Friday, March 09, 2007

Time Travellers.

Time travel is the concept of shifting through time to different locations into the past or the future. Indeed Star Trek's Enterprise starships have travelled to many alternate realities, with transporter malfunctions, intergalactic temporal rips, omnipotent beings and gravity slingshots taking viewers where none have gone before. In Star Trek First Contact, the U.S.S. Enterprise-E travelled back in time to an alternate Earth/Borg reality by entering the temporal vortex - a door into another time - created by a Borg Sphere.

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Humans were assimulated by the Borg in the past with Earth's defences at their weakest. Data's brilliant intellect surmised that the Temporal Wake protected the Enterprise and her crew from the Borg vortex. The Enterprise-E was the only remnant of a timeline not completely errased by the Borg. Captain Picard made the decision to go back and restore Earth's former timeline.

The concept of Time Travel was first introduced by Enrique Gaspar Y Rimbaus in his 1887 book "El Anacronopete" which was the featured time travel machine. In 1895, H.G. Wells wrote the "The Time Machine" story which promoted the time travel idea and gained popularity with an already interested public. Years before in 1888, H.G. Wells wrote the inspirational science fiction story called "The Chronic Argonauts" featuring a time machine theme. This far reaching story and enlightening resource has stimulated the minds of countless sci-fi writers engrossed with time travel.

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The most daring plan of all time to save planet earth required a Klingon Bird of Prey, tricky time travel computations and flying towards the most powerful gravity source available in earths solar system at maximum warp. In this case earth's sun. (or a black hole would do.)

Star Trek IV is a supreme space adventure concerning an extremely powerful and precise computer, Time travel, Captain Kirk's heroic crew of explorers, a Klingon ship, a singing space entity and all that saving earth humbug

Risky business heading back to Earth. Captain Kirks inherited bird of prey is a klingon deathtrap. Dr Mccoys irrational diagnoses of Spock not exactly working on all thrusters makes sense. It was weird hearing Spock using profane language and developing a sense of humour. Weird but cool.

The plan was to slingshot the Bounty around the sun to achieve speeds beyond maximum warp without burning up and exploding into a fireball. Achieving breakaway speed at the correct point in time was really down to Spocks logical computations and flaky memory. Heading into earths past. Admiral Kirk took the Klingon Bounty 200 years back in time from the year 2286 time travelling to 1980's earth. So far out!

Time travel capability for 21st century earthlings is totally theoretical. Do future humans exist with this time travel technology? Who knows. Heavily advertised events are organised by Perth's Destination Day and MIT's Time Traveller Convention inviting future time travellers to a time and location so they can demonstrate their time travel gizmo's to eager humans. Unfortunately futuristic time travellers have yet to reveal themselves to 21st century earthers. Sniff, I'm so choked up. Really I am.

Dr Who is a time traveller moving through time known for buzzing around in the universe. This sci-fi show encapsulates time travelling adventures and other wacky stuff. I have to admit to being a little green about the Doctors spaceship, whovians fondly refer to as the "Tardis." Its easy to under estimate this little ship so beware! Its kitted out with cool time travel technological gizmology, although tbh the ship itself is essentially a plain phone box "type 40" Tardis but of course there is a simple explanation. A malfunctioning chameleon circuit which is supposed to camouflage the ship is permanently stuck rendering the ship in the shape of a 1950's police box.

Dr Who's spacecraft has the technology to take it's crew anywhere in the universe and through time itself with the doctor at the helm. Its important to realise, the Tardis outer hull isn't a reflection on its inner dimensions which illogically are much larger. The Doctors simple explanation? Its got a "dimensionally transcendental" personality. The things alive,  right?

Tardis Long and Prosper Trekkers. (Cringe, yeah I know you love me) Enjoy your Star Trekking.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Commander Data of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D

Commander Data of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D in Star Trek TNG is a sentient android. This synthetic re-creation of an advanced human being was modelled on one of cybernetics greatest minds. Doctor Noonien Soong and built around 2336. The androids collection of sophisticated neural nets and heuristic algorithms elevated him beyond the mere status of a machine.
Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Data was the fifth successful android devoid of emotions and cruelty exhibited by his "evil, emotional" brother Lore. Data has superior construction, is stronger, more intelligent and is designed to live an indefinite lifespan.

His extraordinary abilities include mental and physical tasks, governed by an ethical subroutine which has excelled him in Starfleet to Operations Manager aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Data has a distinguished record of service in Starfleet. His impressive array of medals and awards include decorations for honor, commendations for gallantry, the Star Cross, Starfleet Medal of Honor (with Clusters) and the Legion of Honour.

Captain Picard of the Enterprise-D depended heavily on his immortal androids advice and help in starship operations, however its a hoot to hear Data's precise calculations annoying Picard, who more or less tells him to shut up. Dr Soong is Data's creator and father. Data has a pulse and a circulatory system that distributes biochemical lubricants and regulates microhydraulic power. His respiration system is responsible for thermal regulation.

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Data is brilliant and resembles a real, living, breathing, talking, humanoid, however in Star trek Nemisis he survived the vacuum of space in a successful attempt to rescue his captain Jean Luc Picard from the evil Shinzon.

