Thursday, April 09, 2015

Hugo Gernsback

H is for Hugo. This award is the premier award in science Fiction named after Hugo Gernsback, founder of the first ever sci-fi pulp magazine, Amazing Stories. In 1953 "World SF Convention" gave the first Hugo Award at the 11th World Science Fiction Convention. Since 1955 the Hugo Award for best Science Fiction and Fantasy has been handed over to winners annually for pure excellence.

Theres more than a dozen types including best written and dramatic work. The Hugo Awards are among the highest honors bestowed in science fiction and fantasy, art, publishing and writing. The distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket is a service mark of the World Science Fiction Society. The awards themselves are voted on and administered by the World Science Fiction Convention, also known as Worldcon.

Star Trek: The Original Series was nominated eight times for Best Dramatic Presentation, and swept the nominees in 1968. It won the award twice.

Star Trek: The Next Generation was nominated three times, and also won twice.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Enterprise were each nominated twice (Enterprise for Short Form, after the category was split in 2002), but never won.

Nine of the first eleven Star Trek films except for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek Nemesis were nominated for Best Dramatic Presentation. None won the award.

Gene Roddenberry won a special award for Star Trek in 1968.

Hugo Gernsback is known for writing a non fiction in 1952 titled "Evolution of Modern Science Fiction." The novel for which he is best remembered is "Ralph 124C 41+"

Have you read Amazing Stories? Do you like watching the Hugos? Who do you want to see win?

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Gene Roddenberry's Message

Gene Roddenberry's "Wagon Train to the Stars" became a cult tv show and refused to die. Star Trek's defenders of the galaxy gave us many hopeful voyages into the future.

Its fair to say, they have been our friends, our guides and our defenders thrilling us with 726 epic adventures, boldly exploring where none have gone before. Its now 50 years later. Heres what Gene Roddenberry said in 1986.

I have thought that having reached this point, it would be fun to go back to the years which Kirk first got the Enterprise and met these people. I know it would please me more than have Star Trek come back years from the future and bright young people and new stars and so on, really make it something.....and have them say thats better than Roddenberry's.... I'd like that.

(True or False) It was Gene Roddenberry's idea to have a Klingon on the bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Entertaining Emmys

E is for Entertaining Emmys. Each year the Emmys are celebrated on TV with awards held in the USA since 1949 to honor the best in Prime-Time TV viewing. Believe it or not Star Trek The Animated Series won an Emmy for the most entertaining children's series in 1975! So did TNG, DS9, VOYAGER and ENT. Sadly Star Trek's classic TOS show is the only show to truly bite the dust at the Emmys! I mean how in great space does Enterprise beat TOS classic show? Someone please explain that to me.

In any case, The 67th Primetime Emmy Awards will hit the airwaves on Sunday september 20th 2015. You've probably wondered at some stage whats the recipe for choosing the Prime-time Emmy Awards host, right? The scoop is Andy Samberg aka Brooklyn Nine-Nine's will be in command. So tune in for the fun. "Buckle your seat belts, Emmy lovers!"

Tell us why you love watching the Emmys!

Star Trek Into Darkness has been nominated for Best Science fiction Film of 2015.
 Is STID in with a chance to win?

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

D is for Dr Jekyll and Mr what gives? The original author, Robert Louis Stevenson wrote his first edition novella "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde" in 1886. Since that time there have been dozens of stage and film adaptions of the novella, over 123 film versions alone not including radio and stage versions.  There doesn't seem to any stopping Dr Jekyl or his doppelganger hiding within, hehe! Looking back Rouben Mamoulian's 1931 B/W version made quite an impact.

1931 didn't have 3D CGI techo special effects we take for granted today. Jekyll and Hyde fans should get a kick out of Mamoulian's movie. I reckon lots of remakes failed to capture the spirit of Stevenson's original book, lacking Mamoulian's movie style and technical innovation.  It really was the golden age of science and inventions.

The arrival of new age special effects has changed Hollywood forever. Theres a brand new "true to text" 2015 Jekyll and Hyde movie due out on April 17th. The official website is here. Theres something about the earlier classics that gives us an appreciation and stretches the imagination.

What's your favorite Jekyll and Hyde film?

Hyde long and Prosper, trekkers.

Friday, March 13, 2015

In Memoriam Leonard Nimoy (1931 - 2015)

Leonard Nimoy lived and shared many moments with fans across the world. I met him in 1995 at his book signing "I AM SPOCK." Meeting Leonard was a big moment in my life that I'll cherish forever. Goodbye Leonard.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy passed away on Friday the 27th February at the age of 83. All over the world tributes have poured in from NASA, Celebrities to Barack Obama.

I never really expected this day to really come. Leonard was universally loved for playing the pointy eared Mr Spock devoted to logic and so much more. He was remarkable and will be sorely missed.

