Monday, May 21, 2018


Heres a list of Star Trek Discoveries Season One, (1 to 15 below.) Which ones did you enjoy the most? CBS and Netflix have aired the Season 1 finale, Will You Take My Hand? So now, the TV Network CBS are promoting the new Star Trek series with After Trek, which some say is more popular than the show! Lots of promotion materials are available with Trekmovie pointing the way.

The Seasons, finale, Will You Take My Hand shows Georgiou at the helm planning to end the Klingon war once and for all,  now the USS Discovery crew struggles to fathom and tolerate her hostile tactics. You'll remember her No 1 has a special, unique way with words,....

Memories of past hardships are rekindled within Burnham.

Star Trek NEEDS new 
ADVENTURESMISSIONSSTARSHIPSALIENS and unknown LIFEFORMS .....  but then we hear LT Commander Michael Burnham's words -

The Vulcan Hello
Battle at the Binary Stars
Context Is for Kings
The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry
Choose Your Pain
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Into the Forest I Go
Chapter Two
Despite Yourself
The Wolf Inside
Vaulting Ambition
What's Past Is Prologue
The War Without, The War Within
Will You Take My Hand?

The word for everyone watching Star Trek Discovery, Season 2 has already gone into production with the new cast on  26th April 2018. Have you tuned in for the fun yet? Which episode did you enjoy most? Will Captain Gabriel Lorca played by Jason Isaacs return?

Live Long and Prosper.

24 Sep. 2017
The Vulcan Hello
 7.3 (4,990)

While patrolling Federation space, the U.S.S. Shenzhou encounters an object of unknown origin, putting First Officer Michael Burnham to her greatest test yet.
24 Sep. 2017
Battle at the Binary Stars
 7.6 (4,538)

Escaping from the brig while the ship is under attack, Burnham joins the captain in an audacious plan to end a battle rapidly escalating into war.
1 Oct. 2017
Context is for Kings
 7.9 (4,176)

Burnham finds herself aboard the U.S.S. Discovery, where she quickly realizes things are not as they seem, including the mysterious Captain Gabriel Lorca.
8 Oct. 2017
The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry
 7.3 (3,320)

With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with Klingons, Burnham begins to settle in to her new position aboard the U.S.S. Discovery.
15 Oct. 2017
Choose Your Pain
 7.5 (3,188)

While on a mission, Lorca is captured by the Klingons and unexpectedly finds himself in the company of prisoner of war Starfleet Lieutenant Ash Tyler and notorious criminal Harry Mudd.
22 Oct. 2017
 7.5 (2,853)

The USS Discovery crew is intrigued by new addition, Lt. Ash Tyler. Sarek seeks Burnham's help, rekindling memories from her past. Admiral Cornwell questions Lorca's tactics.
29 Oct. 2017
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
 7.6 (3,085)

As the U.S.S. Discovery crew attempts to let loose at a party, an unwelcome visitor comes aboard bringing about a problematic and twisted sequence of events.
6 Nov. 2017
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
 7.1 (2,361)

The U.S.S. Discovery is tasked with a high priority mission to the planet Pahvo and learn the science behind the Klingons' cloaking technology.
12 Nov. 2017
Into the Forest I Go
 8.2 (2,711)

Bypassing Starfleet's orders, Lorca uses the USS Discovery crew's ultimate asset, the ship itself, in an effort to end the war with the Klingons once and for all.
7 Jan. 2018
Despite Yourself
 8.2 (2,571)

While in unfamiliar territory, the U.S.S. Discovery crew is forced to get creative in their next efforts to survive opposing and unprecedented forces and return home.
14 Jan. 2018
The Wolf Inside
 8.2 (2,160)

As the crew continues their guise, Burnham undergoes a merciless mission in hopes of helping the U.S.S. Discovery return home. Tilly works on restoring Stamets' neurofunction.
21 Jan. 2018
Vaulting Ambition
 8.5 (2,403)

Burnham heads to the ISS Charon with a special "gift" for the Emperor. With the help of an unexpected source, Stamets gains clarity while trapped inside the mycelial network. Saru asks for L'Rell's help.
28 Jan. 2018
What's Past is Prologue
 8.4 (2,207)

