Monday, January 27, 2020



Production number: 101
First aired: 23 January 2020


The new Picard series is receiving trekker jubilation faster than light speed. First of all isn't it great seeing friendly Captain Picard again? Now 14 years on, retired Admiral, Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) is aboard the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D at poker. All is not what it seems in "Ten Forward" because we're seeing Picard's dream..... in a 2399 plotline. Isn't this a warp back in time?


Studying Picard is positronic superwhiz "Data" (Brent Spiner) as they both bet the odds and play poker. Data beats Picard with a flush only its not over 'cos like suddenly beyond the spatial safety of the galaxy class flagship, Mars lights up on fire.

The new Star Trek Picard premiere is filled with plenty of action packed entertainment and a stylish cgi USS Enterprise-d starship which veers over to one side and when Data disappears Picard wakes up. Its fair to say enemy rogue androids set the thread in this first episode  "Remembrance." These synthetics move in for the kill targeting Mars snuffing out lives without even opening hailing frequencies!


A matrix of mystery surrounds the synthetics attacking Mars and the strike force Dahj encounters in this episode.  Why Federation outrage ensues, Hunting sentient "synthetics" to extinction was unheard of right?


Picard quit Starfleet soon after because, as he says to the rather annoying reporter in anger, "Starfleet was no longer Starfleet."  The cinematic effects are pretty cool blazing away through the Enterprise-D windows. I have to admit Picard has cool dreams, haha


There is I have to admit a lot of back story here with strong characters. Picards dreams trying to reach out. Greater Boston area and then Picard's Chateau. Dahj (Isa Briones) is the first intended victim. Curiously like an android possessed she activates and slaughters her would be assassins, but like she kicked their butts -


"ahhh she's activating!!!" meaning Dahj killer android instincts come online. Tragically she never knew about her "synthetic" abilities or came to grips before the reality of her android identity is broken to her by Jean luc Picard.


Of course time catches up and the killer Federation assassins zone in on Picard's and Dahj lifeform co-ordinates. Some might say running isn't the admirals specialty anymore, so keeping up is a major drag on the old guy. Picards face contorts in shock as he realizes Dahj is fighting a losing battle against the synthetics.


 Theres little he can do and Dahj fights moving cutting through the air faster than you can see until one of the Federation assassins gets her....she melts and explodes dying horribly before Picards eyes......


The awesome logic of this epic tale is androids are made in pairs. Data, Lor, makes sense right? Turns out Dahj has a twin sister Soji,(Briones) aboard a Borg Cube run by Romulans packed with warbirds.


A. What did you make of Picards pet pit bull, No 1?
B. Do you get a sense that alien borg cube is lurking in deep space for a reason?
C. The Federations moral compass has changed, assasins out for blood, is not very diplomatic or, "we come in peace" friendly, is it?
D. Data emotion chip kept a tight reign on experiencing terror and overt emotionalism. Do you think Soji has an emotion chip?
E. Whatever happened to Bruce Maddox?

Live Long and Prosper trekkers.

Monday, January 20, 2020


Star Trek PICARD is a global inspiration for movie audiences. The "Picard" series got the red carpet premiere in Los Angeles on the 13th Jan, 2020. Local fan clubs, press and lucky trekkers lined up with invites to the Arclight Cinema Dome, later enjoying the first three episodes of Star Trek Picard.

Jeri Ryan said "it’s indeed very cinematic and feels like you’re watching a movie. However, the cinematography doesn’t take away from the plots that are being established."

S.T. Picard castmates in attendance with Patrick Stewart included Jeri Ryan, Johnathan Del Arco, Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Michelle Hurd, Alison Pill, Isa Briones, Santiago Cabrera, and Evan Evagora at this cool Trek event!

 It was awesome "dancing doctor" Gates McFadden beamed by to say Hi!, her nickname never stuck but Dr Crusher definitely left her mark in Star Trek TNG. Paramount honcho Rick Berman and Rod Roddenberry checked in for the premiere with Star Trek Discovery's Wilson Cruz along for the trek. Two days after the Los Angeles Premiere, many of the cast and crew were in London for the UK Premiere. While trekker reactions were mixed, reception to the premiere was a big hit!

