Friday, January 12, 2007

Snowsurfing Buzz

The snow is great fun. I remember a time, when I went snowsurfing at the golf club where I worked in the Wicklow Mountains. The club was snowed under which we helped clear away and being at a loose end for the rest of the day, the lads spent 2 hours messing in the snow with a rope tied to a 4 wheel drive gator, tied to a surf board, snowsurfing!

Image Credit

It was a laugh. One guy even disappeared under the snow when the vehicle drove over a little hill. But he held on and reappeared at the other side covered in snow, white as a snowman!

When the vehicle stopped, we nearly split our sides laughing, when Fred popped up. Each of us took turns and enjoyed the same fate. It was a major snow buzz speeding down the hill through the snow drifts.

Live long and Prosper Trekkers!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bring Back Captain Kirk!

Bring Back Captain Kirk 2 has an awesome mix of dynamic characters
who fight the great cause of saving the Federation. The United
Federation of 150 planets now face a warring doomslayer. Who will
save them? Will they succeed?

This fun video has exciting imagery and special effects with a story to tell that'll make your mouth water. Guaranteed to boost your trekker spirits, BringBackKirk2 runs for 9mins and 15 secs. The movie is about to start. Enjoy the thrill!

Join the Campaign to Bring Back Captain Kirk

James T. Kirk hero worship burns in the blood of Star Trek Fans. The fans follow their stars. William's Star is alive and Burning Bright waiting for Paramount to say Allright!

Live Long and Prosper.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 4

Sure the guy is standing with his hands in his pockets in the part 3 video. Don't judge the book by it's cover or let the 1983 attire puzzle you. He's the same dude! Our friend Mr Spock!

Leonard Nimoy aka Mr spock is the coolest alien in the universe and he's donned the starfleet uniform on national tv, on his own spaceship Enterprise NCC-1701 with Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, Uhura, Checkov and Sulu. So there! scoff not! Theres sweet Star Trek stuff to be had from these playback vids. Godbless Mr Spock! and Leonard Nimoy of course. He's the real dude.

Watch Spock

"There is of course a catch that I'm sure all Star Trek fans have realised. In science fiction is death the final chapter of life or just the beginning of another story" Leonard Nimoy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 3

The Vulcan Live Long and Prosper Greeting origins are revealed by Leonard Nimoy in this Trek video and the effects controlling his emotions had on him.

Imagine being Spock, a struggling emotionless half vulcan for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week! during the filming of Star Trek. "controlling your emotions can have some strange effects on you" tells our vulcan friend in the video. How did he do it? Watch this ultimate experience.

Watch Spock

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 2

Leonard Nimoy talks about his favourite episodes in this 1983 vintage video." The Enemy from Within (episode no 5, season 1) was our version of the Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde story. So we had two Kirks on board (the U.S.S. Enterprise) now. One evil and one good. Now the writer had intended that Spock would sneak up behind the evil Kirk and hit him over the head with the butt of his phaser. (Leonard voiced concern about this to his director.) There has to be a more sophisticated way of rendering a victim unconscious."

Leonard Nimoy Part2

"Spock did go to the Vulcan Institute of Technology and he studied human anatomy very carefully". Com'on. It's the 23'rd century here, not the dark ages ( as i'm sure Dr. McCoy would have put it!) "Vulcans do have the special ability to project a certain special energy from their fingertips which when properly applied to human pressure points on the neck and the shoulders the human will be rendered unconscious. The director said lets try it. "

Bill Shatner knew what Leonard Nimoy had in mind. "When I came up behind Bill and put my hand on his neck and shoulder, he really sold it. It was his reaction that makes you believe it really works! So in this scene watch Bill." Leonard enlightens the none too wise Star Trekker with Star Trek moments in time that even today are fresh and interesting to watch. Star Trek will never go out of fashion! Part 2 of 4. Watch and enjoy.

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...