Lorca plans to move forward with a coup against the Emperor, propelling Burnham to make a quick decision to save not only herself, but the U.S.S. Discovery.
4 Feb. 2018
The War Without, the War Within
 7.8 (1,588)

Burnham and the crew are faced with the harsh reality of the war during their absence. In order to move forward, Starfleet must use unconventional tactics and sources to take their next action against the Klingons.
12 Feb. 2018
Will You Take My Hand?
 7.3 (1,759)

With Georgiou at the helm of the plan to end the Klingon war once and for all, the USS Discovery crew struggles to fathom and tolerate her hostile tactics. Memories of past hardships are rekindled within 

Monday, April 09, 2018


Everyone remembers Leonard Nimoy the actor whose Spock character appeared in Star Trek TOS approx 79 times. As it happens he's written two "Spock" books.

Turns out pointy ears 1975 autobiography protests his innocence at being typecast as the the cold blooded Vulcan Science Officer from the future, logically playing second fiddle to Captain Kirk commanding the USS Enterprise Ncc 1701.

So heres Spock, I mean Leonard Nimoy on Spitting 10 years later - 1987. Grandpa the real actor except God bless, he couldn't make his Vulcanian mind up..... and a sequel, titled. I Am Spock followed which he signed for me in 1995. Fascinating read, Nimoy conducts conversations with his half vulcan character in his head....

 Enjoy the spitting images hilarity, gotta love those floppy ears...

Live Long and Prosper

Monday, March 26, 2018

Remembering Leonard Nimoy

"Diligent practise and self denial" is what Leonard Nimoy used to say. It being Monday, I arrived cheerily into work greeted by Bruno Mars Lazy song was on the radio. "Today I don't feel like doing anything" which is exactly how I felt but then I realised.......

Its Leonard's Birthday... I have to admit, I was emotional because I felt double crap to be alive and hes not. Millions of honorary "grandchildren" probably were too. In 2014 Leonard Nimoy offered to adopt us into his clan and many came in droves.

Are you one of them? How are you doing today?

 Live Long and prosper

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Name a Drink that does not have the letter E

Heres one I found on Facebook which is good but then what self respecting trekkie doesn't like to get totally wasted once and a while?

Maybe you're into Star Trek, Rugby, Coors or cars but whatever your religion lets get the ball rolling (yes, I know I'm ripping off someone elses coor idea, :)

So being a Star Trek Nerd heres what I posted to Old Photos Dublin...

Name a Drink that does not have the letter "E" in it!

Saurian Brandy

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Anton Yelchin - Happy Birthday

Hello world and Friends, trekkers and trekkies. Its been two years since Anton Yelchin died on Sunday 19t June 2016. You'll remember he played Pavel Chekov, the USS Enterprise's navigator.

 "I can do zat" he yells while rushing down to the USS Enterprise's transporter to perform his miracle beam up trick (STID.) What a fun moment, I laughed because I have to admit, he was such a champion with that Russian voice and a hard act to follow.

Heres a happy snapshot of friends Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Karl Urban and Anton Yelchin with Zachary Quinto looking on I believe. I can't see Chris Pine. Anyway, here they are captured in a happy moment with Anton as Star Trek's cast hanging out together.


Zoe Saldana sums this moment up best.

Happy birthday Anton- in our hearts forever.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan

Happy Birthday Jeri Ryan who's 50th today! Born 22nd February 1968, here she is reaching out to our Star Trek hive minds, reading our thoughts. Can't you feel her presence? So wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

 I set out and discovered Husband Chef Christophe Eme  and Jeri on the web,  don't they look happy together?

Live Long and Prosper.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Star Trek Pals Leonard and William

Here's a cool interview with Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. So Enjoy the laughs! Heck even John Wayne, the "Duke" gets a mention. Weren't these sci-fi maestro's just the best?



