission!
14. Sofia Boutella is playing a major role but who is she playing! I bet your gagging now, lol. She played an assassin in "Kingsman." got in on that scoop first.
15. Star Trek Beyond marks the 50th anniversary of the debut TV series, Star Trek.

Who is your favorite Star Trek character? Which Star Trek teaser resonates with you most?

Will Spock and Uhura will have another lovers spat? Are you happy with "Star Trek Beyond"?

Live Long and Beyond, Trekkies, Trekkers and Bloggies.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Creative Blogger Award from J.A. Scott

I recently experienced a warm trekkie emotion when J. A. Scott chose me for the Creative Blogger award! So I want to thank our friend Jeffrey for the thrill and jubilation of this Award.

I also wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to the blogosphere of bloggies, trekkies and writers who've journeyed with me through time. According to tradition, the Creative Blogger Award has rules. Here they are - :

The rules:

1. Thank and post the link of the person who nominated you.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers.
3. Nominate 10-20 blogs and notify them.
4. Pass on the rules.

J.A. Scotts a huge Science Fiction nerd, reader and blogger who's been writing since 1986. His blog has short stories, poetry, music, photography and is celebrated for R.A.N.T. which translates into "Rage About Nothing, Typically." Don't forget to stop by and enjoy the Sci Fi buzz.

Five Facts about myself:

I am a huge Star Trek fan. I totally enjoy exploring the positive influence Star Trek has on peoples lives, forever constant with tv shows, parodies, movies, characters and stories going boldly.

I made this graphic for Star Trek Sci Fi Blog super imposing the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 into the corner and later added a Klingon bird of prey in full pursuit. Do you think Captain Kirk would run away from a gunfight?

I love eating chocolate. I've switched to dark chocolate because its better for you, lol. I know you believe me but hey thats just my cover-story and I'm stickin' to it.

I made this spaceship! Isn't she a beauty? She's got space running lights and sound effects too.

I love the original version of the Firm's song "Star Trekking Across the Universe" so I've added the lyrics in the link so you can join in the fun and sing along. Don't forget to come back and tell me about your awesome "Star Trekkin' Across The Universe" experience!

I'm nominating the following bloggers for the Creative Bloggers Award:

1. Filmsketchr
2. Elephants Child
3. planetpailly
4. Recon Marines
5. The Armchair Squid
6. B B Creations
7. A Beer For The shower
8 The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
10. Star Trek Fan Companion
11. thecontemplativecat
12. Nigel G Mitchell
13. My Star Trek Scrapbook
14. Bish Denham
15. Hollywood Nuts

Live long and Prosper, Bloggies and Trekkies, LOL

Monday, May 04, 2015

Spacerguys A to Z Reflections

Its Reflections Time! I'd like to salute every blogger who took part in Aprils 2015 A to Z challenge launched by the big guns in 2010. I had a great time, didn't you? The A to Z bloghop is a great way to locate and share fun new blogs, meet and introduce yourself to others and divvy up on the latest trending topics.

In keeping with tradition, Ninja Clones and Bird Watchers explored nifty new outer limits by high fiving this years blogger spirits. This is my fifth A to Z challenge from beginning to end. I have to admit, the positive blog vibes which flowed during the month of April kept me boldly going...

In keeping with A to Z tradition, I wanted to be a little different from previous years, so my A to Z "Star Trek" theme for 2015 covered a broad range of Science Fiction instead.

During the blogfest I encountered lots of creative energy. Themes contained Recipes, Poetry, Writing Tips, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Fantasy, Music, Childrens Writer Hollywood, Love Stories, short stories, Books, Movies, Rhyming Stories,Film Stars, Star Trek, Tina Nit Picking Geekery, Story Visuals and Photo Blogs. I was astounded by the amount of talent and tried to high five everyone.

Did the A to Z challenge energize your mind body and soul?, or were you brainwashed from all the festivity? Do you still feel like a Zombie or are you loaded on black coffee?

Which bloggers, sci-fi fans, writers, trekkers and zombies have you found particularly interesting?

Live Long and Prosper, Bloggies, Zombies and Trekkies!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Zats all Folks!