He is also capable of operating in an environment hazardous to organic carbon life forms such as the one in the movie "First Contact" when a coolant leak snuffed out the Borg Queen and melted all organic life within main engineering. Luckily Captain Picard climbed to safety! Yay! Shame about the Queen.

Our immortal heroes life ended in 2379, when in a bid to save the Enterprise-E from thalaron radiation, the Operations Manager blew the Scimitar and himself to bits. Everyone was saddened by the loss. Our heroic android, Data is sensationally played by Brent Spiner and unequalled in the world of science fiction. Brent Spiner is popular, has a huge fanbase as confirmed by the BBC and is loved by the fans. (Please come back and do another Star Trek movie Brent!)

Data is constructed out of approximately 24.6kg of tripolymer composites and 11.8kg of molybdenum-cobalt alloys, with a polyalloy upper spine support and a skull of cortenide and duranium, all covered by 1.3kg of skin bioplast sheeting. Thats 37.7kg!

Our metal friend is one heavy dude and tough guy who can beat Klingons and Borgs hands-down in combat. He is far faster and stronger than any living being in history. Even Lt Commander Worf is no match for Starfleet's superior being. He is strong enough to lift Worf over his head. Believe it, nor does he require food or need sleep. Data never feels tired or gets angry with people.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Rust doesnt affect Dr Soong's creation however people do. Starfleets exclusive android strives to be more than what he is, and human relationships are an emotional problem for him. The reason he gives to Geordi is logical.
"I will never exceed the sum of my programming, will you help me Geordi?"

Im 2371, Data has been equipped with an emotion chip which later malfunctions and becomes fused. He experiences a whole host of human emotions from happiness to sadness, remorse, anger, hate and fear. When fear is near data can turn off his emotion . Captain Picard has confessed
"Data, there are times when I envy you" - Picard.

Data can control his body so precisely and has mastered superior mental techniques such as surgery, dancing, sign language, the Vulcan Nerve Pinch, starship operations, isolinear chip replacement, poker, romantic multiple techniques, master painting, superb musical ability, k-lling and superior computational ability.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Dr Noonien Soong's most impressive feat of engineering is the creation of a stable positronic brain which allows his ethical son the memory capacity of 800 quadrillion bits and a total linear computational speed rate of 60 trillion operations per second. Data has far exceeded his human friends with his superior abilities but he'd gladly give it up to be human.

Once information has been asimilated into the androids mind, he never forgets it. When he played the self important Sirna Kolrami, Master Strategist at his game Strategema, second time round, Data was able to rely on his fast recall and experiences from the first game and logically computed the best course of action to wipe that smug smile off Kolrami's face. Data wiped the floor with Kolrami. Yessss! Yee-ha! You won Data, Yay! everyone was delighted.

His ability to process a large number of thoughts at once is extremely valuable. Kolrami of course had never been defeated (even though it was a stalemate) and felt humiliated. The fact the Master Strategist could'nt beat Data meant he'd lost in his mind.
"You've made a mockery of me" he said and stormed off.

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Data's impressive positronic brain allows him to interface with other computer systems. He is able to connect directly to the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D and control ship systems from main engineering. The Enterprise's android has also interfaced with a partially mechanical Locutus of Borg and learnt how to defeat the Borg by communicating with Picard. He sends a signal telling the collective to go to sleep, saving the Enterprise-D from total destruction with the Borg.

Measure of a Man is a very special turning point for Data. His civil rights as a sentient being are called into question but thanks to Captain Picard's defense and the presiding officer Captain Phillipa Louvois' ruling that Data is a sentient being, a precedant is set for all artifical lifeforms entitling them to civil rights granted under the United Federation of Planets.

Live Long and Prosper! Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Starfleet Command Insignias

Starfleet Command forms the paramilitary, defense, research, diplomacy and exploration arm of the United Federation of Planets. (U.F.P.) This vast organization oversees thousands of starships and starbases throughout the galaxy. Starships can be recalled at a moments notice to defend the Federation. Starfleet headquarters are located in the Presido of San Francisco, California on planet earth.

Over the years several insignias have been used to represent Starfleet Command. Here are a few: the simpler version is a golden flower emblem, with 10 symmetrical petals on a red background. This is worn on uniforms in the 23rd century.

The second insignia features Starfleet's typical delta symbol against a starry background.

The delta design "Combadge" which is a communicator is also worn on the breast of Starfleet crews. The star in the middle represents command.

Live Long and prosper Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sci-Fi Readers.

Celebrated Science Fiction author, Orson Scott Card made this gripping statement of appreciation about readers of Science Fiction.

This is the best audience in the world to write for. They're open minded and intelligent. They want to think as well as feel, understand as well as dream. Above all, they want to be led into places that no one has ever visited before. It's a privilege to tell stories to these readers, and an honor when they applaud the tales you tell.

"Ender's Game" is one of Orson Scott Card's best books. Here are some reviews.

Live Long and Prosper! Enjoy Your Star Trekking.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Starship Dangers In Space

Star Trek's TNG "Disaster" episode stardate 45156.1 marked an alarming encounter with a formidable celestial object for Captain Picards crew aboard the U.S.S Enterprise which reduced the ship to a defective, terminal hulk in galactic space. Two dangerous quantum filaments slammed into the Enterprise rendering many of the ship systems and the main computer inoperable.

