Saturday, February 02, 2013

Star Trek Fun and Babes

Had me some trek fun over at Trekmovie recently. What do we call J.J. Abrams now? A little birdie tells me the Star Trek vs Star Wars debate is about to kick off again. I mean you've got to agree with Basements Bloggers logic right? Star Trek has the hotter chicks!

Okay, Star Wars makes much more money and it took our director. I could say Star Trek is smarter and argue that point but it occurred to me that the Star Trek films have it in spades over Star Wars in this one respect-
STAR TREK HAS THE HOTTER CHICKS. Let’s go over the evidence.
1. Star Trek: The Motion Picture- Hot woman- Ilia
2. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan- Saavik; Dr. Carol Marcus for us old guys.
3. Star Trek: The Search for Spock- Saavik; Uhura
4. Star Trek: The Voyage Home- Gillian; Marine biology is sexy.
5. Star Trek: The Final Frontier- Caithlin Dar, Romulan Ambassador
6. Star Trek; The Undiscovered Country- Martia?! Lt. Valeris, hey she was Samantha on some show I never watched.
7. Star Trek: Generations: Dr. Beverly Crusher, love that close up.
8. Star Trek: First Contact- Troi, Lily
9. Star Trek: Insurrection- Anij; okay another hottie for us old guys
10. Star Trek: Nemesis- Commander Donatra, Troi, Dr. Crusher for us old guys.
11. Star Trek- Uhura, Gaila-really don’t need the green skin.
Star Wars-
Princess Leia in Return of Jedi. Star Wars had her with a goofy hairstyle. Was too involved with the story to really drool over Leia. But Return needs only two words. Metal bikini.
The other movies? Nothing. Unless you count that female Gungan in the robot army battle.
The conclusion. Star Trek has the hotter chicks. Star Trek wins. Star Trek wins.

Well? Choose now Uhura or Leia!

Who's your wet dream sci-fi babe?

Hailing Frequencies Open, Trekkies and Trekkers!

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Favorite Martian

You've probably guessed that I love Star Trek aliens in all shapes great and small. So my choice for Geektwin's 'My Favorite Martian' bloghop is Thermian Mathesar!

Every Sci Fi fan who's been curious about the merits of Science Fiction will definitely get a good chuckle out of Galaxy Quest. Tim Allen stars as Captain Jason Nesmith, Commander of the starship NSEA Protector when the unthinkable happens. The plug is pulled on Nesmith's "Galaxy Quest" show tossing our 'defenders of the galaxy' out in the cold. Its funny watching Nesmith grabbing all the media attention while his washed up crew do all the legwork attending sci-fi conventions etc where loyal fans still adore them eighteen years later. Surely he reminds you of someone?

Galaxy Quest is fun to watch and I can think of no better homage to Star Trek's classic series or TNG! The actors fall from stardom have them squabbling over the smallest of stuff and ready to chuck in the towel. The fun starts when Nesmith is approached by a race of aliens proclaiming to be "Thermians" led by their completely clueless chief "Mathesar" which is why hes so totally cool. To cut a long story short these guys have completely confused ideas about Galaxy Quest's TV show."

The thing is see Mathesar's race actually believes in the crew of the NSEA Protector and has built them a REAL STARSHIP that can fly in outerspace!  He calls Galaxy Quest's adventures: The real world "historical documents" giving Nesmiths crew the chance to redeem themselves in the eyes of gullible fans who've been worshipping them for years. Most fans and geeks would probably flip out at the prospect of being aboard a real spaceship surrounded by aliens but not Tech Sgt. Chen played by Tony Shalhoub.

Hi guys. Listen, they're telling me that the generators won't take it, the ship is breaking apart and all that. Just FYI.

The viewscreen goes black. The ship ROARS forward.

ALEXANDER Yells: We've got to stop!

Things only get better when the evil villain SARRIS (whos one mean, ugly, reptile) shows up and to blazes with the rest of the Galaxy. Check out the creepy smiling aliens with those sharp teeth! So who's my favorite martian? Thermian Mathesar! Logic out the airlock, thats my story and I'm sticking to my guns.

Who's your favorite alien?

Does Capt Jason Nesmith remind you of anyone?

By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!

Never give up, never surrender to the Martians, Trekkers!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top 30 Aliens

Who's your favorite alien character? I've signed up for Geektwins'My favorite Martian' bloghop, which is hitting the blogsphere on January 21st this coming Monday. So prepare yourself friends, the word is ALIENS. Over the years I've written over 30 separate blurbs on these critters for you to enjoy.

1. The Devil in the Dark
2. Nomad
3. Anyna the Allasomorph
4. Salt Vampire Monster
5. Q's Deadly Game
6. Voyager's Clown
7. Quark
8. Friendly Angel Gorgan
9. Ardra
10. Darth Vader
11. Orion Slave Girl
12. Star Trek TNG Schisms
13. Klingon Geiger counters
14. Kirk vs the Gorn
15. Ferengi Culture
16. The Great Crystalline entity
17. Borg Collective
18. Lonely Among Us
19. Non corporeal lifeforms
20. Spock's Vulcan Logic
21. Ferengi Fun Facts
22. Terminator
23. Squeaking Alien
24. Commander Data
25. Wesley's Scarey Girl
26. Science Officer Spock
27. Seven of Nine
28. Commander Kruge
29. Worfs Bumpyhead Secret
30. Orion Slave Woman

 All we have to do is say who our favorite alien critter is! Monday's bloghop is the perfect opportunity to set the blogverse straight once and for all. Which extraterrestrial creature, tribble or little green pal from science fiction means the world to you and why? LOL.

 Tribble long, Hobbits, Zombies and Martians!

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...