Saturday, November 10, 2012

Science Fiction Super-hero 100

Superman topped the Stratego Top 100 Sci FI character list recently as the Greatest Science Fiction Character of all Time beating Star Wars and Dr Who. Star Trek too sniff. Its great news for super hero fans everywhere to know that Christopher Reeves 'Man of Steel' from planet Krypton lives on. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No Its Superman!

There is light at the end of the wormhole for Star Trek fans too! Trek's longest running classic show with the original series Captain Kirk (played by William Shatner) commander of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 reached lucky No 7 spot. Good ol' Jean Luc Picard from TNG made 10th. In second place was Han Solo of Star Wars, while Jedi master Yoda, was third in the poll voted for by 2000 people living in the UK..

Why is it Star Wars always pips Star Trek at the post?

I was delighted to see Ellen Ripley, heroine from Alien Movies and Galaxy Quest fighting her way in at 21st position because Ripley's an awesome female lead. Remember Gorman? 'Do Something!!!' F**K.'

I'm surprised Sigourney Weaver didn't get a higher poll position but you can blame Cabin in the Woods for denting her tough-guy reputation.

Its kind of funny to see 'Ripley' get booted off into an abyss without yelling or clawing her way back.

The highest ranked female in Stratego poll marks the release of a new sci fi game with Ripley taking names and kicking butt no less. Ah ha, favouritism! I hear you say but rest assured this Sci Fi Warrior made a lasting impression on me in a galaxy long, long ago.

I'm satisfied Ripley's ranking over Princess Leia from STAR WARS who trailed in after her at No 25 is much deserved. Now I bet theres a fight worth seeing?

Who's your Favorite Science Fiction hero?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekinators!

Friday, November 02, 2012

Disney Saves Star Wars

I guess you've heard the news circulating this week about Star Wars being 'assimilated' into Disney's collective.

A huge showbiz marriage took place with Disney buying Lucasfilm. Luke Skywalker, Vader, R2D2 and Princess Leia are all joining the Disney family in a sweet 4 billion Disney deal.

Word has it Star Wars Head Honcho, George Lucas has officially relinquished control of the 'Empire' to Disneyworld. Kathleen Kennedy, current co-chairman of Lucasfilm is taking the reins as President of Lucasfilm with Lucas advising like a hologram for future films.

'It's now time for me to pass 'Star Wars' on to a new generation of filmmakers. I've always believed that 'Star Wars' could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime.'

The announcement last Tuesday by Disney's chairman Robert Iger of a new Star Wars trilogy has stirred up allot of fan excitement. The seventh episode in the Star Wars series is scheduled for 2015.

The good news is, Disney now has a rich movie universe of characters to play around with to breathe new life into Star Wars. Fans can expect more from film, television, interactive media and consumer products. Disney will build Princess Leia and Vader' theme parks with live entertainment, boldly going where Star Wars has never been before. Maybe now is the right time to harp on with "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the Force?'

Simon Pegg who played Scotty from Star Trek's last 2009 movie is happy with Disney and Star Wars. 'For the record, I have no problem with Disney, I am a huge fan and I'm sure it's actually good news for Star Wars fans.' He also cracked, 'Does this mean Leia is now a Disney princess? She'll have to go get her nails done with Ariel and lend Pocahontas her metal bikini.' he tweeted.

The question remains: Which characters from the Star Wars franchise will Disney resurrect? Do you think theres any chance Darth Vader could be reincarnated alongside Mickey Mouse, Goofy or Donald Duck for children's cartoons? Are you looking forward to seeing Princess Leia in a Theme Park with Mickey Mouse? Doesn't Disney Wars have a nice ring to it?

Sith Long and Prosper.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Star Trek Salt Vampire Monster

My choice for Monster Monday is the Salt Vampire aka The M113 creature in Star Treks classic episode 'The Man Trap.' Shes the last of an intelligent species which beams aboard the USS Enterprise and gives Captain James T. Kirk the shock of his life, hehe. You gotta love this episode with those sad drooping eyes and spikey fangs staring back at you played out by Sharon Gimpel.

This monster is enough to to give anyone the heebie geebies for Halloween. Perfect costume for tricker treating eh? So ask yourself one little thing. Could that lovely face actually have a conscience or a cold calculating mind? Each of M113's fingers has three sucker like feeding organs designed to suck the salt out of humans! So be on your guard trekinators for Salt Vampires! LOL!