Zats all folks! Its Zee end of April's A to Z Blog challenge. Its been fun which is why we do it again and again. 

Heres to the Galaxy's Greatest Ninjas, Bloggies and Trekkies who beamed by to say hi!

Thank you to Blogman's Ambassador Hosts, Alex, Jeremy, Jenny, Jeffrey, J. Lenni, Tim and Rob.
seekers of friendly ubernerds,
juggling the blogfest reading our earthly words,
Until next time, lets dine and shine,
comrades be proud during this stellar blogtime!



Tuesday, April 28, 2015


X is for Xenopolycythemia but what is it? Star Trek's classic "For the World is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky" stars the cranky Chief Medical Officer (played by Deforest Kelley) who ventures aboard a spaceship world in this funny love story. I remember Dr McCoy getting sick but really did any of us have a clue what Xenopolycythemia was? I had to look this one up online.

To begin with is Xenopolycythemia a real disease?

Online Medical Databases say no, Memory Alpha and Wikipedia say yes. Further investigation reveals "Polycythaemia" is a type of blood disorder characterised by too many red blood cells. So now we know. The plot thickens when we find out "Bones" is suffering from this rare incurable disease but lucky for him Natira (high Priestess to the Oracle) eases the pain. Rick Vollaerts wrote the script giving the good doctor about a year to live. Murderer!!! LOL.

It was a neat trick Vollaerts slapping "xeno" on the front of "Polycythaemia" but what purpose did it serve? It sure confused the heck out of me!

Xeno Long and Prosper,  Trekkers!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wonderful "Super-Trekkie" Tina

W is for Wonderful Tina. I want to pay tribute to fellow super-Trekkie, Tina Downey by remembering her at Star Trek Sci Fi Blog. Tina lived life to the full and co-hosted last years A to Z blogfest stopping by and saying hi to everyone throughout the challenge.

She recently parted company with us last year having battled Pulmonary Hypertension like a true warrior. I say that from the bottom of my heart. She extended a hand to so many people, friends, family, sci-fi fans, bloggers, struggling writers, authors and trekkies stretching right across the blogosphere.

Watching someone you love die from illness is heart breaking so I believe its important to remember Tina for the person she was in life. Tina was a mother, wife, inspiration, a mountain climber, a writer, blogger, lover of sunflowers and proud super-Trekkie.

Can you see what Tina's holding high in her right hand?

So in closing, I just wanted to share with all of you "super-trekkies" and bloggie buddies out there, Tina's wonderful words of support. She really loved Star Trek, stubborn Klingons and Mr Data from ST TNG.

Thank you Tina for being our friend.

       "They like me, they really like me."


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Terminator Poster


Who said "It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, remorse or FEAR! And IT ABSOLUTELY will not STOP...EVER...

Was it...

1. Arnold Swhwarzenegger aka HK Terminator
2. Linda Hamilton aka Sarah Conor
3. Michael Bienn aka Kyle Reese
4. Lance Henriksen aka Dectective Hal Vukovich
5. Paul Winfield aka Lieutenant Ed Traxler.

Guess right or self terminate, trekkers!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Pegg's Priority One

P is for Pegg's Priority One.

In official news, Simon Pegg's giving "Star Trek 3" all she's got with  Justin Lin as director and writer Doug Jung.

"It's true! Simon is currently working on the screenplay for the third Star Trek film with Dark Blue writer, Doug Jung." tweeted his twitter team earlier in the year. has an interesting interview up with "Chief Engineer, Scotty" talking about Star Trek's 13th movie incarnation. Star Trek's writers really are on a final countdown to June. Do we have a movie title yet? Not yet... No pressure, lol.

"the timeframe we're working in is extremely tight. It means we're having to come up with the goods. We can't be lazy about it".

Are you all fired up for Star Treks July 8th 2016 release?

Whats a great movie title for Star Trek 3? 

Any ideas on the new movie? 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

2015 Nebula Awards

N is for Nebula. In 1965 the Science Fiction Writers of America was founded by Sci-Fi author Damon Knight. The organisation originally began with a membership of only 78 writers and has grown since.