The federation starship was now crippled and faced a crises situation. Counsellor Deanna Troi, Senior Starfleet Officer on bridge duty implemented Emergency Alpha 2 protocol thus disengaging all shipboard computer control and placing the ship systems on manual overdrive.

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So what are the consequences of dangerous space travel with the Enterprise's-D communications, engineering interfaces, weapons and defence, main viewing screen, main computer, navigation, sensor arrays, food replicators, turbo lifts, all internal doors, environmental controls, transporter machinery, auxiliary systems, outer hatch doors and escape pods offline?

Communications frequencies are vital for every starship, without the ability to send and receive through subspace, the Enterprise is cut off from the rest of the federation nor can it send out a mayday asking for help. Worf's Weapons and Defence Systems are crucial for launching a counter attack against a hostile force intent on taking over the ship.

The main viewing screen allows the bridge staff to navigate the ship safely and alerts the crew to any space perils not accounted for by the Enterprise's computer. Sensor arrays, science stations, environmental controls, turbo lifts, food replicators, navigation systems, internal doors all tie in with the main computer core.

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Starship interplanetary travel is often fraught with hazards so ships like the Enterprise NCC 1701-D are often armed to the teeth to protect themselves against dangerous natural phenomena and aggressive alien races. The main deflector and shields are an impressive field of science developed as a first line of defense for ship and crew.

Unfortunately quantum filaments which has subatomic properties, hundreds of meters long with almost no mass can penetrate the shields. Starfleet Officers gave their lives in the course of their duty and many other crew members were injured on stardate 45156.1 The bridge staff realized that once the antimatter containment field reached 14%, critical failure was on the way with a countdown of two hours for the Enterprise.

Hull ruptures are unnerving because this compromises the health and safety of the crew. Leaking air causes a loss of cabin pressure, loss of heat, loss of oxygen and with a compromised hull and no forcefield to keep out the vacuum of space, the Enterprise's structural integrity is at stake. Without air, trapped starfleet crew members will suffer from boiling blood, radiation poisoning, loss of consciousness and asphyxiation.

Temperatures aboard the ship depends on many things. Its location in space, condition of ship systems e.g. environmental control and the shields. The shields are all that stand between the life of the crew and the inhospitable void of space. Theoretically , if Captain Picard's crippled U.S.S. Enterprise is stranded too close to a star, the heat will boil up the crew and snuff them out. On the other hand stranded in the dark depts of space with no sunlight will just turn their ship into a freezing titanium nightmare.

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Another challenge for the hampered Enterprise crew involves food replicators and the need for water. Theoretically lets imagine the crew have patched the hull and environmental control has been restored. However the food replicators are still offline and the galley is burnt out.
Environmental Controls
Space is a very dry place. Planets like Mercury which is nearest to earth's sun is too hot for water, so the Enterprise is dependant on its technology and ships stores. Until the starship can navigate herself to the nearest starbase or raise help from one of the nearest United Federation of Planets she remains a frustrated hulk in galactic space.

Under normal circumstances the Enterprise-D can extinguish fires herself by creating a vacuum and eliminating all oxygen from the fires place of origin. However for an incapacitated Federation Galaxy Class Flagship this is highly unlikely. Uncontrolled fires are extremely life threatening aboard any kind of space vessel and its surprising how fast smoke can spread throughout a starship if swift action, forcefields and emergency procedures are not acted upon.

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Starfleet Officers are highly trained professionals with one weakness in common. Emotionalism. Except for Mr Spock and his home world of computer loving, minded vulcans of course. One of the greatest Klingon villains of all time, Commander Kruge has described earthlings as "human weaklings" a reputation earth's ball of beings have earned owing to our kind endeavours in space and emotional nature.

Still even spacewalks make Mr Worf our hero klingon (in Star Trek's First Contact,) sick to his stomach. Spacewalks are often necessary to carry out repairs and in the construction of starships. Intergalactic space really is an exciting and scary place.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking.

Friday, February 16, 2007

3D Klingon Bird of Prey Wallpaper

Here is a Klingon B'rel Class Bird of Prey, Kruge's technological cosmic beast, with supreme detailing in this Wallpaper 3D Image of the renamed intergalactic "HMS Bounty" now under the victorious command of Captain James T. Kirk.....

This wallpaper image of the HMS Bounty is so famous, I felt compelled to share this discovery with you. The HMS Bounty so aptly named by Leonard H. McCoy, had all the toys of the 23rd century, including a brillant cloaking device that enabled Kruge to sneak up on Kirk's U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-A and attack.

In this wallpaper 3D image detailed creation, we see a Klingon Bird of Prey which has trounced two Federation Legendary Starships : U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-A (rigged for running and over 25 years old) in Star Trek IV and the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D (Galaxy Class and in pristine condition) in Star Trek Generations.

Commander William Riker who was left in charge just slammed this beautiful Federation flagship (Picard's ship) into a planet because he could'nt control a little warpcore overload! The Duras Sisters kicked Riker's butt and he wrecked the Enterprise! If Kirk was Riker's boss, he would have fired him!

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dr McCoy's Emotional Outbursts.

In Star Trek The Original Series, Dr Leonard H. McCoy Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 earned the legion of honour in 2267 and was decorated by Starfleet surgeons. Here was a man of science, affectionately called "Bones" by captain James T. Kirk, who took pride in his work.
De Forest Kelley aka Dr Leonard H. McCoy IMDB

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Whenever Kirk or Spock asked Bones to perform a task outside his field of medical expertise, (like cementing up an injured Horta - Devil in the Dark) the good country doctor would explode into a fit of verbal emotionalism. McCoy vented his frustrations by having cranky emotional outbursts.