When do we get to see the Star Trek Picard series?

Star Trek: Picard will premiere on January 23, 2020. It will be available on CBS All Access in the USA and on the CTV Sci-Fi Channel and CraveTV in Canada. It will premiere on Amazon Prime Video for the rest of the world on January 24. Episodes will be released weekly.

What are you rooting for in Star Trek Picard?
Who are you hoping will emerge victorious in Star Trek Picard?
Who do you think is the villain?
Is Brent Spiner B4 or Data?

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Monday, January 13, 2020


Star Trek TNG
Stardate 42695.3
Writers: Melinda M. Snodgrass

Its Starfleets first and foremost rule - a principle of noninterference with Federation races and cultures, a rule born from painful historical experience. Apparently Starfleet is very serious about the Prime Directive and doesn't like it being violated.

 So while the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D checks out catastrophic volcanic geothermal activity in the Selcundi Drema System, guess who's fooling around with the hailing frequencies and its not Uhura aka Nichelle Nichols!!

Nope fraid not. Its our friendly android, Lieutenant Commander Data aka Brent Spiner! so what could possibly be going down while he's extending the ship's sensor range?  a female voice from space speaks.... Is anybody out there? Her name is Sarjenka. All DATA had to do was keep quiet.... instead he says YES! Now, Captain Picard has problems.

 Lets face it, Picard isn't over the moon when he realises - Data has ignored the Prime Directive. It's broken man! Now what are we gonna do? Its game over man - haha ok not quite. The female voice, Sarjenka talks to her penpal Data over the Enterprise-D comm panel and Picard listens fuming

Help can be given if asked for which shoulda coulda maybe, really, didn't happen. Its interesting because here's an android not supposed to be swayed by emotion... yet Data kept the "Penpal" communication going for 6 weeks! why? Then you've got Picard who says "Data I want you to sever all contact with Drema 4."

"Data. Data, where are you? Why won't you answer? Are you angry me? Please, please, I'm so afraid. Data, Data, where are you?"
PICARD: "Wait. Oh, Data. Your whisper from the dark has now become a plea. We cannot turn our backs."

Could you have flicked the hailing frequency off?
Was Data right or wrong to break the Prime Directive?
Picard acted on overt emotionalism, exactly the type of thing the Prime Directive is designed to prevent.
Is Picard emotionally out of control in Pen Pals?

Live Long and prosper, Trekkers

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Rene Auberjonois 1940 - 2019

Star Trek fans mourn the loss of René Auberjonois, (the shapeshifer Odo) in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" who died aged 79 on Sunday (Dec. 8)

Rene Auberjonois passed away at his Los Angeles home. He had metastatic lung cancer which his son Rèmy-Luc Auberjonois told the Guardian. Auberjonois' death was confirmed by spokespeople on his official Twitter account.

Since the news, numerous "Star Trek" actors have paid tribute to Auberjonois on

Television delivered big success for Rene not forgetting his films  The Rockford Files to Grey’s Anatomy, Starsky and Hutch to Frasier, he was a regular on three popular and vastly different shows. Trekkers will remember him as Deep Space Nines Security Chief  "Constable" given him by Kira Nerys whom he investigated. Odo had little patience for flim flam wheeler dealers like Quark or criminals trying to pull a scam or break the rule of law, whom he usually caught out with ease by "shapeshifting" into the background. Easy for Odo who waited for his "prey" to make its move while boldly entertaining

Live Long and Prosper, trekkers

Rene Auberjonois was great and as this video shows could laugh at himself.

Monday, September 09, 2019


Star Trek is boldly going to the Big Apple, New York Picard/Discovery style for Comic Con on thursday, October 3 to 6th - the third time now. So who's coming to the party my trekker friends?