This years 50th Nebula Awards are being held in Chicago, Illinois beginning on  June 4th right through to the 7th  2015. The cost to attend is $70. If you're interested why not register? Writer's will likely geek out at their website which is a non profit enterprise full of helpful writer resources.

Each year the Nebula Awards are voted on and presented by "active members" of the science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

Today SFWA is home to over 1,800 members, authors, artists and allied professionals. Many of them are leading writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Unlike the Hugos, the Nebulas take place every year for the best Sci Fi or Fantasy fiction published the previous year. Categories include Novel, Novella, Novelette and Short Story.

Who would you like to nominate for a Nebula?

Are you Star Trekking across to the nebulas this year? 
Will you be booking a room this year? 
Live Long and Prosper, trekkers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lenara Kahn Deep Space Nine

L is for Lenara's Logical Love but who is she? Lenara Kahn became totally acquainted with Jadzia Dax when she "Rejoined" with her former host aboard Star Trek's Deep Space Nine. These two beauties made out! Believe it, LOL.

The reunion made a very distinct impression. While controversial theres a perfectly logical reason why this happened. Want to know more? Of course you do. Star Trek Fans love Terry Farrell at Star Conventions whose "Trill" beauty spots are a great topic for conversation. How many do you think there are?
Lenara and Dax Kiss!
The real real dark horse is Susanna Thompson who plays the trill Dr Lenara Kahn. Born on the 27th January 1958, Susanna is a women for all seasons playing four characters in the Star Trek's universe. Most Notably the Borg Queen in Star Trek Voyager’s “Unimatrix Zero," Part I and II starring also in Voyagers “Dark Frontier."

Thompson plays “Lenara Kahn” in DS9: “Rejoined”, the inmate “Jaya” in The Next Generation’s episode “Frame of Mind” and the Romulan “Varel” in “The Next Phase” (TNG).

" was nice that Avery (Brooks directed) brought us in to meet each other. And I feel like I'm a pretty comfortable person and she certainly was, and Avery wanted us to have that contact. She was great to work with. I just loved it."
Avery Brooks Directing

All erotic Trill gossiping aside, Lenara was a dedicated scientist and her communications experiments on the wormhole would eventually become a great asset to the Federation's defenses during the Dominion War. This is one DS9 episode, trekkers you won't want to miss.

Susanna Thompson and Terry Farrell went all out on making "Rejoined" exciting and wild.

How many spots does Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax have? Are you a fan of Deep Space Nine? 

Trill Long and Prosper, trekkers.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Klingons Do Not Laugh

K is for Klingons do not laugh.  Do Klingons and humor mix? A lot has been said about Star Trek TNG being a little off key in its first season. In this second episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation of "The Naked Now,"

I think you'll agree Commander Data, Captain Picard and Klingon Worf's dry wit is a real winner! You decide.....skip ahead to 0.56sec....

Lt. Cmdr. Data: There was a rather peculiar limerick, being delivered by someone in the shuttlecraft bay. I am not sure I understand it... "There was a young lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a... "
Capt. Picard: Captain to Security, come in!
Lt. Cmdr. Data: Did I say something wrong?
Lieutenant Worf: I don't understand their humor either.

Do Klingons laugh?

Laugh Long and prosper, Trekkers

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Robert Justman's "Klingon on the Bridge"

J is for Justman. On the 18 October 1986, Robert Justman sent a memo to Star Trek's Creator, Gene Roddenberry. The memo concerned the use of the show's writers guide/bible in the Star Trek universe. Justman's memo begins with the sentence,

"Despite your aversion to using Klingons in the new series, I think I've thought of something which might just change your mind."

 In case you were wondering, Robert Justman put forward the idea of a resident Klingon serving aboard the Enterprise played by Michael Dorn. Obviously, Justman had a few hurdles to bypass. Some say Roddenberry's optimistic view of the future was preachy and slow. To neutralize this problem, Justman suggested that the military skills and prowess of the Klingon species might cause such a person (like Worf) to be well-suited for a role in the ship's crew.

"These are Klingons! They'll attack!"

When Roddenberry dug his heels in about excluding the Klingons, he said, "Bob, we've passed all that. We don't need Klingons." However, Justman persevered, challenging the Creator's opinion, pointing out that the acceptance of a Klingon in Starfleet would mean that Human attitudes had grown, which happily played ball with Roddenberry's optimistic view of the future.