But he made his point and delighted the Star Trek fans every time! These famous "McCoyisms" make McCoy's "passionate rave scenes" really fun to watch with "Bones" on the verge of a temper Tantrum.

Mr Spock the Enterprise's Science Officer and Second in Command has learned to grow tolerant of humans and their earthling behaviour. The green blooded, pointy eared vulcan knows the doctor just can't help himself but sometimes McCoy goes too far. Spock has actually tried using pure reason to calm the Chief Medical Officer which is a remarkable feat for the vulcan considering he has emotional torments of his own. Behold the logic of Spock. Heres what he said to his beloved nemesis Dr McCoy.

"Really doctor, you must learn to govern your passions. they will be your undoing" - Spock

Left alone Spock and McCoy would love to torment each other to bits using humiliating jibes and tear downs. When these two are at each other throats it makes for great laughs!

" Why you inhuman, pointy eared, green-blooded Vulcan!" - McCoy

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Here's a list of McCoyism's:
"I'm a Doctor, not a Bricklayer!"
The Devil In The Dark.

"I'm a Doctor, not a escalator!"
Friday's Child.

"I'm a Doctor, not a magician!"
The Deadly Years.

"I'm a Doctor, not a coal miner!"
The Empath.

"I'm a Doctor, not a flesh Peddler!"
Return of the Archons.

"I'm a Doctor, not a mechanic!"
The Doomsday Machine and The Empath.

"I'm a Doctor, not a miracle worker!"
The Deadly Years.

"I'm a Doctor, not a psychiatrist!"
The City on The Edge of Forever.

"I'm not a scientist or a physicist, Mr Spock."

What am I, a Doctor or a moon shuttle conductor?
The Corbomite Maneuver.

I'm a Doctor, not an engineer!
Mirror, Mirror.

I'm not a magician Spock.... I'm just an old country doctor.
The Deadly Years.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy your Star Trekking!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Star Trek (TOS) Original Series Communicator

Star Trek Communicators are fun! 40 years later the famous Original Series Communicator still mesmerises the minds of Star Trek fans with its flip up lid antenna, chirping beeping sounds equipped with lights and spinning moire. Who's the trekkiest dude in town? How are you going to prove your Trekkie credentials? Easy.

Your gonna have your trekker mates envious when you take out your Starfleet Communicator and do a "Beam me up scotty" Yessss! watch their faces crumple in despair!
"I have'nt got one, its not fair." will come the reply.
Well now you can own this special mystical treasure by visiting the World's Largest Star Trek Store. Be the good guy and spread the word...

Star Trek TOS Communicator

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or CBS Paramount Television.

We've all seen Kirk's bridge crew contacting the USS Enterprise 1701 with "beam me up" instructions to the transporter room... the Communicator is crucial for keeping in touch when separated on a hostile planet not to mention communicating between ships. The Communicator is a highly adaptable device used by Starfleet crewmembers. It's always carried on landing party duty. This vital tool is a lifesaver essential to Starfleet's mission of exploration and has saved hundreds of lives.

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or CBS Paramount Television.

Communicators are useful for establishing transporter coordinates by the Enterprise's Transporter Chief who localizes the signal and just beams up the owner. When two communicators are placed together thus generating a sonic beam, they can produce powerful vibrations causing rock formations to explode.
In times of urgency the communicator can covertly transmit an emergency signal which requests emergency beam out without Kirk or Spock having to say a word. The most unusual case of the (TOS) Communicator is when Kirk uses his Communicator to make contact with Spock's brain. Kirk gets to talk to Spock's Brain which has been wired into the main control system used to run a complex in the Sigma Draconis System.

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Doomsday Machine (CGI) Special Effects.

Star Trek's "Doomsday Machine" has everything. A crazy commodore out for revenge, a hungry planet killer on the rampage posing a definite threat to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 not to mention action packed, nail biting drama and a mystery to be solved. What happened to the USS Constellation NCC 1017?  Enhanced with Computer Generated Images the "Planet Doomsday Weapon" is the main star attraction of this episode thrilling fans with fierce antiproton attacks on two federation starships.

The reason becomes clear. Decker and Kirk interfere with its heavy appetite for nearby planets, inhabitants included! Judge for yourself the C.G.I. effects taking place within the timeline of the Enterprise crew and the Constellation. For you pleaure I've included new and old Star Trek screenshots!

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Paramount Television

These images have been remastered with wizard special effects. Its obvious the USS Constellation has taken one hell of a beating.

CGI effects radiate detailed damage on Matt Decker's starship Constellation from the mysterious, scary doomsday machine. The hull is completely exposed to the cold atmospheric conditions of outer- space. Spacerguy has uncovered that trekkie reactions are mixed. Doomsday CGI Photos

Some people love the whole idea while others don't. One guy thought the Constellation looked awesome but the planet killer looked cartoonish. Trekkers just don't know yet. Its a wait and see. Star has remastered images of "The Doomsday Machine" and its obvious CBS have been working hard to give this their best. I'm really excited about this. Don't count on streaking stars, bubble shields, or different fly-by shots though.