Remember When the USS Enterprise's landing party first encountered it? Dr McCoy gets hot and bothered over Nancy Cramer, Kirk saw a confident middle aged woman in her 40's and Green saw a pretty fetching blonde. Each crew member saw a trustworthy or appealing lifeform, however all is not what it seems. In reality what they were really looking at was the Salt Vampires telepathic trickery.' It really had no other way to communicate with the USS Enterprise crew or Proffessor Robert Crater.

The Salt Vampire's neat trick immobilized and captured its prey very easily. Unfortunately the monster sees humans as FOOD but before snacking, it captures an image from its victims minds and then hypnotizes them.  Its a deadly monster that doesn't just kill feasting off salt, it renders humans defenceless torturing them as it moves in for YUM 'meal time.'  So watch out Trekkie, you might just meet one for Halloween! Hehe.

Spock survived only thanks to his copper based blood! LOL. Why do you think the Salt Vampire looked so sad? Was it because she ate so much salt? perhaps time had caught up with the old devil? How old do you think she was? Maybe the Salt vampire had a conscience after all?

Did you enjoy the cool music video for The Man Trap by Five Year Mission?

 What is your favorite Monster?

Vampire Long and Prosper, Trekkers, Trekkies and Trekinators!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Paranormal Activity 4

An outgoing bunch of thrill seekers are all set for a special screening of Paranormal Activity 4 which hit cinemas on 17th October. I guess part of the fun is knowing .....the boogeyman is waiting for YOU. LOL.

Isn't it nice looking at everyone lined up at the box office waving merrily, full of good cheer?

Bring it on WORLD.

Fear roots willing victims to their seats as high blood pressure and stress hormones soar, gripping everyone in the audience as they lean forward!

Take a good look at the shocked staring eyes gripped by the horror unfolding before them. The girl in the front seat is on red alert. Her eyes are clearly focused on something horrid quickening her impulses.

Why isn't anyone tucking into popcorn or candy and washing it all down with thirst quenching coke or 7up?

Now is a good time to show off your macho side by jumping to your girl friend's rescue and being her hero, hehe. JUMPING, get it? Oh well, I tried. Look at the poor mite in the front row sobbing her poor little heart out. Awww.

Are you bad enough to face the BOOGEYMAN?

Is Paranormal Activity 4 freaky enough to CREEP you OUT? Whats the verdict?

 Freak long and Prosper, Trekinators!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Netflix Star Trek Streaming

Excited about the wonderful universe of Star Trek episodes streaming into your life? Took the plunge and signed up for Netflix? Its been a couple of months now since a deal was struck between CBS and Netflix making Netflix the first online service to deliver Star Trek without commercials.

I wonder whatever happened to the needs of the many and all that jazz? Oh well. Hopeful, European trekkers probably wouldn't have minded some 'advertisements.' The current CBS/Netflix deal is exclusive to the USA only which means lots of saddened trekkies are missing out on the fun.

The good news is Netflix have CBS trek licencing for only two years with options for another 2 so who knows? Fans can watch Star Trek episodes on line with their Netflix ready TV, XBox360, 3d, PS3, Wii,  mobile phones or tablets which is neat.

Netflix have confirmed they will be streaming every episode of every season for all five live-action Star Trek series: the original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. Curiously the only show not included in the CBS deal is the 70's Star Trek The Animated Series. I guess some things weren't meant to be for now...

UPDATE:  Netflix just got the green light to air ST TAS! GAME ON Trekinators!

Star Trek TNG will be the first to hit Netflix with direct digital streaming taking the web by storm leaving ITunes in the dust. Its awesome seeing Star Trek TNG as a popular trek series yet again!!! 25 years after its original debut aired in 1987!!! LOL.

                                                        MAKE IT SO!

Which Star Trek show do you want to see in direct digital streaming? signed for Netflix? Do European trekkies or Canadian trekinators have just cause for concern?

Make you voice count, Make your Favorite Star Trek Show a digital/blu ray reality! Kapla!

Trekfix and Prosper, trekinators!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Star Trek TNG Redemption (with Klingons)

'Lursa and B'Etor are feared. And fear is power.' Chancellor Gowron

Who are Lursa and B'Etor? Lursa and B'Etor are two seductive power hungry, Klingon females and a force to be reckoned within the Klingon Empire except for one little chink in their Klingon armor. Their brother Duras got swift justice at the receiving end of a curved bat'leth in 2367 for killing Worf's mate K'Ehleyr. Why I hear you ask? True warriors live by the Klingon Code of Honor which boils down to loyalty, honor and courage etc. The House of Duras apparently failed to appreciate that such a code even existed. That left Gowron next in line to succeed K'mpec as High Chancellor which didn't sit well with the sisters, at all. Lets have some fun with Star Trek TNG history.