Do you remember K'Ehleyr? Didn't Susie Plakson make a great Klingon?

Qapla! Long live the Klingon Empire.

Friday, April 10, 2015

I Am Spock

I Am Spock is the title of Leonard Nimoy's second autobiography, published in 1995 which is a fascinating read.

Leonard Nimoy's second book exploits the logic of the Vulcan Science Officer from Star Trek's universe, revealing a series of private conversations between Mr Spock and Mr Nimoy. This unique book contains a saga of Leonard's experiences as an actor, director, and producer of Star Trek Stories.
A letter in the Foreword section of "I Am Spock" addressed to Mr Leonard Nimoy at Earth's Sol Star System poses the question - Would you consider writing the foreward to my new book? - followed by Mr Nimoy and Spock dialog from Leonard's first autobiography published in 1975.

Can you guess its title?

Live Long and Prosper.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Hugo Gernsback

H is for Hugo. This award is the premier award in science Fiction named after Hugo Gernsback, founder of the first ever sci-fi pulp magazine, Amazing Stories. In 1953 "World SF Convention" gave the first Hugo Award at the 11th World Science Fiction Convention. Since 1955 the Hugo Award for best Science Fiction and Fantasy has been handed over to winners annually for pure excellence.

Theres more than a dozen types including best written and dramatic work. The Hugo Awards are among the highest honors bestowed in science fiction and fantasy, art, publishing and writing. The distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket is a service mark of the World Science Fiction Society. The awards themselves are voted on and administered by the World Science Fiction Convention, also known as Worldcon.

Star Trek: The Original Series was nominated eight times for Best Dramatic Presentation, and swept the nominees in 1968. It won the award twice.

Star Trek: The Next Generation was nominated three times, and also won twice.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise were each nominated twice (Enterprise for Short Form, after the category was split in 2002), but never won.

Nine of the first eleven Star Trek films except for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek Nemesis were nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation. None won the award.

Gene Roddenberry won a special award for Star Trek in 1968.

Hugo Gernsback is known for writing a non fiction in 1952 titled "Evolution of Modern Science Fiction." The novel for which he is best remembered is "Ralph 124C 41+"

Have you read Amazing Stories? Do you like watching the Hugos? Who do you want to see win?

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Gene Roddenberry's Message

Gene Roddenberry's "Wagon Train to the Stars" became a cult tv show and refused to die. Star Trek's defenders of the galaxy gave us many hopeful voyages into the future.

Its fair to say, they have been our friends, our guides and our defenders thrilling us with 726 epic adventures, boldly exploring where none have gone before. Its now 50 years later. Heres what Gene Roddenberry said in 1986.

I have thought that having reached this point, it would be fun to go back to the years which Kirk first got the Enterprise and met these people. I know it would please me more than have Star Trek come back years from the future and bright young people and new stars and so on, really make it something.....and have them say thats better than Roddenberry's.... I'd like that.

(True or False) It was Gene Roddenberry's idea to have a Klingon on the bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Entertaining Emmys

E is for Entertaining Emmys. Each year the Emmys are celebrated on TV with awards held in the USA since 1949 to honor the best in Prime-Time TV viewing. Believe it or not Star Trek The Animated Series won an Emmy for the most entertaining children's series in 1975! So did TNG, DS9, VOYAGER and ENT. Sadly Star Trek's classic TOS show is the only show to truly bite the dust at the Emmys! I mean how in great space does Enterprise beat TOS classic show? Someone please explain that to me.

In any case, The 67th Primetime Emmy Awards will hit the airwaves on Sunday september 20th 2015. You've probably wondered at some stage whats the recipe for choosing the Prime-time Emmy Awards host, right? The scoop is Andy Samberg aka Brooklyn Nine-Nine's will be in command. So tune in for the fun. "Buckle your seat belts, Emmy lovers!"

Tell us why you love watching the Emmys!

Star Trek Into Darkness has been nominated for Best Science fiction Film of 2015.
 Is STID in with a chance to win?

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...