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Paramount Pictures or CBS
Paramount Television.

Star trek's "Doomsday Machine" is a great all time favourite because Commodore Matt Decker just wouldn't give up his vendetta on the space monster that devoured countless planets and also turned his ship into a useless hulk. The gigantic doomsday weapon has a hull of solid neutronium resistant to phaser attack.

Photons were useless also. Deckers transporters were knocked out. It left his Constitution class starship U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017 crippled while it consumed Matt's crew on the third planet. Decker of course wouldn't admit to defeat. Once aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise he relieved Spock from command and began his crazed attack on the hungry space killer all over again!

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Paramount Pictures or CBS
Paramount Television.

"They say there's no devil, Jim but there it is. Right out of hell! I saw it!" Matt Decker
"Where's your crew?" Kirk
"On the third planet" Matt Decker
"There is no third planet!" Kirk
"Don't you think I know that? There was, but not anymore" cries Decker

Trektoday Doomsday Article

The Commodore is held in the Doomsday Monster's spell. Deckers guilt over the loss of his crew has nearly driven him over the edge. He can still hear them screaming for help in his head. So he sets a counter attack point blank range. Kirk's Enterprise gets nearer and nearer to the maw of the spooky space demon. Phasers Fire!! Fire!! Fire!!! Spock warns Matt Decker that the Enterprise cannot hold out for much longer...

Humans mattered little to the planet killer. The annilation of planets in the L-374 system is evidence of that. The machine was some kind of weapon miles long used in an ancient war between two warring planets now long extinct.

The Constellation found it slicing up a planet for an afternoon snack. There was no stopping it.

Spock's Enterprise analysis of the Constellation's captain logs detail what happened during Decker's battles clearly illustrating that "Doomsday" is some kind of interstellar robot which came from outside the Galaxy. It took a battle of wits, bravery, sacrafice, hardwork, and expertise not to mention one hellulva cosmic explosion to shortcircuit this beastie. Enjoy.

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Paramount Pictures or CBS
Paramount Television.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hologram Doctor's (EMH) "Real Life" Family

Star Trek's Voyager NCC-74656 "Real Life" episode is the chance to see the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) starring Robert Picardo having a life with a cheerful hologram family based on the good doctors's fatalistic understanding of humanity.

Filled with fun, engaging family rows, sci-fi exploration of astral eddies, emotional outbursts and a twist at the end, Real Life will elevate your blood sugar levels to a state of happiness and leave you wiping away the tears when its over.

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The EMH designed a family Holodeck programme to begin an experiment aimed to help the Voyager medical man better understand his patients and what motivates their human minds. Unfortunately theres an unexpected side effect. The EMH photonic family Charlene (wife), Jeffrey (son), and Belle (daughter) develop devotion towards their Holodad and Holohusband which has psychological consequences for the good doctor. Happiness has arrived at long last or so it seems.

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In the opening scene the kids even argue amicably over who says goodbye first to Holodad Medical man. Charlene referee's.

"Now children little birds in their nest get along!"

"Your right mother, I'm sorry Belle you can go first" apologises Jeff.

"No it really is your turn. I did go first yesterday" declares Belle coming clean.

"Here he comes" roars Jeff in excitement.

"Alright now bright happy faces" Commands Charlene cheerfully and everyone lines up beaming! It's happy families! The EMH Holodad comes down the stairs with compliments for Charlene about his coffee and says goodbye to his loving family. Look at that image, now I ask you how often does the EMH smile like that? Real Life is full of fun lines. Heres one from the doctor.

"In fact the little woman has been asking me to bring some colleagues home for dinner! "

It came as a big surprise when B'Ellanna Torres didn't take offence picture perfect family reception which for a Klingon took restraint to endure. Fortunately Medical man EMH was spared the whiplash of her tongue. Kes was present too and Doc was only being friendly which was a pleasant change from his horrendous bed side manner aboard Voyager! Interestingly enough I wonder who would win a warring battle of the tongues. B'Ellanna or the EMH Doctor? The Klingon just didn't have the heart to tell the medical man what to do with himself so she gave in to her curiosity.

"Well Doc, tell your wife to haul out the good china. You're having company!"

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B'Ellanna Torres, Chief Engineer of Voyager gets invited to dinner. Oh No! Remember she's a Klingon with a cranky temper! Still, the Hologram doctor was eager to show off his new family. Charlene had high praise for hard working "Kenneth" and Torres was not impressed. The family turned out to be intellectual geniuses devoted to making the good doctor happy. How revolting for a Klingon!

The sugar sweet family life B'Elanna witnessed was so sweeeeet it nearly made all her teeth melt in her head. She freezes the programme, stands up and completely loses it at first but offers to help. All the EMH Hologram family need are a few personality adjustments which the doctor figures he is well equipped to deal with.....ehm....No way doc! You haven't got a prayer. If only he knew what B'Elanna really had in mind.

"It just needs a little tweaking to bring it closer to real life"

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So why not?.......When Voyager's Chief Medical Hologram Officer returns to his holo-home after a hard days work on Voyager, shock sets in . B'Elanna's little tweaking has drastically altered husband "Kenneth's" family life. Doc's adoring, tidy, stay at home wife Charlene is now rushing about the neglected house frantically searching for a lost item, so she can race out and give a talk at the Bolian Embassy.

