Monday, April 19, 2021

P is for Play

 P is for Play. Whose buttons are Lwaxana Troi (daughter of the fifth house of Betazed) playing around with here on the flagship bridge of the galaxy class Federation's finest?..

1.Lieutenant Worf     or 

2. USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D?

 All is not what it seems, so when Worf catches her messing at his security station, what does Mrs Lwaxana Troi call the Klingon ?....... Mr Woof.....

Live Long and prosper.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

O is for OMG! Hes a Werewolf!

 O is for OMG! Hes a Werewolf! Who was Sam Clemens referring to as a Werewolf aboard the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D?

 Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) noted American author writer extraordinaire had a gift for speaking about reality ... However, Clemens was a bit satiric towards humanity until he travelled from the 19th century to the 24th century. He meets our USS Enterprise-D buddies Worf, Data and walks Deanna arm in arm down the corridor. I think he took seeing Worf rather well actually lol.

Live Long and Prosper Trekkers!

Friday, April 16, 2021

N is for Nineteenth Century Times Arrow

 N is for Nineteenth Century Times Arrow. Captain Picard, Riker, Troi and Geordie travel back in time to rescue Data. I've pieced together an amusing gag gif with Jerry Hardin (born 1929) aka Mark Twain the writer caught red-handed by Data and Guinan. Twain has a lot of fast talking to do only it isn't flying. Data displaced in time is trying to get back to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D with Guinan's (Whoopi Goldberg) help and Twain is onto them.

CLEMENS: I must admit you've got me mystified. This contraption, for instance. It's very unusual. It looks quite futuristic. Tell me, might it have something to do with time shifts?

DATA: In a sense. The time shift is a gearing system I have invented for the horseless carriage.

CLEMENS: Hogwash!!! Do not insult me. You have come here to this century and brought your infernal technology with you for God only knows what purpose, but I have no doubt it will be the people of this century who will suffer for it.

GUINAN: My dear Mister Clemens, I do think we've heard enough. Mister Data's business is his own, and I will thank you to leave now. 

CLEMENS: Pardon me, Madam Guinan, but it is my business too. It is the business of all humanity, I believe, to stop both of you from whatever it is you are doing here. And that is what I intend to do.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


M is for Mind Games.

Its a big universe trekkies so don't let Ktarians get hold of you.. Its good to keep an open mind when travelling the galaxy but you never know who you might meet. In Star Trek, certain species can control our minds or even read our thoughts! Resisting mind control while awake is an art  but when you're asleep, boom watch out!!! 

The Ktarian headset game was brought to the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D by commander Riker himself. the whole idea was to get everyone addicted so the Ktarians could take over the Enterprise-D and then the Federation.

Star Trek's TNG The Game stars Ashley Judd who plays Robin Leftler with TNG cast in this fun and games mystery. At first something just doesn't quite add up figures Wesley Crusher so he tells his babe in Ten Forward.....

 Robins character was ranked as the 71st most important character of Starfleet within the Star Trek science fiction universe. The game device stimulates part of the pleasure brain making the user want nothing except to play hooking the crew who become addicts. Whats fun about this episode is the adult staff are chasing Crusher and Lefler around the ship because the kids have figured out "the game" is dangerous.

What games do you enjoy playing?

Live Long and prosper, Trekkers

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

L is for Star Trek Laughs

L is for Star Trek laughs. A Klingon and an Android walk into a bar...... 

Michael Dorn explains why the shoot took so long to do.



Live long and Prosper Trekkers


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Klingon Skull Stew

 K is for Klingon skull stew. Ever heard of this food? This Star Trek delicacy originated on the Klingon homeworld Kronos only to find its way to Deep Space Nine... I think it might have been viewed as a mistake? on the Replimat on DS9. 

Skull stew was never mentioned in dialog but a photo of the dish created by scenic artist Doug Drexler was seen on the wall of the Replimat

Live long and Prosper, Trekkers

Monday, April 12, 2021

J is for Picard Jam Session - Patrick Stewart

 J is for Picards jam session!!! What Picard singing? actually believe it or not Patrick Stewart

received two (Olivier Award) and others I'm sure having played many Shakespearean roles, King Claudius being one- performing in over 60 productions and Star Trek the next generation.