 The reason Star Trek has endured is because Leonard has this thing... (chuckle) 1.55 Its the stories (talk about me) the characters, the uniqueness of Mr Spock. Its the relationship of Mr Spock (hes finally got it right) and Kirk. The relationship that the three of us had the compadres, the family, the levels of meaning of the show, the uniqueness of Science Fiction at that time. It was all that and many other things but the curious thing is no-one really knows, so anything you say is as valid as anything we could say because if we knew what it was? we'd do it again! and again!

Friendship is a precious thing until...(record scratch) Why these good friends stopped trekking out is anybody's guess....

Live Long and Prosper

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Star Trek TNG's 53rd episode "Booby Trap " is where Chief Engineer Geordi does his best to get it on with Christy on the holodeck.

 He spends several hours perfecting the ideal love-nest holodeck programme only for it to end without even scoring a kiss. - Why does Geordie have such lousy luck with women on the holodeck?

 We find out later when the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D gets caught in an energy radiation trap. Curiously, a Promellian battle cruiser emerges unscathed and Picard is impressed but all is not what it seems. The battle cruiser is a relic left over from a war years ago.

Later daft begger Geordi, activates another hologram. Low and behold, the original designer of the Enterprise-D engines Dr Leah Brahms (Susan Gibney) springs up. After speaking to her, the guy figures, ouch, freezer woman, I've got to make a few technical adjustments to her original programming.

 Ah-ha So, with the wizardry of the Federation's flagship Enterprise, Geordie adds a few personal touches of his own to make" Leah the hologram" more receptive to his needs. Not bad huh? you sly devil Geordi, haha!!!

Of course the tweaks are all in the engineer's line of duty whos only trying to save the Enterprise from fatal exposure to space radiation. Isn't it sweet when your a Chief Engineer? Whatever happened to the rules and ethics pertaining to courting ladies on the holodeck? - but hey, Leah isn't complaining!

 Live a lot.... Get semi naked at the nightclubs or you haven't lived! LOL wheres the harm in having some fun, eh?


Live Long and Prosper!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Star Trek Discovery - The Wolf Inside

CBS have released Star Trek Discovery's 11th episode - The Wolf Inside.

 It turns out Burnham and Tyler locate a bunch of rebels.... but to spell it out

Aliens are a diverse bunch. Its not every day you run into Andorians, Vulcans, and Klingons!

Among them is Sarek, who mind-melds with Burnham, to confirm she isn't the real mirror captain?

Its a sweet trick, Vulcan Mind melds.... c'os Sarek timing is neat...  Meanwhile the planet is being heavily bombarded, at least some things never change in Star Trek.

 CBS spared no expense this time round. What do you think of Star Trek Discovery's bridge set designs? Are you enjoying Discovery's new trek through the stars or do you prefer the older ones?

Live Long and Prosper

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Star Trek Family

Gabriel Lorca is played by Jason Isaacs who stars in CBS latest prequel Star Trek universe - 10 years before Captain Kirk. Here's a great shot of Isaac's family smiling for London's 61st London Film Premiere.

Jason with wife and daughters. Ruby, lily and Emma

 Holding Star Trek: The Original Series in remarkably high esteem, Jason Isaacs' initial reaction to being asked to appear in Star Trek: Discovery was to turn down the offer, adamant that he didn't want to participate in a horribly diluted version of the series that he respected so much.

"But then," he continued, "I set up a Skype, a slightly reluctant Skype, with these guys, and they had a great story to tell. They had a great character to play. And so, I shrugged off any of the yolk of the past and just jumped in to play this, to do this story."

So, all I meant was that I don't think about any of that stuff, because I couldn't go to work if I felt like the ghost of Bill Shatner and Patrick Stewart were breathing down my costume (laughter), and that there were 20 million people watching to see whether I cross my legs or press the left button or the right button.

Family is special. What are you doing this Christmas? Heres Wil Wheaton aka Wesley Crusher four days ago at a Star Wars movie!

“I loved #TheLastJedi!,” Wheaton tweeted out after the premiere. “It hit all the right notes for me, and seeing it in the Chinese Theater, surrounded by my fellow nerds was glorious. The Force was with us.
“Oh, and I went in costume for the first time ever, because I am a damn adult and I get to decide what that means.”