Belle his happy little one, keen on solving Algebra problems with her father is now interested in playing Parisses Squares with older children. (Parisses Squares is a dangerous sport which even experienced players like Commander Riker can get seriously injured in.)

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Jeffrey has been transformed into a rebellious youth with an interest in loud headbanger music. He has made new, bad attitude Klingon friends, eager to prepare him for the kut'luch ceremony, a Klingon ritual that involves bloodletting in preparation for becoming a warrior.

The EMH programme tries to rectify the "B'Elanna Sabotage" by imposing "House Rules" much like a military commando and even chides Charlene when their united front weakens in front of the children. Jeffrey is furious when his holofather tells him to stop seeing his Klingon friends.

"You can't just decide who my friends will be" erupts Jeffrey angrily. Charlene agrees with this. and Jeffrey sees his chance. "Right this whole meeting is a "Vulchey" idea and you can have it without me."

Later an argument explodes between father and son. Holodad doctor Kenneth was severely creeped out over the kut'luch Ceremony knife business and confronts his son.

"Did they (Klingon friends) talk you into some kind of ritual violence?" demanded holodad EMH

"They didn't talk me into anything. I asked them. Its an honour to get to perform the kut'luch. They don't just let anybody do it. They trusted me. Now you've made me look like a human!!" Jeffrey's eyes burn furiously with blazing Klingon hate.

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

These actors Robert Picardo and Glen Harris put on a show that is just soooo fun to watch along with the adoring wife Wendy Schaal and daughter Belle, Lindsey Haun Voyager's EMH programme is skillfully played by Robert Picardo as always.
The Emergency Medical Hologram is a 3D projection of light and energy. His photons are held together by force fields and the energy matrix is projected by holoemitters located in Voyager's sickbay and Holodecks. The doctor has a 29th century mobile emitter which allows him free movement throughout the ship but like a 21st century laptop computer its technology can destabilize.

The EMH program contains a medical knowledge of 3000 cultures but unfortunately despite all this he still suffers from a curt bedside manner. Over the years the crew of Voyager have helped the doctor. The Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Voyager is a smart computer simulation with adaptive programming but unlike most holographic lifeforms Voyagers EMH has a sensitivity to being ignored with feelings and a mind of his own. It is these unique qualities, intelligence, self awareness and randomized behavioural algorithms that make this Doctor special.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3D Enterprise NCC 1701-A Wallpaper

Here is a mind warping, stunning, 3 dimensional image of the U.S.S. Enterprise-A in interstellar space cruising the deep core systems near the neutral zone within the Federation boundaries of outerspace.... Captain James T. Kirk commanding..

3D Picture Of The Week

This wallpaper image of the Enterprise-A is so hyper cosmic, I felt compelled to share this discovery with you. Enjoy Star Trek Sci Fi Blog's starship voyages warping through the plane of intergalactic space. This 3D image represents a legendary starship called Enterprise which has become an outstanding symbol and success story for all fully fledged Star Trek fans on earth.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkies.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kirk's Klingon Encounters

Kirk has always been deeply suspicious of Klingons. In 2267 aboard the K7 Deep Space Station, Korax the klingon called Kirk "an overbearing Tin Plated Dictator with delusions of Godhood and a Denibian Slime Devil." (Tribble Trouble) The klingon slagged off the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 which Mr Scott found unforgivable! (Scotty's Deep Space K-7 Shoreleave.) Chekov was outraged but Mr Scott ordered him to hold his ground, explaining that "everyones entitled to an opinion" so Chekov grudgingly sat down. The Klingon was undetered. "I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage; I meant to say that it should be hauled away *as* garbage." All hell breaks loose aboard K7 with Scotty throwing the first punch.

In 2267 the planet Organia becomes a Klingon military occupation. Kirk and Spock are trapped on the planet. They go undercover. The military Klingon Commander Korr and self declared Governor of Organia does not take prisioners but instead has many of the troublemakers snuffed out as a warning.

Image Copyright Belongs to Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Khan Noonien Singh was a human augment from the throwbacks of earth's eugenics wars. He was the ruling prince on earth worshipped by a quarter of the population between 1992 and 1996. Now defeated and exhiled the ex-prince of millions retreated with his 84 loyal subjects aboard the safety of the U.S.S. Botany Bay to escape earths orbit and recover from his war wounds. Kirk's Enterprise had the misfortune of coming to Khan's salvation. The discovery of the Botany Bay was picked up by the U.S.S. Enterprises sensors who beamed aboard to investigate this ancient sleeper ship. Year later, Khan still regarded Kirk as "his old friend" even though his cold calculating assassination attempt failed in his plot to take over the Enterprise.

"KIRK! Kirk you're still alive, my old friend..." affection is heard in the Princes voice.
"Still OLD FRIEND! You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target." responded a badly shaken Kirk, clearly enraged.

Image Copyrights Belong To Paramount
Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

In 2285 Captain James Tiberius Kirk prepared for fierce combat with the Klingon Commander Kruge superbly played by Christopher Llyod on the planet Genesis. (Commander Kruge Is a Dynamic, Powerthirsty, Merciless Klingon Warrior)Kruge did'nt care how he got his weapon of ultimate power. Killing Kirks son David and fighting Kirk was just bad timing.