NCC 1701

Currently-filming castmates Sonequa Martin-Green (Burnham), Doug Jones (Saru), Mary Wiseman (Tilly), Anthony Rapp (Stamets), Wilson Cruz (Culber), and newcomer David Ajala (Booker) are recording the ongoing adventures of the USS Discovery NCC 1031

 — crew now hard at work producing the third season of Star Trek: Discovery — 

It seems like these guys are trying to make the Discovery appear like traditional Star Trek again with Captain Pike back calling the shots.

The big draw for fans will certainly be the cast of the next big Trek adventure, Star Trek Picard - starring Patrick Stewart (Picard), freshmen Alison Pill (Agnes Jurati), Isa Briones (Dahj), Michelle Hurd (Raffi Musiker), Santiago Cabrera (Chris Rios), Harry Treadaway (Narek), and Evan Evagora (Elnor), along with executive producer Alex Kurtzman who will be part of both halves of the event.


These Starfleet Star Trek crews will be returning to The Theater at Madison Square Garden — the site of the last two years of NYCC Trek panels — on Saturday, October 5 from 1PM – 2:30PM ET.

Are you going to Comic Con this year to join in the fun? How do you rate Star Trek Discovery season 1, 2 and 3 for optimism?

Which Star Trek series, Discovery or Star Trek Picard are you a fan of? 

Which Star Trek characters will you be rooting for when S T Picard or STDiscovery streams online?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekker amigos. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


So analysis has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we can see actors and crew who have changed the face of sci-fi and Star Trek. Isn't it neat seeing Picard, Seven and Data again?.... only Data looks different. Cos like remember B4? He sure was one unusual situation.... Well, guess what? Patrick Stewart has invited Whoopi Goldberg onto the show Star Trek Picard...

Brent Spiner said at Comic Con, that he's only in occasional episodes. Fans are giving positive feedback generally pleased with the Star Trek Picard trailer with arms opened wide but questions remain. Where's Worf? We also see a Borg cube with missing sections but curiously Borg regeneration chambers are visible.

Jeri Ryan stars as the hot ex-borg 20 years later... nanaprobes right? Shes like 51 but lets get serious - when you see a woman all wrapped up like Seven, she definitely makes a lasting impression.

The main characters in the show are the young men and women. Picard, Seven of Nine and Data appearing seem to up the stakes somehow because they're so likable. So who's the villain? We don't know much except a hot babe Picard has encountered whom he believes is in danger.....


What are our friends over at Meta critic reporting
What are our friends over at Rotten Tomatoes reporting?
What are our friends over at IMDB reporting?

What do you say? 

 Live Long and Prosper my trekker friends.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Heres Patrick Stewart chatting to a packed convention hall in Star Trek Las Vegas as only he can, "Make it so". The fans of course loved every minute of it and couldn't get enough of "the Picard" news. How do you separate the legend from the man? So everyone settled down and listened to Stewart speak and WOWSERS!  He just blew us away..... and this is just the beginning!

"You know, whatever happens in the next few years what you did makes it all worthwhile anyway. However I have to tell you, he (Jean Luc Picard) may not and I stress, may not be a captain anymore. He may not be the Jean Luc that you recognize and know so well. It may be a very different individual - someone who has been changed by his experiences. 20 years will have passed which is more or less exactly the time of the very last movie Nemesis and today. We have no scripts as yet, we're just talking, talking, talking storylines.

It will be I promise you, I guarantee it, something very very different but it will come to you with the same passion and determination and love of the material and love of our followers and our fans exactly as we had it before. Thank you so much, I will see you all again very soon.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers

Monday, July 01, 2019

Star Trek Discovery Mystery

Hey trekkers, heres a puzzle for you to brainstorm. The United Federation of Planets Crossfield-class STARSHIP, USS Discovery NCC-1031 was reported destroyed in 2257............dun dun duuuuun. so that being the case why did it turn up abandoned in the 33rd century?