In Star Trek's TNG 'Redemption' episode Barbara March's Lursa appears with her smaller foxy sister B'Etor played by Gwynyth Walsh for the first time. Its fair to say these two lovelies are united in their quest for power, conspiring with Romulans, hatching secretive plots to achieve only one thing. Control of the Klingon Empire! How trustworthy can they really be?

'Klingons do not surrender their weapons.'

The sisters are eventually exposed for Romulan double dealing but manage to escape and hook up with Dr Tolian Soran in Star Trek Generations. You remember him? He's the guy that snuffed Captain Kirk under that corny bridge scene bringing a dismal end to one of Science Fictions most iconic characters.

In 1991, when Redemption first aired on TV I recall being fascinated by the Duras sisters cunning treachery which added a crisp, wonderful tension between the characters in TNG's Redemption. These gutsy gals were determined to have a go at the Leadership by presenting their nephew and rightful 'male heir' Toral to the Klingon High Council.

When I saw that cocky kid strut his stuff into the Great Hall of the Klingon Home world, I was stumped and a little impressed by his sheer cheek. Not bad....but Toral gotta have some nerve. Alot of nerve going in their confronting those blood thirsty klingons! Gowron was enraged and leapt up from his council throne with his warriors d'k tahg in his hand.... (Go on Gowron, GET HIM!) A boy leader challenging the High Council with no love for duty or combat! You've got to be having a laugh......

In a flash Gowron's crazed eyes were alight with hatred but then a grin appears on his face. "Don't make me laugh" as he nearly busts a gut laughing. Toral is defiant but strangely unnerved for a boy that wanted to be chancellor. Murmurs of dissension echo the chamber.

Gowron continues. "What harlets lair did you find him in Lursa?" 

Humiliation is written all over Toral's face. Gowron rejects the defiant klingon and the council is split. Its not like the boy's true blood lines aren't suspect or a bitter pill to swallow. Still good ol' Captain Picard does his Arbiter of Succession bit by refusing Toral's leadership challenge plunging the Klingon Empire into civil war chaos, pitting Klingon against Klingon. Gowron eventually becomes chancellor of the Empire except its not over.

'Do you hear the cry of the warrior calling you to battle, calling you to glory?'

 I find it interesting Gowron's restoration of Worf's family honor came at a price. Discommendation was a heavy cross for Worf to shoulder alone. Sure, Worf no longer had to be the Fall Guy for Duras's treachery, (the guy who poisoned K'mpec) so now Gowron wants Worf's allegiance and its time to pay the piper. Worf is torn between Starfleet duty and his loyalty to the Klingon Empire. You'd think Picard would've given Worf some much deserved leeway here but instead Jean Luc plays hardball. The conclusion to Star Trek's TNG Redemption P1 ends with a real tear jerker when warrior Worf tells Picard:

'Then I resign my Starfleet commission as a Starfleet Officer.'


Whats your favorite Star Trek Klingon episode? Were you delighted or stunned when Worf resigned from the the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D? Have you ever had a crush on any science fiction characters? Who's side are you rooting for... Klingons, Romulans or Starfleet? Have you got a favorite sci fi warrior?

 Warrior long and Prosper, Trekinators

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Star Trek Into Darkness Newsflash

Paramount Pictures announced recently that J.J. Abram's Star Trek Into Darkness is currently underway adding the principal photography touches to the new movie apparently. This little piece of trek news sparked my tricorder into life! Why I hear you ask? Look closely at the characters in this picture. Whose humanoid 'features' strikes you as being preserved for the big occasion on May 17th 2013?

This photo captures a cool stitch in time which is why its so fun looking at them, hehe. Returning to their USS Enterprise post's are John Cho, Bruce Greenwood, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, and Anton Yelchin. They are joined by new cast members Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve and Peter Weller. Trekkie instincts tell me Leonard Nimoy is along for trek's sequel with the give away in this photo.

I suppose its probably still a little too early to guess with absolute certainty but.... anyone? what do you think?

Chris Pine, who is currently in New York City filming with Kevin Costner, shared details on Star Trek's Into Darkness sequel. He avoided specifics but gave us a flavour on what direction our Enterprise heroes are going, pitched with an exciting overall tone outlining Star Trek Into Darkness.

 "There’s comedy, which I think J.J. does a great job of, but, like the first one, there’s some serious issues being dealt with. And I’d say the threat is even greater in this one. The force (the Enterprise crew) are met with is much more frightening.