This Klingon Kruge guy just happens to be a hot tempered, merciless klingon not to be trifled with. Except Kirk's done just that by blowing Kruge's USS Enterprise NCC 1701-A Invasion-force to bits, a class act as Kirk's crew beamed off the ship. Captain Kirk's experiences with brutal savage Klingons stretch far beyond Organia and the Genesis Planet.

General Chang, a likeable, sneaky Klingon brilliantly played by Christopher Plummer tried to blow Kirk and the Enterprise NCC 1701-A's crew to smithereens using a cloaked bird of prey.
"O come now Kirk, you do prefer it this way. In space all warriors are cold warriors." At least General Chang had a sense of humor.

Last but not least, our own special little Klingon Geiger Counters were hard at work in the Trouble with Tribbles Star Trek episode. The chance to observe these special furry little critters emitting purring sounds had a strangly relaxing effect on me and the tribbles kept the Klingons from turning wicked evil on K7. Here is some of the best home viewing with Kirk's encounters with Klingons.

Trouble With Tribbles (TOS)
Errand of Mercy. (TOS)
The Wrath of Khan. (TOS)
The Search for Spock (TOS)
The Undiscovered Country. (TOS)

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers. Enjoy Your Star Trekking!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 Laughs

Seven of Nine always has a flair for the dramatic. In this Star Trek Parody written for laughs by Betty Ragan, Voyagers crew are acting very strangely.

Janeway won't make that one little sacrifice to get her crew home. Hand over her coffee to some alien guys, even with her senior staff begging her! Lets make a note of this in our Star Trekking Logs and isn't Seven a sweet little ripper in this photo!

Voyager Parody

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers. Enjoy the Intergalactic Star Trekking Blog!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blake 7 and his "Liberator" Crew

Blake 7 isn't your ordinary sci-fi show. Sure, its a low budget BBC production but it has its fun moments intertwined with some very unique characters. The oppressive Earth Federation in Blake 7 aren't peaceful like Star Trek's United Federation of Planets but instead their tyrannical government specialise in mass brainwashing, torture techniques with a lust for crushing the Freedom Fighter rebellion. Blake is the brainwashed guy whose Freedom movement challenges the Federation and incurs their wrath. To begin with, Blakes ill equipped supporters are no match for the Federation and face mortal danger. The Federation is powerful and snuffs out Blake's family along with the first freedom movement he joined.

Bad news this Earth Federation. Worse again, good guy Blake becomes an outlaw after escaping the evil clutches of the Earth Federation which brainwashed him in an effort to control him. Along with prisoner champions of his own stripe, Blake gets lucky a second time round as a freedom fighter, star trekking the galaxy with his super cool alien ship.

With the help of an alien ship "Liberator" and Blake as the Leader, his merry band of intergalactic "bandits" have one primary goal. Bring the mighty Federation to its knees. However, Blake's crew of crooks, killers and smugglers suffer casualties along the way and remain high priorities on the Federation's extermination list.

Families go through pain over the loss of their loved ones, but Blake's crew are expendable losses sacrificed for the good of the cause... His crackerjack outlaws knew what they were getting into. This was going to be a dirty fight but at least now they could fight back! Blake himself is a worthy leader, dedicated to the cause with burning hatred towards his former captors which becomes his obsession. Snuffing out lives is a mere inconvenience for Blake who creates a major disruption for the Earth's oppressive Federation of Planets.

But what does this make Blake? Intergalactic Terror or Good Guy bandit...? You can judge for yourselves. The shows atmosphere is a tad dark however which makes it interesting. It doesn't show an entirely hopeful future. Lets hear it Trekkers, Aawwww..... Instead you've got sinister states, spooky guards and the heroes fighting amongst themselves in the name of freedom and personal wealth.

Blake7 Interstellar Trek

Can you really blame them? How would you feel if you were wanted on the Federation's top 50 list? And you can't seek asylum within the protection of their Earth Federation either because they'll torture you for information.

Poor devils. The show has its flaws and so do the characters, thats what makes it interesting. It even has a meek apologetic computer with a severe inferiority complex called Slave but that's another post!

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Keep on Star Trekking.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Star Trek Picard Personality Results

You are Jean-Luc Picard

A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others.

Captain Picard has given Spacerguy and his Star Trekking Blog his 100% approval Rating! Even with a daft jig on his head Picard can keep a straight face!

Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise E leaving orbit.

Image Copyrights Belongs To Paramount Pictures or CBS Paramount Television.

Here are Spacerguys results.

You are Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Will Riker
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Mr. Scott
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Sulu
Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi

Click Here To Take The Star Trek Personality Test

Go on, you know you want too, hehe. Its fun!

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers! Enjoy your Star Trekking Test!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Star Trek XI Movie Newsflash

William Shatner aka Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise 1701 has revealed to Sci Fi Wire news about the 11th Star Trek movie. J.J. Abrams creator of lost and movie director of the next Trek Feature Film has met with W. Shatner.

It has emerged that rumours about the early years of captain James T. Kirk and Spock are confirmed. Spock's and Kirks academy years will be explored by J.J. Abrams. The Enterprises 1701(Constitution Class) Legendary Captain is quoted as saying to Sci Fi Wire " Yes, we know the story is based on young Kirk"

Image Copyright Belongs To Paramount Pictures
or CBS Paramount Television

"and they told me they would like me to be part of their film, but they have yet to write the role"
So the wheels are in motion and J.J. Abrams being a Star Trek fan himself, will doubtless waste no time in finding out, where to place William Shatner's role in the movie along with Spock who incidentally is still alive on Vulcan. So no problem there.