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Serial number: SP 937-215 
USS Stargazer (NCC-2893), (2333–2355)
 USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D, (2364–2371)
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E, (2372–)

Here is a list of Starfleets spaceships captained by JEAN LUC PICARD. Impressive isn't it? To boldly engage worthy opponents of the Federation's like Preator Shinzon, Ardra, Q the Omnipotent, Nausicaans and the Borg Queen took strength of will and determination which we've all experienced in Star Trek TNG....well now the most noted captain in space exploration and interstellar diplomacy...... I'm lost for words my friends,  Picard's back... 


 Word is we're definitely witnessing the return of our Star Trek hero, friend, diplomat and protector to guide us once again through the stars after 18 years of wilderness... Star Trek nemesis, well lets be honest was pure bewilderment and Data's death? lets not even go there!!! what a disaster. Fans say Picard is great for talking his way out of trouble but do you consider him an action-man? Remember Star Trek First Contact? Despite all his diplomacy, tough talk, and we come in peace, Picard proved he had what it takes to blaze off rifle rounds and make Borg pay....

 Amazon beat Netflix to stream CBS' new Picard series in more than 200 countries and territories. The show is currently filming to stream later this year which began in April in Los Angeles, so how will Patrick Stewart reprise his role? Little is known except for speculation. Is Patrick Stewart returning as an academy instructor? admiral, captain or civilian? Its no secret Patrick Stewart has the Midas touch so for some amazing reason, Stewarts got the gift to make it so with us - the fans.

Starfleet has the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E so whats next? Who gets the captains chair? Johnathan Frakes gets the directors chair with SirPatStew as executive producer. Recent Star Trek Picard leaked photos give us Picard in civilian clothes with an Ensign asking his name.

What do you think? Speak now to be heard and become immortalized for all trek time, lol.


Even the name sounds cool, Star Trek Picard - so much is right about it. The USS Enterprise represents true hope, vast technology, and service to humankind. According to Alex Kurtzman, we should not expect a reboot of Star Trek TNG but rather expect a more psychological show about a man in his twilight years, the hero we need right now. 

What are you hoping for when you switch on Star Trek Picard?

Live Long and my Trekker Friends, Picard is back!

Wednesday, May 08, 2019


Science Fiction and in particular Star Trek is important. Consider all the great novels and movies produced in the 20st century and leading into the 21st. Theres no shortage of Sci-Fi works to discover by any of the greats. Isaac Asimov, H.G.Wells, Arthur C. Clarke. Robert Heinlein was often called the "dean of science fiction writers".  J.R.R. Tolkien sequel, "Lord of the Rings" is a best seller with over 150 million copies sold, Dune is another winning a nebula, I Robot was made into a blockbuster movie.

 World building is essential and when you're telling a Star Trek story, you're creating a multi episode arc thats physically one long story... Its really vital that writers know what it is before the telling begins and better again knowing the ending is fantastic!!! Star Trek Discovery has these fascinating elements and we're now into 29 episodes at a cost of 300 million dollars to make the show.

The question I'm putting to you trekkers is how do you rate Star Trek Discovery's dialogue? because the writing... what do you think? some say its dreadful..... while others some say its jolly good fun.... so which is it? So lets examine these clues without begrudging anyone.

So why not go further some say.... lets rip off an original Sci Fi concept or name from an already published book and while we're at it - remember to read it! That way we get the elements of the plot right?..... well now thats unfair I say.

Its a well established fact copycats plagiarize (which Google hates) but I don't know about the movie business and storytelling, that kind of thing takes it a level further or so some say. So what do you believe Trekkers? Is it time to Trekkinate the plagurators? Has David Mack Book titled Star Trek Section 31 - "Control" been used for Star Trek Discovery?

Some might say "ripped off" but hold on now, thats rash speculation? Odds are high CBS own the rights to Macks book, so what do you say? How do you rate Star Trek Discovery from 1 to 10?

Should CBS writers be congratulated for their hard scientific imagination boldly blowing up where no starship has gone before!