Question: You know why Captain Picard is such a good rapper?

He follows the rhyme directive. (Alexa) 

and he keeps a straight face at the end.... engage!

Live long and prosper, trekkers.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Immediate Impact of Federation Ships

I is for Immediate Impact of Federation Starships at Wolf 359.

"Perhaps today is a good day to die!"

Who said that now I wonder? 

Ten years later after Star Treks TNG's 'Best of Both Worlds (2366), the battle of wolf 359 (2377) gave Worf commanding the Defiant the opportunity to fly into the big bad beautiful Borg cube. Our friend Michael Dorn, in true Klingon Warrior style - Worf is preparing to go out in a blaze of glory. Yeah lets blow these Borg demons up!!! How that must have shook his crew up, hehe. 
'Prepare for ramming speed.'
Which came first, Sector 001 or Wolf 359? Who's were you rooting for the Borg, Enterprise-E or Worfs Defiant? In any case have fun watching the video trekkers. 

Friday, April 09, 2021

H is for Honest Harry's Hynotic Women

H is for Harry Mudd, honest, crafty and convincing Harry Mudd. Heres a conman who'd sell his own grandmother down the river to make some lithium... The fun begins when wheeler dealer Harry introduces his lively lovely cargo, Eve Magda and Ruth.

 "Gentlemen I look upon this work as a sacred public trust, I've devoted my whole life to it." so says Harcourt Fenton Mudd. The only thing is the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 computer doesn't believe him. Do you? Have a listen and decide....
So the ships computer answers........


Mudd is infuriated but manages to laugh and shrug it off.

Who do you believe Harry Mudd or the Computer?

Live long and prosper

Thursday, April 08, 2021

G is for Galactic Barrier

G is for Star Trek's Galactic Barrier where God resides. Its the big question. Is God really at the centre of the galaxy? In the heart of space - Logically science has confirmed negative energy force fields surrounding the Milky Way Galaxy. This cosmic phenomenon sizes up with the Van Allen Belt which Earth astronauts must pass through to achieve cosmic orbit above the moon.

Matter, energy, space objects, hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon and ultra violet radiation we know.....but the all almighty God has yet to high five us happy earthlings . Maybe a starship can take us to all corners of creation!! Travelling through the great barrier will be a dangerous mission faced with unstable cosmic phenomenon but if there’s even a chance meeting with God the journey will be worth the risk... 

Live long and prosper, trekkers.

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Star Trek Fizzbin

F is for Fizzbin so what gives? You've heard of this classic Star Trek game I'm sure - cos like everyone wants "A Piece of the Action" right? A real game that requires intelligence, not some kids game!  Captain James T. Kirk made up the perplexing game of Fizzbin to fluster his captors on Sigma Lotia II. Heres how the cards square up.

 Players are dealt six cards, except the player on the dealers right, who gets seven. The second card is turned up, except on Tuesdays, and two jacks make half a fizzbin. Don't bother trying to get a royal fizzbin as the odds are astronomical. Feel like playing?

Play Long and Prosper Trekkers


Tuesday, April 06, 2021

E is for Enslaved

E is for Enslaved by Elasian tears but could the myth be true? You might be surprised if a beautiful princess cried over you!!! Legend has it the biochemical compound of the tears of Elasian women overwhelms their victims who become romantically and emotionally obsessed with the woman as happened Captain Kirk in Star Trek's Elaan of Troyius. Its true believe me. How do you break free of the spell using the Dohlman of Elas infectious agent which acts as a aphrodisiac? Hey did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world?

live long and prosper trekkers


Monday, April 05, 2021

D is for Dabo

D is for Dabo girls so do you want to play? Bring energy credits! In Star Trek DS9 Quark's bar establishment is set up to game customers out of their dough. Security Officer Odo doesn't approve but if all you want is a bit of fun.... where’s the harm in splashin' and cashin? Dabo is similar to an Earth roulette wheel, the dabo table is attended by beautiful dabo girls, whose main function is to distract players into blowing off steam and losing their bets. You can't win unless you dabo the latinum.