"Its a very complex, technical problem of how to write the character in, and I'm not sure how they will solve it" admits W. Shatner to Sci Fi Wire.

Speaking as a Star Trek fan myself, I have every confidence they will.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Snowsurfing Buzz

The snow is great fun. I remember a time, when I went snowsurfing at the golf club where I worked in the Wicklow Mountains. The club was snowed under which we helped clear away and being at a loose end for the rest of the day, the lads spent 2 hours messing in the snow with a rope tied to a 4 wheel drive gator, tied to a surf board, snowsurfing!

Image Credit

It was a laugh. One guy even disappeared under the snow when the vehicle drove over a little hill. But he held on and reappeared at the other side covered in snow, white as a snowman!

When the vehicle stopped, we nearly split our sides laughing, when Fred popped up. Each of us took turns and enjoyed the same fate. It was a major snow buzz speeding down the hill through the snow drifts.

Live long and Prosper Trekkers!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bring Back Captain Kirk!

Bring Back Captain Kirk 2 has an awesome mix of dynamic characters
who fight the great cause of saving the Federation. The United
Federation of 150 planets now face a warring doomslayer. Who will
save them? Will they succeed?

This fun video has exciting imagery and special effects with a story to tell that'll make your mouth water. Guaranteed to boost your trekker spirits, BringBackKirk2 runs for 9mins and 15 secs. The movie is about to start. Enjoy the thrill!

Join the Campaign to Bring Back Captain Kirk

James T. Kirk hero worship burns in the blood of Star Trek Fans. The fans follow their stars. William's Star is alive and Burning Bright waiting for Paramount to say Allright!

Live Long and Prosper.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 4

Sure the guy is standing with his hands in his pockets in the part 3 video. Don't judge the book by it's cover or let the 1983 attire puzzle you. He's the same dude! Our friend Mr Spock!

Leonard Nimoy aka Mr spock is the coolest alien in the universe and he's donned the starfleet uniform on national tv, on his own spaceship Enterprise NCC-1701 with Kirk, Scotty, McCoy, Uhura, Checkov and Sulu. So there! scoff not! Theres sweet Star Trek stuff to be had from these playback vids. Godbless Mr Spock! and Leonard Nimoy of course. He's the real dude.

Watch Spock

"There is of course a catch that I'm sure all Star Trek fans have realised. In science fiction is death the final chapter of life or just the beginning of another story" Leonard Nimoy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 3

The Vulcan Live Long and Prosper Greeting origins are revealed by Leonard Nimoy in this Trek video and the effects controlling his emotions had on him.

Imagine being Spock, a struggling emotionless half vulcan for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week! during the filming of Star Trek. "controlling your emotions can have some strange effects on you" tells our vulcan friend in the video. How did he do it? Watch this ultimate experience.

Watch Spock

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Leonard Nimoy's Memories Part 2

Leonard Nimoy talks about his favourite episodes in this 1983 vintage video." The Enemy from Within (episode no 5, season 1) was our version of the Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde story. So we had two Kirks on board (the U.S.S. Enterprise) now. One evil and one good. Now the writer had intended that Spock would sneak up behind the evil Kirk and hit him over the head with the butt of his phaser. (Leonard voiced concern about this to his director.) There has to be a more sophisticated way of rendering a victim unconscious."

Leonard Nimoy Part2

"Spock did go to the Vulcan Institute of Technology and he studied human anatomy very carefully". Com'on. It's the 23'rd century here, not the dark ages ( as i'm sure Dr. McCoy would have put it!) "Vulcans do have the special ability to project a certain special energy from their fingertips which when properly applied to human pressure points on the neck and the shoulders the human will be rendered unconscious. The director said lets try it. "

Bill Shatner knew what Leonard Nimoy had in mind. "When I came up behind Bill and put my hand on his neck and shoulder, he really sold it. It was his reaction that makes you believe it really works! So in this scene watch Bill." Leonard enlightens the none too wise Star Trekker with Star Trek moments in time that even today are fresh and interesting to watch. Star Trek will never go out of fashion! Part 2 of 4. Watch and enjoy.

Leonard Nimoy's Memories

"The "TV" Network told Gene to get rid of the guy with the ears!...insisting that neither could the audience identify with an extraterrestrial character. Gene battled this but was finally forced into a compromise. He felt the show badly needed the character Spock."

Leonard Nimoy's Memories

"A new pilot was written. Mr Spock was number ones replacement as second in command as well as having some of the woman's computer minds qualities, vulcan, unemotionalism and logic came into being. And that's when William Shatner came onboard as the new captain of the ship and we've been friends ever since then."

"Bill shatners broader acting style created a new chemistry between the Captain and Spock...City on the edge of Forever is a classic greek tragedy, a man trapped by faith in circumstances from which there is no escape."

These excerpts are only a glimmer into Star Trek's beginnings which Leonard Nimoy reveals, quite openly in this video. This is part 1 of 4. Its vintage Star Trek going back to 1983, so sit back and enjoy!

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...