Friday, April 09, 2021

H is for Honest Harry's Hynotic Women

H is for Harry Mudd, honest, crafty and convincing Harry Mudd. Heres a conman who'd sell his own grandmother down the river to make some lithium... The fun begins when wheeler dealer Harry introduces his lively lovely cargo, Eve Magda and Ruth.

 "Gentlemen I look upon this work as a sacred public trust, I've devoted my whole life to it." so says Harcourt Fenton Mudd. The only thing is the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 computer doesn't believe him. Do you? Have a listen and decide....
So the ships computer answers........


Mudd is infuriated but manages to laugh and shrug it off.

Who do you believe Harry Mudd or the Computer?

Live long and prosper

Thursday, April 08, 2021

G is for Galactic Barrier

G is for Star Trek's Galactic Barrier where God resides. Its the big question. Is God really at the centre of the galaxy? In the heart of space - Logically science has confirmed negative energy force fields surrounding the Milky Way Galaxy. This cosmic phenomenon sizes up with the Van Allen Belt which Earth astronauts must pass through to achieve cosmic orbit above the moon.

Matter, energy, space objects, hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon and ultra violet radiation we know.....but the all almighty God has yet to high five us happy earthlings . Maybe a starship can take us to all corners of creation!! Travelling through the great barrier will be a dangerous mission faced with unstable cosmic phenomenon but if there’s even a chance meeting with God the journey will be worth the risk... 

Live long and prosper, trekkers.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Star Trek Fizzbin

F is for Fizzbin so what gives? You've heard of this classic Star Trek game I'm sure - cos like everyone wants "A Piece of the Action" right? A real game that requires intelligence, not some kids game!  Captain James T. Kirk made up the perplexing game of Fizzbin to fluster his captors on Sigma Lotia II. Heres how the cards square up.

 Players are dealt six cards, except the player on the dealers right, who gets seven. The second card is turned up, except on Tuesdays, and two jacks make half a fizzbin. Don't bother trying to get a royal fizzbin as the odds are astronomical. Feel like playing?

Play Long and Prosper Trekkers


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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...