Live Long and Prosper my trekker friends

Wednesday, May 01, 2019


Mercifully season 2 of Star Trek Discovery has ended. But heres a puzzle. Discoveries Season 1 vs Season 2... So which gets your thumbs up? or Maybe having your brain amputated is a better idea. So lets examine these Star Trek mysteries in closer detail. Season 1 kicked off with Brian Fuller and Nicholas Meyer at the helm boldly exploring events set a decade before the original Star Trek series and following the crew of the USS Discovery during the Federation–Klingon war. Season two gives us the USS Discovery investigating seven mysterious signals. David Mack wrote a Star Trek Section 31 book titled Control.

Star Trek Discovery Season 2 have interesting plots... In terms of Star Trek cannon Discoveries episodes have no continuity. In terms of entertainment, fun and cheap laughs - hey join in with the comments! So lets get serious for a second, I wont take long...  The war between faith and science many ask....

The idea of the Red Angel spins into focus with a spiritual, much more religious Captain Pike. All thats scrapped once CBS/NETFLIX producers had a bargain basement grade terminator ripoff plot about control. So what in Terralysium is going on? Word is: Bestselling Star Trek author David Mack has written an exciting novel about Star Trek Section 31 His book "control" relates to artifical inteligence. So whats the kicker? Some say CBS owns the rights to Mack's book.... leaving him unable to sue...... for ripping off his best seller and doing such a ham job of it. So I guess Mack lost control? I dont know..... what do you think?

Macks A.I. plot is fascinating to be sure. Star Trek's Discovery, The latter half of the second season was one of the dumbest, most idiotic plotlines which rehashed an idea 30 years ago was already out dated but thats Star Trek Discovery for ya, this season...duh what?

 Then along comes Michael Burnams time travelling mother...go figure. Yeah she's the Red Angel, Here she is take a good look at those wings, aint she a beaut? So she took a church off the surface of the Earth and moved it like... get this a staggering 50 thousand light-years to start a new colony... like WHAT? How in Star Trek was that done I ask you my trekker friends?

 How do you transport a solid building full of humans, in a place of worship?, so like its a church!!!! and move it like jelly across 50K light years? They didn't have a spore drive right? Did Michael Burnams mother (Red Angel) have a time crystal built into her suit? It was like are you kidding me? Then you have this living entity.... this sphere which is in the galaxy. Apparently the Red Angel moves it into the flightpath of the starship Discovery. Was this thing alive? How did it store data and what was it? Does the crew of the starship USS Discovery NCC 1031 know what it was? The sphere entity was an A.I. but wanted more right?

 Do you think the sphere thing in Star Trek Discovery Season 2 wanted to become more of an A.I.? like what? seriously, but WHAT? does any of Star Trek Discovery make sense? . So like everyone is watching the show and I believe these questions need answers. So we're back to the SPHERE, unlike the Fesarius commanded by Captain Balok, the First federation or Vger - learn all that is learnable in the universe and Nomad.... does not compute, must analyse, error, error, must sterilize....

 You catch my drift these are all star trek's A.I's we understand and love but what is this Discovery Sphere about? We don't know, right! Do you? So it was going to send all its data to where? to the twilight zone perhaps and then? what do you think of Star Trek Discovery season 1 and 2? Are you a fan of the Red Angel, A.I.s or boldly exploring the universe?

Live long and Prosper my trekker friends

Monday, February 18, 2019


Star Trek Discovery has a Section 31. Surprised? You should be because these guys should be invisible. Continuity changes in CBS/Netflix StarTrek are boldly going with clandestine operations laced with advanced technology. So whats normal for Starfleet these days? and why get bothered about it? So lets examine the facts....

 Technology we have today started out in Top Secret army projects way back when in the 1960's. It was like deep, deep undercover Top Secret, stuff. I mean no-one, except the army guys knew what on earth was going on. Starting with computers to satellites, Top Secret stuff was passed on down to intelligence agencies like the NSA and CIA before eventually becoming "de-classified" for civilian use later on. So for Star Trek.......