 It’s relentlessly action-packed and in terms of character development it goes places you’d never expect. The ARC is huge FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS. It’s a really big story – I can’t hype it enough!" Thanks Chris, now for the hype! Looking at Alice Eve, one character really springs to mind! "I'm a healthy amount of time in the makeup chair — though not as long as Spock," Eve revealed. "We were filming until very late last night, and I know that's all I can say. It's a top-secret operation, it's like a war." Star Trek Into Darkness has wrapped up tight doing even Top Secret CIA operators proud until its theatrical release on May 17th, 2013.

Can you guess who Alice Eve will be playing?
Guess long and Prosper, Trekinators!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Walter Koenig's Star in Hollywood

Legendary Star Trek actor Walter Koenig finally got his reward last Monday for playing Chekov aboard the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.

Looking back on series now, Koenig is the last cast member from classic trek to earn his spot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame two days after Star Trek's 46th anniversary.

In the original TV show our navigator steers the ship through thick and thin but hes probably best remembered for his quirky pronunciations. In Star Trek IV Chekov's Russian accent provides good comic relief in a scene when he asks for the location of Nuclear Wessels and is epic in Star Trek 2009.

His wife Judy Levitt, daughter Danielle, fellow co-stars Leonard Nimoy (Spock) George Takei (Sulu) and a radient Nichelle Nichols (80) (Uhura) joined Walter at Tinsel Towns sidewalk for the star-unveiling celebration.

“This is something that you hope and wish for, dream about, but something you never expect to really happen, 'It's a joyous occasion and I am deeply honoured.'said Walter after allot of people inundated the Walk of Fame Committee so they decided last year that he would receive a star.

Who's your favorite Star Trek or science fiction character? Do you think Nichelle Nichols takes a beauty potion for staying so young and beautiful?

Trek long and Prosper, Trekinators.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Star Trek Into Darkness

Trekmovie sources have just confirmed the title for J.J. Abrams Star Trek 2013 sequel movie. They're calling it 'Star Trek Into Darkness,' so now the word is given with Paramount's blessing, apparently. Star Trek is crossing over into the DARK SIDE!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? YESSSS! We've been waiting for this all our lives, right? It couldn't have been easy for the Team Abrams but I reckon its sounds pretty frackin' awesome and conspiratorial too. How cool is this, I mean really? Imagine a mirror, mirror verse Spock wreaking havoc on the Enterprise's young guns! And who's playing angry Spock, Leonard Nimoy, right? Okay so theres gaps in my theory which maybe you can fill in but hey it'll be worth the wait.

Unlike the Dark Knight, Superman and Spiderman theres really no straight forward superhero for Star Trek to cape up and save the universe. Hence the mysterious title which sounds very cloak and daggery and classified too which is great but the suspense is the real killer. I suspect we're not going to get the whole enchilada until the USS Enterprise hits the cinema theaters on May 17th 2013. So why did Paramount and Team Abrams choose 'Star Trek Into Darkness' for the title? Secrecy of course but you knew that!

I'm guessing Star Trek's villain could be DEEP UNDERCOVER, a saboteur on a highly classified Top Secret mission sent by the Mirror-verse Empire. Perhaps this is where time travelling secret agent Gary Seven makes his rescue bid, saving the Enterprise, foiling with Evil Spock in a desperate attempt to restore the timeline before the villainous Empire defeats the friendly Federation! So far, so good but who knows? Sevens secretary played by Alice Eve? mesmerises Evil Spock by turning into a sexy feline cat giving Gary Seven enough time to zap pointy ears, hehe.

Feverish Speculation over whos really playing Star Trek's darkside villain is truly testing trek fans ever since Karl Urban told us trek's villain was going to be Gary Mitchel, LOL and now we're even more clueless, since Abram's sleigh ride began, LOL.

Who do you think is Star Trek's Into Darkness villain?

Heres a list to help confuse you even more, LOL but do go on, have a go! Its all for a good cause.

Anya the Allasomorph
Gary Mitchell
Gary Seven
Garth of Izar
Harry Mudd
General chang
Commander Kruge
Gorgan the friendly angel.
Simon Van Gelder

Trek long into darkness, Trekinators.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Neil Armstrong, Earth's Amazing Spaceman died over the weekend at the great age of 82. Hero to generations, NASA's Apollo 11 commander boldly took earthies to the moon where no-human has gone before. 237,000 miles away humanities hopes and dreams became a reality spreading throughout the stars, lighting up tv screens on Earth. What an awesome achievement. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.... and it sure was.

R.I.P Spaceman.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...