Have you seen Star Wars the Last Jedi? Were you one of Jedi or the Sith? Did you wear your uniform? Spot any Trekkies hiding in the audience wearing a Starfleet uniform? Star Trek TNG Star Wil Wheaton did!

Live Long and Merry Christmas everyone

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek Cool

Quentin Tarantino and J.J.Abrams met to consider the storyline for Star Trek XIV. Apparently Mark L. Smith, Lindsey Beer, and Drew Pearce are in running to write the next Star Trek movie. Now with declining box office returns Star Trek definitely needs more cool.

Mindful of this, J.J. Abrams and Paramount have agreed to Quentin Tarantino's viewpoint that the film be R-rated which the Pulp Fiction director pitched to them. So trekkers get set for plenty of excitement because coolness and R-rated films are Quentin Tarantino speciality! So how can the maestro of R rated films make Star Trek cool? Grittier action scenes which are fun to watch but Deadline and Screenrant have exclusives.

Cool long and Prosper, trekkers

Monday, December 04, 2017


Star Trek: Discovery is be distributed almost everywhere in the world on Netflix, except for the US where it will be available on CBS All Access. The series is being broadcast by CBS Studios International on Netflix in 188 countries and in Canada on Bell Media's Space channel and OTT service CraveTV.

CBS have released a trailer for episode 10 of Discovery, "Despite Yourself," to get us excited for the series return, in January! So now heres the USS Discovery lost in space.....

STAR TREK: DISCOVERY’s cast includes Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Jason Isaacs, Anthony Rapp, Michelle Yeoh, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Mary Chieffo, James Frain....

All the wreckage apparently has something to offer, as they send a little workbee off to do something in it.

Showrunners Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts spoke to Indie Wire about many aspects of the series, including hinting at things to come. Berg acknowledged

the war will continue in Chapter 2. It’ll be in there for sure. The Klingon war is this crisis where Burnham was there when it set off and she feels responsible for setting off. That is her arc for Season 1, and that is what will be paying off by the end of the season.

But Harberts had more to add:
...the war is always alive and always a motivator, but we also really wanted to try to tell some stories that stop down from the war. And I think that Chapter 2 will open in a place where as much as the war is weighing on our characters’ minds, they’ve got a bigger problem to solve.

So trekkers, set your phasers on stun because next January we'll soon be warping ahead... lost in space..... Stay tuned for more Star Trek: Discovery news right here at Star Trek Space!!!

Live Long and Prosper!

Monday, November 27, 2017


Stephen Harrison stopped by today and figured we'd like his article because of the Star Trek connection. Hes a technology transaction attorney and trekker, yessss! another one! Heres what he wrote for us


"The homage to "Star Trek" is well-deserved
You don’t have to be at all familiar with “Star Trek” to recognize "computer" as the right choice. But the Trek connection only sweetens the deal.
“Star Trek” televised the first interracial kiss. It inspired a generation of scientists. There are female “Trek” captains and admirals. The show predicted technology such as tablet computers, 3-D printing, sliding doors and holograms. As Stephen Poe has written, “The fact is, never in the history of any entertainment medium has there ever been a story, an idea, a situation, a set of characters, or a theme that has approached the magnitude or impact of ‘Star Trek."


Curiously female AI "assistants" seem to reinforce the stereotype of women as subservients, Alexa, Cortana and Siri in Stephen's article but what I wonder.....

What would Space Odyssey's Hal9000 or Star Trek's Nomad have said to the Cortana A I in person I wonder?

Live Long and Prosper!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Star Trek Discovery - Into The Forest

Are you thrilled about the universe of Star Trek Discovery episodes streaming into your living room recently? Did you take the plunge for CBS All Access or sign up for Netflix direct digital?

 Star Trek: Discovery S01E09 aired on CBS on 12th November 2017. That episode was the season 1 mid-finale and left viewers in quite the  suspense.

 In this video, we take a look at the ending of episode 9." Into the Forest I Go." The 2nd chapter is expected to air from 7th January 2018.

Live Long and Prosper

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...