 Believe it or not, this happens in the real world we know today! Now we're watching it on Star Trek Discovery! The reason we know this to be true,  DARPA a branch of the Department of Defense helped produce a lot of technology which the average Joe was clueless about at the time. What’s unbelievable is a lot of 60's DARPA research isn't so harebrained. Cool inventions like computers and smartphones in our 21st century sprung from somewhere, right? Hence for Star Trek the neat concept "Section 31" was born.

 So now earthers communicate to each other using cutting edge innovations/contraptions whose very existence originated at agencies like DARPA. But in Star Trek, remember there is no military. We have Section 31 and Starfleet. "Cornwell" involvement in an episode shows that Section 31 is a known division of Starfleet. Its agents answer to Starfleet officers despite taking orders from "Control." This is a far cry from Section 31 stand in the 24th century whereby it hid its relationship from Starfleet. This maintained Starfleet's pristine image and perpetuates Section 31 as a myth.

Still, someone had to design all this space age futurism which took intelligence and scientific know how, wouldn't you say?.

Perhaps Discovery writers are taking their inspiration from things like DARPA, TOS, with S31 as the ace in the hole. Since so much of Star Trek does actually come from real world events, societies and organizations I wouldn’t be at all surprised, would you?


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Worf and Jadzia

Terry Farrell is big at Star Trek conventions. Here she is giving a Q&A for the fans at Supercon 2018. She first appeared as Jadzia Dax in a DS9 episode "Dax" accused of murder. Fans know by now "Jadzia" character is two different species. So heres the thing, see....


Theres this large worm lurking within beautiful Jadzia the host. So what is it? Well trekkers, to be blunt Jadzia's 300 year old beastie has a name.....Its called Dax, lol. So lets see now... The Dax symbiont brain entity had previous deep ties with Klingon culture, so when Klingon Worf came along (remember him?) a Klingon wedding on Deep Space 9 kinda happened. Jadzia and Worf were married.

 So who got the better deal? You decide! but we're talking about Jadzia the spacebabe with several doctorates and degrees in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics, and Xenoarchaeology - duh what?) You don't have to understand the how it all happened exactly...... just let Jadzia - do all the talking and Worf can consider himself one lucky Klingon.

He must have been trilled, Jadzia was, wouldn't you agree?  tell me what you think.

Live long and Prosper


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Which Actor Confessed a Secret Ambition?


Ben Stiller

Sean Connery and Honor Blackman

Name the actor behind the most famous secret agent of all who once confessed to a secret ambition: a film role in Star Trek but who which of these four was it?

1. Ben Stiller

2. Sean Connery

3. Rihanna

4. Daniel Craig

Live Long and Prosper

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


‘Star Trek’s William Shatner and Sonequa Martin-Green accept Governors Award. Present were all Six Star Trek Series actors to receive the Emmy.

Bill Nye introduced Alex Kurtzman (EP, Discovery), Levar Burton (The Next Generation), Linda Park (Enterprise), Jeri Ryan (Voyager), Walter Koenig (the original Star Trek), and Terry Farrell (Deep Space Nine) while the new and old guard were there to accept the trophy: Discovery‘s Sonequa Martin-Green and the original scallywag himself Captain Kirk, William Shatner was there to set Nichelle Nichols (TOS UHURA) heart on fire.

Heres what they said.

William Shatner: "after 52 years everyone who has been involved in Star Trek is grateful. The original Captain says that Star Trek is a phenomenon and “represents an idea that is greater than all its parts.”

“I accept this award for all of the artists who have worked to make this show a success,” he said.

Walter Koenig “It resonates because we were talking about topical issues and socio-political content,” 

LeVar Burton chimes in, “It’s all about good storytelling.”

“We still worry about living together and having a fruitful and joyful experience,” added Koening. We are beset with problems that we had in the ’60s.”

As the newest member of the fleet, Martin-Green pointed out that she hopes Discovery gives justice to the franchise and furthers it. “It was very important to us anew, but be our own at the same time,”

Alex Kurtzman "Star Trek “has been a beacon of hope for so many people for so long.”

“In dark times, we need that hope,” he said.