Live long and Dabo.


Saturday, April 03, 2021

Cosmic Phenomenon in Space

C is for Cosmic Phenomenon but where is great space is it? Star Trek's starships USS Enterprise NCC 1701- A B C D and E have all encountered new worlds, civilizations during galactic voyages throughout the universe so think about it. Science has revealed space as mostly an empty void, with stars and planets making up little of its mass. Theres a lot more than matter and energy out there so say the experts but.... God is out there. As humanity reaches for the stars extraordinary interstellar phenomena like supernovas and comets paled in comparison to some of the cosmic anomalies in the mysterious realm of deep space but everyone wants to know.... 

 What do you say to God when you find Him with a starship?


Friday, April 02, 2021


 To B or not to B-4. Star Trek Nemesis is the big bang for B-4 brother Data. How did you react when Picard materialized on the bridge of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E only to watch Shinzon's Romulan predator bird of prey burst into flames. Why did Data deactivate his less advanced B-4 brother only for Picard to re-activate?

"All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players

Live Long and prosper Trekkers

Thursday, April 01, 2021

A is for Anya the Allasomorph

 Hi Trekkers, A is for Allasomorphs but who are they?  In keeping with for this years 2021 A to Z challenge lets kick back with some friendly Shapeshifters natives of Daled IV in Star Trek "the Dauphin" episode. These creatures are able to change their molecular structure into other lifeforms. So when Salia and Anya boarded the federations flagship USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D on stardate 42568.8 ..... I guess you might say Worf had his hands full!

Live Long and Allaso-laugh, Trekkers!

Monday, March 29, 2021


In the Trek universe, 21st century scientist Zefram Cochrane invented the faster than warp drive rocket in 2061 which shot Geordi, Riker and Zefram into the trekkie universe. So when Cochrane officially opened the warp five complex on earth in 2119, he coins the phrase 'where no man has gone before.' Now growing up I was happy believing in the power of these sacred holy Star Trek words because Captain James T. Kirk's of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 said them. (TOS) was sacred hallowed ground.

I guess our Star Trek heros are just keeping the trek dream alive but I must confess these words sent a little chill of excitement down my spine every time trek is boldly going on tv, the good ol days huh? It certainly begs the question. If Captain Kirk wasn't the first then..... 

Who was the first space explorer to say 'Where no man has gone before?' 

Zefram Cochrane 
Captain Kirk
Johnathan Archer 
Captain Picard   

 Decide now trekkers the fate of the universe depends upon it.

Live long and prosper Trekkers

Monday, March 15, 2021


Jerry Goldsmith wrote the music soundtrack for Star Trek the Motion Picture which later became the fanfare for Star Trek TNG. 1995 was the year I bought all 178 episodes of Star Trek TNG. Each season was 106 euro which wasn't cheap for me. Today you can buy a used Star Trek TNG Season 1 for £6.49 can you believe that? 

DECKER TRYING TO REVIVE ILIAS "data memory patterns"
by placing the headband on her head but why? - When Decker begins to fall for the exact replica of "Ilia" standing before him Dr McCoy speaks up.

 I got my "I AM Spock" signed biography from leonard Nimoy that year - yeah I thought things were looking good. I was only 25 ready to explore galaxies. I remember watching Star Treks first movie with friends who loved the special effects, "star trek is cool" overall TMP is a good flick - you'll appreciate the plot is drawn from the slow moving coldness of Space Odyssey and Star Trek Changeling "Nomad" whose primary mission was to scientifically investigate new life forms.


 Conversely V'ger programming is also at the heart of TMP plot. Its awesome watching lovely android Ilia makes her grand entrance to save the universe with Decker licking his wounds as the failed rightful Captain of the starship USS Enterprise NCC 1701. Meanwhile Spocks spacewalk mindmeld reveals.....