Deforest Kelly's Dr McCoy captured Mr Spock's passing best in Star Trek's Wrath of Khan as you'll remember heres what he said,

McCoy: He's not really dead. As long as we remember him.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan

Aw shucks! Heres Jeri Ryan hanging out with trekkies. I'm guessing this photo was taken at a Sci Fi convention but which one? These tickled pink Trekkers in Starfleet uniforms look really pleased as punch. Don't forget, Star Trek fans come in all shapes and sizes. We've even got a green one wearing a Starfleet combadge. 'Captain Four To Beam Up!'

 Happy Birthday Jeri,  Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Into Darkness Speed Chase

Hello Everyone, Heres the David and Goliath Star Trek Into Darkness space chase. You know the score. Big baddie Vengence spaceship races after Captain Kirk's chicken USS Enterprise ship. So now its battle stations! Chekov's got his cool space shades on and Dr Carol Marcos wants permission to, I quote "come on the bridge..."

Anyway, in this space chase the admiral's dreadnought is frightening fast roaring a little like a retro Godzilla but you be the judge. Poor USS Enterprise hasn't a chance. No time for Uhura's 'hailing frequencies, open captain.' Instead its fire first and prepare to die. (1m 20sec) Secretly we're all getting off on the speed chase and what happens next. Those poor devils!!!

 Did you get a rush when Starfleets finest got sucked out the side of USS Enterprise NCC 1701? Go on now admit it, warrior to warrior. How did you feel?

Monday, November 03, 2014


The links on this page will beam you to the furthest corners of the galaxy currently hosting Star Trek and Science Fiction Conventions. Enjoy the Sci Fi buzz Trekkers, Trekkies and Niners!

Creation Entertainment Las Vegas

Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo

Coast Con

Creation Entertainment

New York Comic Con

Baltimore 1999 Worldcon

Cruise Trek

Comic Con International

DemiCon (Des Moines, Iowa)


Comic Con France

DragonCon Atlanta


Gallifrey One California

Gen Con LLC

Science Fiction and Fantasy Con

Light Speed Productions

Galactic Beach Party

Long Beach Comic and Horror Con

Millennicon (Kings Island, Ohio)

Motor City (Detroit, Michigan)


Shore Leave Home Page (Maryland)

StarLand Cons

Vulcan Events

Fedcon Sci Fi Experience

Polaris Canada


Starfury (UK)

Trek Fest

Northwest Science Fiction Resources

Wizard World Austin Comic Con

World Science Fiction Convention

Boston, MA
 - Official Star Trek Convention

Chicago, IL
 - Salute to Supernatural
 - The Vampire Diaries Official Convention
 - Official Star Trek Convention
 - Official STARGATE Convention

Dallas, TX
 - Salute to Supernatural

Detroit Area, MI
 - The Twilight Saga Official Convention

Las Vegas, NV
 - Salute to Supernatural
 - The Vampire Diaries Official Convention
 The Official Star Trek Convention

Los Angeles, CA
 - The Twilight Saga:
 - The Official Xena Convention
- Grandslam Convention: The Star Trek & Sci-Fi Summit

Nashville, TN
Official Star Trek Convention
 The Vampire Diaries Official Convention

Parsippany, NJ
 - The Twilight Saga Official Convention
 - The Vampire Diaries Official Convention

Philadelphia Area
 - Official Star Trek Convention

San Francisco, CA
 - Official Star Trek Convention

Toronto, ON
 - Salute to Supernatural

Vancouver, BC
 - Salute to Supernatural

Whippany, NJ
 - Salute to Supernatural

Monday, September 22, 2014

Blogfest 'Firefly vs Star Trek'

The time to write about our favorite unknown for the Underrated Treasures Blogfest,  MOVIE – BAND/ARTIST – TV SHOW – BOOK has arrived, so here goes!

Firefly vs Star Trek!

Every so often, an ensemble of Hollywood talent unites to create a marvel of science fiction.. I'd like to tell you about Joss Whedon's Firefly. One thing that I look for and enjoy in a work of science fiction are conflict driven characters exploring the scientific and social dimensions taking us to strange new worlds. Star Trek's classic show was unique because of its three-way bond between Kirk, Spock and Dr McCoy. The battle of egos, human scepticism and logic gave it a special edge. I like it when a character does or says something to surprise you but how do you stand out from the crowd when every action hero is so convincing?

Star Trek with all of its official re-incarnations shows humans and aliens working together using futuristic technology exploring the human adventure. Roddenberry's action packed wagon train in space was lucky because its over enthusiastic actors, aliens and cardboard sets produced characters and stories like one seamless magic show fans cared about.

James Cameron understood that if you copy a work of genius like Star Trek, you'll be left with a terrible phony which won't fly. So, he set the trend in Hollywood by re-inventing instead of ripping off the old sci-fi classics.