Live long and Prosper

Monday, September 03, 2018

Captain Kirks Star Trek Toys


Here's a list of romantic entanglements, historic, fatalistic, diplomatic, warp speed spacebabes. At least one kiss got recognized for real world significance and the other was with an android but who were they? but HEY, what do you say? Kirk got to play around with all of them! How IMPRESSIVE is that?.

Captain Kirk's got the coolest space toys and he gets to talk to the USS Enterprise 1701 with yeah, you know the one! The flip up communicator. "Kirk here! Two to beam up Scotty! (Ok, so he never said Scotty but let's pretend he did.) Being the third Captain of the legendary Enterprise requires bending rules for the greater good.

 Wheres the fun otherwise? Saving Earth from hostile entities like V'Ger and madman Nero remember them? Nero was nuts. It sure puts the captain in the thick of action whose Kirk attitude and swagger is famously linked with science fictions leading existential heros. What a role model for us poor mortals! Never one far from danger, Kirk's dedication never stops him having fun in his downtime.

 Always it took beautiful women across the quadrant to propel the captain from danger to flirtation or was it love?. Because some say Captain James T. Kirk's one true spacebabe was the Starship Enterprise. What do you think?

Live Long and Prosper, trekkers and trekkies!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


In Star Trek the Original Series, Kirk's first kiss with the "actress" (Barbara Anderson) was stalled when they discovered Dr Thomas Leighton, meanwhile the Enterprise transports the acting company to their next destination.

The "company" or troupe of actors included Lenores father, the suspected criminal Kodos the Executioner. So the game was afoot you might say. In any case Kirk was busy romancing Lenore, no less, hoping to pick up some clues and discover who Kodos really was.

 We know at this time its Lenores father but the guy really has a murky past. Sadly she's been covering for her mans ol' sins and has been killing off anyone who get too close to the truth, making the "KISS" almost fatal, a real sweetheart!

Whats the name of this classic trek episode?

1 Court Martial
2 Mirror Mirror
3 The Conscience of the King

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


Its the Star Trek newsflash we've all been waiting to hear for ages, trekkers. 20 years have passed after Star Trek Nemesis!

by davemetlesits

Now finally, who else but captain of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 and friend to Trekkers and Trekkies everywhere, Patrick Stewart himself stuns us all, when he appears out of the cosmos to a cheering audience in Las Vegas so thrilled to see him. Why I hear you ask? Well, our former captain had plenty to say, thats what.

The news Patrick delivered at Comic Con over the weekend infected the place with delighted, grinning trekkers. So what was it?

Jean Luc Picard is Back - Just look at Patrick Stewart beaming with arms opened wide (Below) - Says it all really. What were the fans thinking? Check out the video. Energized with excitement many trekkers were busy high fiving, while others cried and laughed for joy.

If you want to read what Patrick Stewart had to say about Jean Luc's return instead of watching the video, I've included what he said at Las Vegas Comic Con below, enjoy reading my friends.

Live Long Prosper, Trekkers.

by Darkness-Gfx

I will always be very proud to have been a part of Star Trek: The Next Generation, but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly felt my time with Star Trek had run its natural course. It is, therefore, an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Seeking out new life for him, when I thought that life was over.
During these past years, it has been humbling to hear stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration and leadership. I feel I'm ready to return to him for the same reason – to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working with our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected and pertinent story to life once more.

This #Picard news is very exciting. It's the brain child of our dear friend and lifelong Trek "keeper of the flame" #KirstenBeyer. This couldn't have happened to a better or more talented artist and human being! Exciting times for #StarTrek!