" Jim, Vgers programming is incomplete. Vger is cold, barren. This simple feeling - not possible.""Vger's asking questions, is this all that I am, is there nothing more?" - Spock

The poor machine was longing for human company all along.......

WHO do you think WON the JACKPOT in Star Trek The Motion Picture?

1. Decker gets Ilia

2. Captain Kirk gets the Enterprise  

3. V'ger gets Emotions

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers

Monday, January 25, 2021


 Hi Trekkers. To usher in 2021 heres some fun Star Trek The Next Generation blooper reels which should crack you up. These classic TNG recordings are spliced together"out-takes" showing how actors keep it together when they forget their lines, mostly by goofing off. The shows creator Gene Roddenberry even gets in on the act and If you thought Klingons didn't laugh, well guess again.

 Patrick Stewart goofs off on camera and utters the order “engage” instead of“energize,” "which is what we say in this room" Picard explains.... causing Frakes, Marina Sirtis and Colm Meaney to laugh.

The crew had long shifts and for Dorn 3.5 hours to create and transform with the Klingon ridge forehead, thankfully for Brent Spiner it took only 75 minutes to put on his metallic android paint he said. 

Live Long and Prosper, Trekkers

Monday, December 14, 2020


 Merry Christmas Trekkers, I pray everyone is staying safe. Heres my review of Star Trek TNG "Loud as a Whisper" which has a unique form of communication. The Federation is called upon yet again to solve a bitter planetary conflict.

Wesley, Riker, Picard, Troi, Data, Worf, Tasha Yar.

Image Owner/Creator: ViacomCBS
Rivas Chorus

Desperate for salvation planet Solaris V only inhabitants are unable to overpower the freedom fighters. Over the centuries - The gun is no longer fun! Yes, Warring factions call the shots literally determining the rule of law with firepower decide we can't go on murdering each other... Enough!


 Peace is in the air - when the flagship of the United Federation of Planets arrives with renowned deaf mediator Riva....only an unhappy rebel filled with rage is waiting to deliver the kiss of death.

Love, Peace, Intellect

 Riva (and his telepathic chorus of three) beam down from the safety of USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D to "speak" eloquently via hand signals conveying Riva's thoughts. 

"Riva!" (Lets get outta here)

 Unfortunately the civil war ceasefire between the two sides was a shotgun marriage. All it took was one Giant Step Forward leaving Riva's fateful communicators - Scholar, Passion and Harmony, true peace keepers disintegrated layer by layer right before our eyes, wisped away by hate gone forever. 

Solaris V Soldiers
Riva! We need You!

Some say the effect of the laser weapon is fascinating 1989 Star Trek TV! 

Riker grabbed Riva out of the line of fire. The faction lieutenants delivered swift retaliation execution for the trio meaningless "chorus murders" 

Voiceless, feeling alone, deserted, Riva's telepathic friends were not coming back.

Would you return to rebuild the "bridge" between two antagonists filled with loathing and revenge?

Does this type of  1989 CGI shock you?... 

How do you suppose did Riva mediate without his telepaths? any ideas?


Monday, November 23, 2020



Hi Trekkers, I hope everyones keeping well. Here are some jokes I got from Uhura's hailing frequencies  for you to enjoy .

What did Datas hand puppet say to Geordi in Star Trek Generations? call me Mr Tricoder!..😁!!!

Uhura: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Captain Kirk: "To boldly go where no chicken had gone before!"

How do you stay warm on a klingon bird of prey? 

Image Owner:

Engage the cloaking device!

Guess why Capt Picard is such a cool rapper? He follows the rhyme directive.

How many ears does Spock have? Three. Left, Right and the final front ear.

Who's the No1 soccer player on the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D?

Commander William T Striker!

Live long and Prosper, Trekkers 

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So analysis  has begun with Star Trek Picard's trailer... after a 17 year TNG hiatus some of trek's icons have returned. Here we ca...