When Joss Whedon's learned about the secret formula he produced 14 episodes for his sci-fi 'sequel' on a shoestring budget, sound familiar?

Whedon's Firefly 'sequel' simply took Star Trek's followers on a fresh 'spaceship' journey thrilling us with a mirror cast based on Gene Roddenberry's original show. The beauty of Firefly is there are no clean cut uniforms, no energy weapons, no teleportation, no long shots of spaceships warping against a starry backdrop to classical music, no obsession with technology, no robots, no artificial intelligences, not even a clear long-term goal for the protagonists apart from the plot conflict between the Alliance and the Rim, and the bitterness of committed Browncoats. Its all close-up and raw. The characters are flawed and realistic. 

1. Mal is the gruff 'anti-hero' with powerful leadership qualities like Captain Kirk, propelling his crew into the thick of action. Still it has to be said Firefly created its own law and disorder in the galaxy.
2. Zoe and Inara are graceful rational, logical counterparts to Mal, as Spock is to Kirk.
3. Wash has Sulu written all over him, gentle and humorous with a way of articulating intense situations.
4. Kaylee is the cool-headed Scotty full of optimism and the miracle worker.
5. Dr Simon Tam has the same fiery relationship with Mal as Bones has with Kirk.
6. Book has the intelligent saving graces of Dr McCoy.
7. Jayne is a fearless explorer like Chekov often breaking the ice with his cornball humor.

Firefly captured the imagination of sci-fi fans with qualities we can all admire, it provided fresh unpredictable characters in an alternate universe, subtracting the science without ruining the fun or being just a shallow imitation. There certainly are numerous original aspects to Firefly, given River's unnatural insight bordering on the edge of madness providing a mysterious air of intrigue for the show. While Firefly and Star Trek are fashioned on the Western wagon train to the stars, each show is full of emotional depth, adventure with a cast of reverse engineered characters. What do you think?

Which sci-fi show made a distinct impression on you?

Monday, August 11, 2014

All Hands Battle Stations

PICARD: This is about saving the future of humanity.
LILY: Jean-Luc, blow up the damn ship!
PICARD: No! ...No! (Picard breaks the starship display cabinet with his phaser rifle)
PICARD: No! ... I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already. Too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here, ...this far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they've done.
LILY: You broke your little ships. ...See you around, Ahab.
PICARD: 'And he piled upon the whale's white hump, a sum of all the rage and hate felt by his own race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.'
LILY: What? PICARD: 'Moby Dick.' LILY: Actually, I never read it.
PICARD: Ahab spent years hunting the white whale that crippled him. A quest for vengeance, ...but in the end it destroyed him and his ship.
 LILY: I guess he didn't know when to quit

Star Trek First Contact is a cool movie. I love it when Lilly rather gloomily, says 'See you around, Ahab.' All seems lost. Its seems to me Lilly Sloane's comparison of Picard to Ahab captures the moment beautifully. Despite Lilly's heated words, our valiant skipper delivers a powerful message - Never Give Up, Never Surrender. After all how would you feel about blowing up the beloved Enterprise?

Well my trekker friends, I just wanted you to know Spacerguy is back! The show must go on. All hands battle stations! Lets go get the Borg.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Worfs Secret Fear

In Star Trek's TNG episode, "Coming of Age" Wesley and Worf discuss facing their fears while on the USS Enterprise-D holodeck. But its not actually divulged what Worf's "secret fear" is. So lets make an educated guess.....


Could this be true? Do Tribbles really have what it takes to spook Warrior Worf?

Tribble long and Prosper, trekkers, trekkies and niners.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Zats all Folks

Zats all Folks! Its Zee end of April's A to Z Blog challenge. Its been fun which is why we do it again and again. Heres to the Galaxy's Greatest who beamed on over, so lets rejoice. Thanks to our hosts for making A to Z so:

 Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Author Stephen Tremp
Tina @ Life is Good
Damyanti @ Amlokiblogs
Jeremy @ Being Retro
Nicole Ayers - The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner
AJ @ Naturally Sweet
Pam @ An Unconventional Librarian.

 My gratitude goes out to all  of you happy lifeforms who trekked over to join in the party, visited and commented through the A to Z Challenge this month! Thanks trekkers, trekkies, trekinators, trekologists, Niners, until next time. Kapla!

Monday, April 28, 2014

X-Men Xavier

Patrick Stewart is most widely known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and its successor films, as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film series, and for his prolific stage roles with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Stewart's character, Charles Xavier, is very similar to Picard and himself, "a grand, deep-voiced, bald English guy" aka Professor X, the leader and founder of the X-Men.

Throughout most of his comic book history, Xavier is paraplegic, although his body houses one of the world's most powerful mutant minds. As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control, and influence human minds. Stewart has also since voiced that role as Xavier in 4 video games including: X-Men Legends, X-Men Legends II, and X-Men: Next Dimension. Truly he is one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel Universe.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...