What I can honestly say is that I was aware this was in the works even before I began developing my outline for the TNG book I'm currently writing, and that carrying on the TNG storyline as we've been laying it out all this time was my specific mandate, both from my editor and CBS Licensing. I point-blank asked about any particular concerns or issues which might impact what I was planning should this come to pass, and was told to carry on with what I was doing.
Personally, I'm not too worried about the TrekLit status quo, at least as things currently stand, but that's me, speaking only for myself but based on the conversations I've had about this.
There's a particular aesthetic choice that was made by I believe Mr. Westmore. But for me, I think the coolest challenge, because I like to do this with any design that I do, is to make sense of those choices. It's kind of reverse engineering why there's tubes and stuff going in and out of things. So it'd be to try and make sense of that and then contemporize that aesthetic with what audiences demand today and expect.
I also think that there's, again, it's me, so there's got to be a little room for a little steampunk in there. A little antediluvian something. So not too retro, and not a gear, but there is a biomech feel to the the whole thing, so to go to Geiger and steampunk and find a new way to combine it and maybe play with the colours and bring the palette out of the greys and the blacks and find some rusty and cool metallic tones, then also start defining the flesh in a different way. Like if some of those limbs are necrotic, is the tube pumping life back into them? Do they change color depending on how long they've been in the collective? How does the body stay alive? There are so many things to play with. It's sort of just taking what's there and playing with it. Michael Westmore Jr. did all the lasers and lights inside of all the little LED components. That's something today with 3D printing we can push infinitely further. We can do a lot more lighting and more moving parts.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Star Trek Discovery gets a new showrunner again.

Second star to the right, The Hollywood Reporter has dished the latest on Paramounts/CBS Star Trek Discovery show...

Showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen Berg, replacements for Bryan Fuller who left the series,  are no longer calling the shots, with series co-creator Alex Kurtzman now taking the captains chair.

Alex Kurtzman

CBS released the following statement:

We’ve made some producer changes at Star Trek: Discovery. The series continues under the creative vision and leadership of executive producer and co-creator Alex Kurtzman. Discovery remains on course for season two in 2019 with new and continuing stories that build on its successful premiere season

Akiva Goldsman

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the first five episodes of season two have been completed under Harberts and Berg, but have come in over budget (which will have to be made up by the back end of the season). Some say the writing partners had emotional outbursts with other members in the writing room, with several writers threatening to leave the series! Sounds heavy doesn't it?

Meanwhile Akiva Goldsman Executive Producer 1st Season and Writer, Director has not returned for season two.

There may be troubled airspace ahead, what do you think?

Live Long and Prosper.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Star Trek's Monstrous Timeline

Star Trek creators are trying to make a new Star Trek series that will appeal to audiences but are we losing something? Star Trek continuity is on shaky ground now. The technology and appearance of starships is far more advanced compared to any previous Star Trek shows. The ship is slick and shiny.... very high tech for a show 10 years before Captain Kirks USS Enterprise NCC 1701

Okay so the Klingons really need to be intimidating and monstrous given scary is fun right? Lets face it, Star Trek Discovery is set a decade before the original series in which Klingons had smooth foreheads. So what if the special effects were crap in the 60's...

The change in appearance was explained in a story arc in Star Trek Enterprise and DS9. Some wanted to boldly go back where no fan had gone before, Roddenberry era. hating these storylines. The thing is lots of fans just accept that Star Trek's classic budget was restricted which did not allow for fancy Klingon prosthetics and costumes.

Wrong say other fans. We love the Klingon Star Trek Enterprise episodes! These episodes are brilliant but yet again continuity is been cancelled out by Star Trek's new Discovery series. ... with monsterous Klingons! Isn't this great! Creatures, we love monsters and War!

Set roughly ten years before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series,[1] the show sees the united Klingon houses in a war with the United Federation of Planets that involves the crew of the USS Discovery

NO, NO! Never, never cry other fans!!!!!!

So which side of the fence are you on?

Classic Star Trek, Enterprise, DS9 or Discovery?

Some say the only way to enjoy watching Star Trek Discovery is to pretend all the other Star Trek shows never ever happened, like wowsers! Can you believe that?  First, Star Trek Enterprise was blamed for ruining Star Trek, attacking Berman and Braga.

So will fans hate Star Trek Discovery for changing Star Trek's continuity, even more?. Others might love it for being completely different. Change is exciting right? Where do you stand?


Aren't you looking forward to boldly trekking out where no fan or klingon has gone before?

Live Long and Prosper

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